I'm sort of curious to see how many Lemmings have PS3, how many Cows have Xbox 360, how many Sheep have one or both of the HD Twins, how many Hermits have consoles, how many consolites have gaming rigs, etc etc....
Right now, I currently have a gaming PC from 2009 that is due for an upgrade, an iMac, two PS3's (1 60gb fat / 1 160gb slim NIB), two Xbox 360's (both slim / 1 NIB), two Wii's (1 black / 1 white), Nintendo 3DS (Flame Red), two PS2's (silver slim / black slim NIB), three Xbox's (1 NIB), two Gamecube's (1 silver / 1 indigo), two PSX's, two Dreamcast's, two Nintendo 64's, iPod Touch 64gb 4th generation & an iPhone 4.
My favorite console is the Playstation 3. I like the exclusive games for it the best, like Demon's Souls, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3, Disgaea, Heavy Rain, ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Killzone and Resistance. All of those franchises and games are literally some of my favorites from this entire generation. The PC, 360, Wii 3DS and App Store also have a bunch of games and franchises that I enjoy, but just not as many.
I also like the durability and scratch resistance of blu ray discs. DualShock 3 is my favorite controller, with the best comfort, 10-bit analog precision for the analog sticks as opposed to the 8-bit used by Xbox 360, the same 8-bit used in last generation controllers. I also like the pressure sensitive buttons, Sixaxis support, and rechargable battery as standard.
The fact that PSN is free is another added bonus. Plus, I'm not a PSN Plus member, but the service really seems like a lot of bang for your buck.
The most important contributing factor to my decision comes down to the games. I get all my multi-platform games on PS3, because I can play them online for free on PSN, my friends are on PSN and not on Xbox Live, disc durability, games are all on 1 disc, and multi-platform games on PS3 occasionally come with extra full retail games and/or additional content.
My least favorite console is the Xbox 360. I like my 360, but it is my least played console of this generation. I have had a cloth laying on top of it for the last year so it doesn't collect dust. I only use my 360 for the exclusives, and those are few and far between. I had a blast with Halo Reach, and most recently, Forza 4, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and Gears of War 3. I have around 40 games for Xbox 360, most of which are great games, so it isn't like I haven't researched and discovered games within the Xbox 360 library. It's just that in terms of time played, I have spent the least amount of time playing my 360. I have spent much more time playing the Wii, 3DS, PS3, PC and even Apple devices than I have my 360, and with the new focus on Kinect, I don't expect that to change.
I think Kinect is a gimmick, and a poorly executed one at that. The main problem I have with Kinect is that the controls don't always work, they don't always register. That's a broken control apparatus when your inputs aren't being registered. An even bigger problem that I have with Kinect is that it is limited to on-rails, and I do not like games that are on-rails, in fact those are my least favorite segments in Gears of War, the on-rail segments. If you want to see an example of Kinect going off-rails, look at the video review for Rise of Nightmares, a complete joke if you ask me. It bugs me that their entire focus is revolved around this joke of a peripheral.
I also can't help but think that Xbox Live is a scam. I was an Xbox Live subscriber last generation on Xbox, playing games like Halo 2 and Rainbow Six 3, but Xbox Live really differentiated itself back then from other consoles in terms of an online experience. This generation, the gap has been closed, and PS3 offers a nearly identical experience online. The only thing that remains the same is Xbox Live charging an annual fee. I know this is partially my fault, but one reason I refuse to get Xbox Live is because last generation, I subscribed to Xbox Live and paid for 1 year up front, and I sold my Xbox about 6 months into my subscription. 6 months later, Microsoft automatically charged me for an additional year of Xbox Live, because once you sign up with your credit card, it keeps on adding years and automatically charging you unless you go out of your way to call their customer service and cancel it. So I ended up paying an additional $50 bucks for absolutely nothing.
One last thing I want to go into that I dislike about the Xbox 360 is the fact that all of the peripherals are overpriced, and you're forced to buy Microsoft brand. I spent like $130 bucks on a 250gb harddrive, that is extremely overpriced. Wii allows 3rd party SD cards, PS3 allows SATA harddrives, why is the Xbox 360 proprietary only? Greed? You bet. Get this, there was a competing 3rd party selling Xbox 360 harddrives on Ebay and Amazon for half the price. These 3rd party harddrives worked perfectly fine with the 360, and were a legitimate substitute, but Microsoft got word of the competition, and released a firmware update for the 360 that rendered these 3rd party harddrives incompatible with the 360, and in many reports that I read in reviews, were actually causing the 3rd party harddrives to brick consoles. That is a very underhanded and shady business tactic.
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