I will just post what imo Sony did wrong
1. Release a year after 360, with a worst GPU and almost double price
2. Did not have many games to begin with, still has given me only one title i loved hugely, Demon Soul and has very few games of the quality i like that iwant to buy(long, deep, varied ones)
What is Sony doing wrong
3. It is copying Wii controls, when 360 has next gen Kinect technology, need extra hardware for more than one gamers
4. Is still double the price of the 149$ Arcade 360 model
So, they could easilly turn the tables with some effort, like abandon all those short linear exclusives and make more games like Demon Soul, where on earth is my Demon Soul 2 ? Why would i bother with all the announced racers and shooters ? I barely like racing and shooting
ur post is very contradicting itself. It's also based on ur personal opinion. Sony is offering a lot of exclusive games, you may not like them but that doesn't mean they are bad. Sony is copying a very successful tool, when you are over the copying thing, how are they wrong about that ? MS is giving us an improved Eyetoy which has very limited use in games, if you are really into games like DS, they i would expect you wait and see and dun praise Natal yet. The 149$ arcade is a defective console imo, it's like an x360 who had an accident and lost part of it .... consoles this generation are useless without HDD which cost alot in x360's case ...... and as far as i know the arcade model is in its final days now, the new Slim model is replacing all the current models.We can agree that lineup is personal opinion, but all i see is praise for the "hardcore" games on PS3, when in fact a hardcore game is a deep, long and varied game, like Zelda, Demon Soul, Mass Effect etc and 360 just has a far more huge lineup of such titles imo
Wii controls are terrible to me, hate holding two separate things in hand and with wires, Move is a bit better, but when Nav comes in it is as bad, that is why i consider Kinect far better myself, does not use anything other than hands or a standard pad, also Kinect is far more advanced and can have a million time more uses in games than Wii and Move actually, it offers full body immersion in a game, a first for a gaming system
The 149$ Arcade plays all, 100%, every and each one of Xbox 360 game library, a HDD is not needed at all if you have a USB memory stick that i doubt anyone is without these days, MS had a new patch that enabled USB sticks to be used as HDD, so a HDD is definatly not needed at all anymore, only for movies maybe or if you want to keep multiple games installed, again a 16GB stick can fit 3+ game installs
Also a new SlimArcade model has been confirmed to come later in the year, maybe keeping the 149$ price, even at 199$ would still be 100% functional and 100$ less than PS3
you still look at this from ur point of view. first of all the definition of hardcore games vary widely and very contraversial, so you can't say exclude games like GOW3, U2, infamous ...etc from being hardcore while picking up the game you like (mostly non-Sony games from what i am seeing) as hardcore. Again you are stating ur opinion about the Wii and apply them for the Move. Let's talk facts here, Wii mote is successful and there is a huge chance for Move to do so, it just needs good pricing and games to be worth it, i can tell Sony can make wonders with games coz it has massive first party support, but the price is still high imo. Kinect use is very limited in games, for further info, watch the latest MS confrence, it was very funny watching what they wanna sell us as games :lol: . The x360 waihout HDD is still useless, coz no downloadable live games can be played. right ? I saw you in the oher thread exciting about Dust and Limbo, How could you play them without HDD?. USB support is limited to certain types of USB storage meduims at 16 GB max !! Finally the cheaper price comes with less capabilities and less functinality ..... you can't bend the truth.
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