For my birthday I bought myself a Razer Onza TE and I love it, I play better on both Xbox 360 AND PC. My group session has an Xbox 360 and I bring it their since they're short on controllers, I was practically dominating everyone yet I don't even play CoD or Gears of War. On PC I manage to make it to the top 3 on my team in most games like Crysis 2, BlackLight Retribution, even in TF2 I manage to pull of headshots from far distances with a sniper using as huntsman bow. People found it hard to believe I was playing with a controller in PC shooters. I've tried using it in Tribes Ascend but my only problem is that you can't adjust the sensitivity for controllers so it can hard sometimes if a enemy is moving faster than me.
I love the remapable triggers, it allow you to do more functions like a mouse and keyboard that you can't do with a normal controller like jump, aim, and reload all at the sametime. The sad thing is you can't map D-pad stuff to it.
I started abusing this function in gears of war which really made me an epic wall bouncer which made my group mates rage and wanted to take my controller from me.
My expectations for Sony and Microsoft next gen is to release a controller that is at least like the Razer Onza, if they just rehash the same gamepad with no extra buttons or improved deadzone I'm going to be disappointed.
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