Let's try to leave out answers like "it already did" and try to look at what the PC would need to give the consoles a run for their money:
- better OS. Windows just plain sucks. Linux is free and far better. Sure, it doesn't support DirectX, but look at what PS3 and Wii deliver under OpenGL for their respective hardware.
- more multiplats. It's discouraging that big multiplat games like L.A. Noire and RDR don't come to the PC platform.
- more standardized hardware. Currently PC gaming consists of a whole lot of different configurations and obviously it's hard to develop for every different PC out there. So what there would need to be is a "rounded-up" configuration that would be seen as a standard. Of course games could still utilize the extra power (or run on worse hardware) but that would be up to the devs. 100% gamepad support is a must too.
- more games that trully take advantage of the PC platform. That doesn't mean just a little supped-up console ports but games that really are much better on the PC platform. If it worked out several years ago it could now too.
- more advertising. Publishers should advertise the PC versions as the best.
- more sequels to classic PC games. I'm talking games like Magic Carpet, Ultima Underword, Discworld and so on. Of course these games could also be for the consoles but the focus should be on the PC versions.
- a standardized online service. Xbox has Live, Sony has PSN but the PC has nothing like that. Maybe Stream comes close but it needs to expand to be comparable.
- much less buggy games, compatibility issues and protection problems. That's really what I think is the biggest problem with PC gaming. Even big PC games like The Witcher are a "buggy mess" when they are released and you have to wait for patches to make the game playlable. I'm sure this turns off many from PC gaming too.
And lastly: the platform needs something to attract the masses to game on it. The Wii has the Wiimote, the 360 has the Kinect and the PS3 has the Move. What does the PC have? I think it needs something like that too if it wants to attract people who aren't really into games.
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