A true Gearbox Duke Nukem game (DNF was alright but with more time and a TURE dev team working on it I think it could really work)
Brink 2 (Focus on multiplayer or if you want to include single player into the game then improve the AI and make it actually fun and interesting rather than interesting but a FAILURE in execution)
Elder Scrolls 6 (Self explanatory, really)
Thief 4 (The true "assassin" needs to make a comeback)
KOTOR 3 (Obvious reasons are obvious)
Sims 4 (Or Sim City 5 for all you real Sims fans...I'm more looking forward to the Sims 4. It's like one of my favorite games ever the third one)
WoW Expansion that WON'T suck (I can dream, can't I?)
Half-Life 3/Episode 3 (No comment needed)
Bastion 2 (There are some games that should remain an amazing game that can only be played once in a life time and this can be one of them....but...COME ON! Please!:()
Bully 2 (I rather enjoyed Bully and would love a college themed school ground this time around)
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic 2 (Imagine the combat of this game in an open world environment, this is one instance where I would say "Skyrim....eat it.")
Trine 3 (The series is really amazing, it would be nice to finsih on a high note if they could)
Deus Ex 2 (Invisble War never happened....it never happened....it never happened....)
Sains Row the Fourth (The madness never stops)
Space Marine 2 (More carnage....I NEED MORE CARNAGE)
Shogun 3 (Not desperately need but would be nice to see)
Sanctum 2 (Really neat game, highly recommend and would LOVE to see a sequel)
Fallout 4 (With developers on all sides come in. Yes this includes Bethesda as well...)
Call of Juarez 4 (Set the game in the damn western era you idiots)
That's about it....really...may edit if something else comes to mind. :P
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