My thoughts (guesses) on some of the big 2011 titles:
The Last Guardian - I think The Last Guardian will be amazing, but many won't enjoy/connect with it, much like SotC, Ico, Limbo, Braid. Not sure what the critical reception will be like, but I'm guessing that if it isn't a critically acclaimed title, it will be a massive cult hit.
Crysis 2 - I think Crysis 2 will be mediocre, with only its PC counter parts graphics offering anything that really stands out (unless the console version held that aspect back).
Killzone 3 - I think it will be a quality shooter for the PS3. It's scores will depend on what it's compared to, which will depend on what's out at the time. If all the excitement behind CoD & Halo has dried up, it will probably score quite well. I'm not sure on the release date, but if titles such as Brink or Bulletstorm are released around the same time & offer something new & exciting, Killzone may fair quite poorly in comparison.
Dead Space 2 - I expect a quality title with high production values & an exciting single player. I'm not sure how it will compare to the first, but I expect a solid game nonetheless. As for the multiplayer, I'm expecting a buzz for a month or two but it will probably quickly die out. As a result, I think DS2 will be looked back on as a disappointment simply because the multiplayer left a sour taste.
Little Big Planet 2 - I really don't know what to think about LBP2. Sure, the levels are impressive, but they're mostly copies of other games that do it better. Perhaps the improvements on the first & the massive potential behind it will pull it across the line, but until I've played it I can't make a proper guess.
Dragon Age Origins 2 - I'm expecting a Mass Effect 2. PC community will be up in arms but the game will be an overall beter experience & another big hit.
Diablo 3 - Megahit that will last decades. It's Blizzard we're talking about.
Gears of War 3 - Won't flop. Looks amazing & has some great looking new modes. It looks to be the only quality exclusive of 2011 for the 360, but it is one worth waiting for. Gears gets a lot of hate around here, I don't know why though. Maybe they find the overly macho style off putting? The gameplay is solid though, & I haven't played anything like it, except Vanquish (which I enjoyed but ultimately preferred Gears).
Overall, I think Crysis 2 looks to be the most likely to flop, though DS2 wouldn't surprise me also.
Edit: Oh yeah, Star Wars MMO. That takes the prize. With WoW entering Cataclysm (which is awesome) & the trouble rumoured to be surrounding the Star Wars MMO, I expect it, along with almost every other contender to fail. (There are a few that have carved a small piece of the market though, such as Guild Wars)
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