Othe than the obvious COD etc. and off the top of my head:
Demon/Dark Souls, MGSIV, resident Evil 4 and the Dead rising series.
I do a podcast on games with my mates, and I sort of wanted to do my own site on stuff. So I play and hear enough reactions to get a general idea of why someone likes a thing. That doesn't necessarily mean I agree, or even need to agree. Just understand and move on. Plus I like reading a lot of stuff and watching a lot of stuff on game design. I like playing a game and looking at how all the pieces come together to evoke something or create a certain response out of the player.
There is nothing really crazy about it, it's just a matter of, of the things I'm going to bitch about when it comes to video games, one of them isn't going to be "I just do not get why people find this fun?" or whatever, because that's a bit too pompous. Maybe Animal Crossing might fit, because that game is a work simulator, but structurally it's skinnerboxish, so even then I get it. Plus it's visually charming, the music is rad, the gamecube had these neat minigames in it.
I didn't mean it like that. I don't think it's crazy that you do things the way you do. It's just that when I understand something, that really changes me. It's kinda crazy that there is such a difference in how we use that knowledge. Or get used by it. It's cool.
Funny. When I ask something like 'Why do people think this is fun?" I wouldn't do that to sound pompous. That would be a legit question because I really want to understand what makes people tick. (To make it my own? I do have to appear at least a little bit human.) That kind of stuff gets me into a lot of trouble on forums. Takes a lot of words to write what you want to write, if you don't know how people will read it.
TES III: Morrowind
Did you play it when it was new?
Admittedly no (my first ES game was Oblivion). But I see people still defend this one every time Oblivion and Skyrim are brought up. I can't stand the fact that it's slow and cumbersome (can't run if you're low on energy, which I suppose is realistic, but it really slows the action in an action RPG, even hit detection is a problem then, though I'm not sure if that's deliberate or Bethesda couldn't code hit boxes worth crap at the time). It's sad I feel this way about it (and I'm still trying to beat it), because in ES Universe, the Dunmer are my favorite race and they are the first one I go to every time I start a new ES.
TES III: Morrowind
Did you play it when it was new?
Admittedly no (my first ES game was Oblivion). But I see people still defend this one every time Oblivion and Skyrim are brought up. I can't stand the fact that it's slow and cumbersome (can't run if you're low on energy, which I suppose is realistic, but it really slows the action in an action RPG, even hit detection is a problem then, though I'm not sure if that's deliberate or Bethesda couldn't code hit boxes worth crap at the time). It's sad I feel this way about it (and I'm still trying to beat it), because in ES Universe, the Dunmer are my favorite race and they are the first one I go to every time I start a new ES.
Playing Oblivion first must have completety destroyed Morrowind for you. Very understandable, but sad like you said. The gameplay wasn't atrocious at that time, but extremely outdated now. What people defend in the game is probably more the setting, lore, environments and soundtrack rather than the gameplay. To me, Morrowind is worth it to revisit only because of the great atmosphere, if you can get past the outdated-ness. It's still unmatched by later ES games in that department, imo.
@jasonofa36: yeah no one liked RE6 lol. Terrible game.
You'd be surprised by the number of people who liked it.
@uninspiredcup: Why should you be able to quick-save? That would be like having a built-in cheat system.
Depends on how it's used. Checkpoint systems essenailly force multiple quick-saves as well as segmenting content with no ability to revisit it without replaying through a barrage of cutscenes.
RTCW itself uses autosaves for the start of the level, the rest is up to the player - one of the many reasons this sucks butt while RTCW is man game.
So you're not good enough to fight to a check point? That's pathetic, sniper/jankarop.
@uninspiredcup: Why should you be able to quick-save? That would be like having a built-in cheat system.
Depends on how it's used. Checkpoint systems essenailly force multiple quick-saves as well as segmenting content with no ability to revisit it without replaying through a barrage of cutscenes.
RTCW itself uses autosaves for the start of the level, the rest is up to the player - one of the many reasons this sucks butt while RTCW is man game.
So you're not good enough to fight to a check point? That's pathetic, sniper/jankarop.
Honestly though, checkpoint system on games are crap. Quick-saves and manual saves should be a part of games, especially on FPSes.
TES III: Morrowind
Did you play it when it was new?
Admittedly no (my first ES game was Oblivion). But I see people still defend this one every time Oblivion and Skyrim are brought up. I can't stand the fact that it's slow and cumbersome (can't run if you're low on energy, which I suppose is realistic, but it really slows the action in an action RPG, even hit detection is a problem then, though I'm not sure if that's deliberate or Bethesda couldn't code hit boxes worth crap at the time). It's sad I feel this way about it (and I'm still trying to beat it), because in ES Universe, the Dunmer are my favorite race and they are the first one I go to every time I start a new ES.
Playing Oblivion first must have completety destroyed Morrowind for you. Very understandable, but sad like you said. The gameplay wasn't atrocious at that time, but extremely outdated now. What people defend in the game is probably more the setting, lore, environments and soundtrack rather than the gameplay. To me, Morrowind is worth it to revisit only because of the great atmosphere, if you can get past the outdated-ness. It's still unmatched by later ES games in that department, imo.
The gameplay is actually far superior to Oblivion/Skyrim. The hit detection is not a problem, but deliberate. Improve your skills, and you stop missing. Sure, it would be great if someone other than Bethesda were to remake the game with animations that show the enemies actually dodging your attacks, but with a little imagination, the combat isn't really that bad. At least the game is somewhat challenging, which can't be said about Oblivion or Skyrim.
@uninspiredcup: Why should you be able to quick-save? That would be like having a built-in cheat system.
Depends on how it's used. Checkpoint systems essenailly force multiple quick-saves as well as segmenting content with no ability to revisit it without replaying through a barrage of cutscenes.
RTCW itself uses autosaves for the start of the level, the rest is up to the player - one of the many reasons this sucks butt while RTCW is man game.
So you're not good enough to fight to a check point? That's pathetic, sniper/jankarop.
Honestly though, checkpoint system on games are crap. Quick-saves and manual saves should be a part of games, especially on FPSes.
It's for consoles, basically. On a pc you just bang F5, on a console the player would be having to go to the menu, so, in order not to interrupt the flow, constant steam of saves - which are so close to together death or any sense of tension is an inconvenience at best. And, if it's a terrible checkpoint system, horrid repetition through bad design.
The game in general is a bad console port. Technically the mouse and keyboard should be superior for every FPS, but here it has controls like Shift+ CTRL (try pushing that on your keyboard while using WASD) - Alt +S for a an extra crouch (which is pointless why not just use crouch?) and a delayed weapon wheel much like DOOM to accommodate the thumb-stick - which is counter-intuitive to fast-paced gameplay.
Id seemed rather ashamed of Wolfenstein 2009 - touting TNO are saving the franchise, which is odd, since even compared to 2009, let alone the brillaint RTCW it is what a kids would call "wack".
Another thing not brought up as well, before EA started shipping a crappy 4 hour scripted SP, MP with a unlockathon pay2win MP, RTCW shipped with a great 11 hour SP and and a astounding team based MP, which was played by a community for almost a decade on.
About the only regard TNO is better than RTCW is stealth, which was genuinely terrible in RTCW.
It's worth noting, RTCW uses cutscenes, but they are at the start of a level or a boss, typically about 10 seconds long.
Further more, it uses cinematic scripted sequences., but sparingly without taking control away from the player or turning into a exceptionally bad "press X" with fake, timed tension to be done in a specific order.
The bit where the SS Troopers start parachuting down (these fuckers are practically walking tanks and can almost 1-2 kill the player) is an excellent example of cinematic gameplay without being an obnoxious determent to the gameplay, on the contrary, it enhanced it becoming more impactful rather than redundantly banging the player on the head.
Instead of incrementally introducing them through kewl-kewl press X cinematic half a dozen appear out of nowhere making the player intimidated - which is great.
Overall RTCW is Gray Matters Interactive's little masterpiece with MachineGames TNO being a big pile of shit that should be killed with fire.
@NathanDrakeSwag U MAD! lol. Nothing to coutner wat i said. Like i said DONT respond back cuz u r to stupid too debate me. Only thing ur stupid brain can say is * DUH U a lemon* * DUH U a masterpiece DUH* LOL :
You're trying way too hard there kid. No need to type in broken English to avoid exposing you're another nyadc alt.
@uninspiredcup: Why should you be able to quick-save? That would be like having a built-in cheat system.
Depends on how it's used. Checkpoint systems essenailly force multiple quick-saves as well as segmenting content with no ability to revisit it without replaying through a barrage of cutscenes.
RTCW itself uses autosaves for the start of the level, the rest is up to the player - one of the many reasons this sucks butt while RTCW is man game.
So you're not good enough to fight to a check point? That's pathetic, sniper/jankarop.
Honestly though, checkpoint system on games are crap. Quick-saves and manual saves should be a part of games, especially on FPSes.
It's for consoles, basically. On a pc you just bang F5, on a console the player would be having to go to the menu, so, in order not to interrupt the flow, constant steam of saves - which are so close to together death or any sense of tension is an inconvenience at best. And, if it's a terrible checkpoint system, horrid repetition through bad design.
The game in general is a bad console port. Technically the mouse and keyboard should be superior for every FPS, but here it has controls like Shift+ CTRL (try pushing that on your keyboard while using WASD) - Alt +S for a an extra crouch (which is pointless why not just use crouch?) and a delayed weapon wheel much like DOOM to accommodate the thumb-stick - which is counter-intuitive to fast-paced gameplay.
Id seemed rather ashamed of Wolfenstein 2009 - touting TNO are saving the franchise, which is odd, since even compared to 2009, let alone the brillaint RTCW it is what a kids would call "wack".
Another thing not brought up as well, before EA started shipping a crappy 4 hour scripted SP, MP with a unlockathon pay2win MP, RTCW shipped with a great 11 hour SP and and a astounding team based MP, which was played by a community for almost a decade on.
About the only regard TNO is better than RTCW is stealth, which was genuinely terrible in RTCW.
It's worth noting, RTCW uses cutscenes, but they are at the start of a level or a boss, typically about 10 seconds long.
Further more, it uses cinematic scripted sequences., but sparingly without taking control away from the player or turning into a exceptionally bad "press X" with fake, timed tension to be done in a specific order.
The bit where the SS Troopers start parachuting down (these fuckers are practically walking tanks and can almost 1-2 kill the player) is an excellent example of cinematic gameplay without being an obnoxious determent to the gameplay, on the contrary, it enhanced it becoming more impactful rather than redundantly banging the player on the head.
Instead of incrementally introducing them through kewl-kewl press X cinematic half a dozen appear out of nowhere making the player intimidated - which is great.
Overall RTCW is Gray Matters Interactive's little masterpiece with MachineGames TNO being a big pile of shit that should be killed with fire.
Wow, you must be really shitty at games, sniper/jankarop.
Game of War.
I gave it an honest chance for 3 months (I completed each and every "quest" every single day and all of my troops were always out gathering) but it sucked dead donkey balls. The best part of the game were the other people in my alliance who had the same problems I had.
You exist in a world populated by other players that are OverPoweredAsFuck. There is literally a billion to one power difference. You can spend a month fortifying your city only to be decimated by another player who takes absolutely no damage in the encounter.
You have to spend all your time buying and turtling behind peace shields which limit your options. When you send out troops to gather gold they are completely vulnerable as they can't fight back.
The power differential is retarded and game breaking. There is a mechanic in the game that allows you to rescue your hero after your city has been attacked (another kick to the balls because it takes a week for your hero to die, he/she never escapes). You've lost everything so you can't rescue right away, even if you spend days retraining troops the attacker is likely to have hundreds of millions if not billions more power than you.
The game is laggy as hell which exacerbates other problems the game has.
Most of the game is just tapping and waiting for timers.
You acquire chests as rewards, a lot of chests, hundreds even thousands of them that you have to open
I left the game with 500-600 unopened chests.
You can play without spending cash but the entire game is rigged to eke cash out of you at every turn. I spent enough money to always have the bonus quests available (another timer) thinking that I wasn't putting enough effort into the game. It didn't make any difference.
In the end it's just not fun. Even if you dump a ton of money into the game (thousand$) and enjoy beating down other struggling players there really isn't any depth, the whole thing is a chore.
No I understand perfectly fine why people like something I don't.
Hmm but if you really understood it then wouldn't you start liking it too?
That's how it works with fetishes for me. If I can rationally explain why people are into a certain thing then it kinda works for me too. Unless the reason is 'they don't know better'. Or (kind of the same answer) them not making certain associations that you do.
Nope. Understanding it is not a prerequisite to accepting that people have different preference.
TES III: Morrowind
Did you play it when it was new?
Admittedly no (my first ES game was Oblivion). But I see people still defend this one every time Oblivion and Skyrim are brought up. I can't stand the fact that it's slow and cumbersome (can't run if you're low on energy, which I suppose is realistic, but it really slows the action in an action RPG, even hit detection is a problem then, though I'm not sure if that's deliberate or Bethesda couldn't code hit boxes worth crap at the time). It's sad I feel this way about it (and I'm still trying to beat it), because in ES Universe, the Dunmer are my favorite race and they are the first one I go to every time I start a new ES.
In Morrowind you hit or miss via unseen "rolls" in the background mechanics based on your skills rather than what you see on the screen, alot of console players didn't get this, you're not alone - it was pretty standard for PC games at the time and previously, but there was nothing really equivalent on consoles and it simply wasn't explainined in game. This is doubled if you played Skyrim or Oblivion where it was the opposite mechanic.
As for running and being slow etc. if you levelled up well it stopped being an issue fairly quickly but, again, the mechanic for doing so isn't explained well. Finding the boots of speed and learning how to counter its curse solved all this :P
I'd really suggest trying morrowind with a few combat mods to make combat more like Oblivion's because the setting of the game absolutely guts its sequels, its a masterpiece.
Mass Effect. Thought it was cool til I got to that part with the dune buggy thing. Ugh.
The Witcher 3. Picked it up against my better judgement since I dont like sandbox games during the Xbox sale. The story is boring, the activities are time sinks and the combat controls are clunky. I cant believe this game gets as much hype as it does like 'best game ever' hype. It needs to decide if it wants to be an action game or an RPG. The dialogue makes the game a slog for me. I'm gonna trudge thru it hopefully.
I also picked up Arkham Knight and its a much better game to me. I get why people hate the batmobile though but still.
Divinity Original Sin. It just does too much stuff. I hate micromanagement in games unless its actually in an RTS control scheme.
Path of the Exile. Another game that has bloat substituting as content. Won game of the year here. Thats when I knew GS had lost it.
The Witcher 3. Picked it up against my better judgement since I dont like sandbox games during the Xbox sale. The story is boring, the activities are time sinks and the combat controls are clunky. I cant believe this game gets as much hype as it does like 'best game ever' hype. It needs to decide if it wants to be an action game or an RPG. The dialogue makes the game a slog for me. I'm gonna trudge thru it hopefully.
So true. Dialogues are soo boring and badly written that i forced to skip over n over again. not to mention incredibly shallow characters like ciri and yenifer.
i even found geralt extremely boring and dull.
story in witcher 3 is very overrated because game is badly written.
Othe than the obvious COD etc. and off the top of my head:
Demon/Dark Souls, MGSIV, resident Evil 4 and the Dead rising series.
You really can't understand how people like Dark Souls?
@DragonfireXZ95: No, its a mind numbingly boring, repetitive mess of a game IMO. Dont see why people like it. Its like someone took loads of half arsed ideas, thew them into a mixer, slapped it all together with crap lore and horrific voice acting and called it a game. -"Buh buh but it must be because you not hardcore enough!"
Of course, this is just my opinion; nothing to get upset over.
@DragonfireXZ95: No, its a mind numbingly boring, repetitive mess of a game IMO. Dont see why people like it. Its like someone took loads of half arsed ideas, thew them into a mixer, slapped it all together with crap lore and horrific voice acting and called it a game. -"Buh buh but it must be because you not hardcore enough!"
Of course, this is just my opinion; nothing to get upset over.
I've heard Dark Souls called a lot of things, but repetitive? Yeah... Never heard that one.
@DragonfireXZ95: No, its a mind numbingly boring, repetitive mess of a game IMO. Dont see why people like it. Its like someone took loads of half arsed ideas, thew them into a mixer, slapped it all together with crap lore and horrific voice acting and called it a game. -"Buh buh but it must be because you not hardcore enough!"
Of course, this is just my opinion; nothing to get upset over.
I've heard Dark Souls called a lot of things, but repetitive? Yeah... Never heard that one.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
@DragonfireXZ95: No, its a mind numbingly boring, repetitive mess of a game IMO. Dont see why people like it. Its like someone took loads of half arsed ideas, thew them into a mixer, slapped it all together with crap lore and horrific voice acting and called it a game. -"Buh buh but it must be because you not hardcore enough!"
Of course, this is just my opinion; nothing to get upset over.
I've heard Dark Souls called a lot of things, but repetitive? Yeah... Never heard that one.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
@DragonfireXZ95: No, its a mind numbingly boring, repetitive mess of a game IMO. Dont see why people like it. Its like someone took loads of half arsed ideas, thew them into a mixer, slapped it all together with crap lore and horrific voice acting and called it a game. -"Buh buh but it must be because you not hardcore enough!"
Of course, this is just my opinion; nothing to get upset over.
I've heard Dark Souls called a lot of things, but repetitive? Yeah... Never heard that one.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
I've heard Dark Souls called a lot of things, but repetitive? Yeah... Never heard that one.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
I can always understand why people like a game that I dont like. It's just the GOTY AND GENERATION part I fail to sometimes understand why out of all the games.
I think the closest that fits the tread title for me are the Musou/Warrior games or whatever you call them. The shit just doesnt click even though the formula of some of them kinda sound appealing.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Wow, you really can't admit that you suck at the game, can you? It has to be repetitive, not difficult. Talk about a case of narcissism.
I must have missed something then. Let me just go try it out again to see dying and re-spawning a million times isnt repetitive ...actually no, id rather not.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Again, that's what happens when you suck at a game. You need to try again until you succeed. If that's "repetitive", pretty much all games are repetitive. I believe you're not very good at the game, died a bunch of times and had to kill the same enemies again, got annoyed by this and now blame the game for being repetitive rather than yourself for not being skilled enough to progress.
You're basically saying "Dark Souls is repetitive because you have to kill the same enemies over and over again.". You only need to kill the same enemies over and over again if you don't succeed, or maybe if you want to grind something. In other words, you suck at the game. Stop calling the game repetitive when it's your own skills that are to blame.
So it's repetitive when you suck? Yeah, that goes for a lot of games.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Again, that's what happens when you suck at a game. You need to try again until you succeed. If that's "repetitive", pretty much all games are repetitive. I believe you're not very good at the game, died a bunch of times and had to kill the same enemies again, got annoyed by this and now blame the game for being repetitive rather than yourself for not being skilled enough to progress.
You're basically saying "Dark Souls is repetitive because you have to kill the same enemies over and over again.". You only need to kill the same enemies over and over again if you don't succeed, or maybe if you want to grind something. In other words, you suck at the game. Stop calling the game repetitive when it's your own skills that are to blame.
Ok, so basically what you are saying is that its a repetitive game. Thanks for clarifying.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Again, that's what happens when you suck at a game. You need to try again until you succeed. If that's "repetitive", pretty much all games are repetitive. I believe you're not very good at the game, died a bunch of times and had to kill the same enemies again, got annoyed by this and now blame the game for being repetitive rather than yourself for not being skilled enough to progress.
You're basically saying "Dark Souls is repetitive because you have to kill the same enemies over and over again.". You only need to kill the same enemies over and over again if you don't succeed, or maybe if you want to grind something. In other words, you suck at the game. Stop calling the game repetitive when it's your own skills that are to blame.
Ok, so basically what you are saying is that its a repetitive game. Thanks for clarifying.
You are very childish and stupid. Thanks for clarifying.
You dying doesn't make the game repetitive. That makes you suck at the game. Deal with it man. Jesus.
Please provide a list of all those awesome games that you are playing where you don't have to try again when you fail.
Yeah, I must not have been hardcore enough for it like you are. I bet you went through the whole game without dying once or even re-spawning one single enemy by using the same copy pasted fireplace with a sword in it - top player, well done.
Dunno. I didn't die all that much, especially in Dark Souls 3. It wasn't enough for the game to get repetitive. Also, if you can't beat it, there's not much grounds for you to say that it's repetitive.
Repetitive, by definition, is the same thing over and over again. But, if the game is designed in a way where progressing through the game isn't repetitive, then that means that just because you die over and over again, that does not make the game repetitive. It makes the game difficult. So, the game was difficult for you, not repetitive.
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Wow, you really can't admit that you suck at the game, can you? It has to be repetitive, not difficult. Talk about a case of narcissism.
No, me sucking at the game doesn't stop it from being repetitive. As usual though the Dark Souls defense crew are out to use the same, juvenile "you must suck at it!" comment.
Im 36, I grew up playing games that are much harder than Dark Souls could ever be, iv sucked so bad at games like Counter Strike yet still play and enjoy them over a decade later. Now, I could be the best Dark Souls player ever -yet id still have to grind for XP, save my progress and backtrack around the same areas killing all the same enemies again and again. I dont like that, get over it.
I dont attack you for disliking a particular game, I dont scrutinize you and come to immature conclusions for liking Dark Souls. The problem you have is that you cant deal with it when someone doesn't like something that you like; so you make up schoolyard excuses to defend it. -Stay hardcore!
Difficult for me to like because it is repetitive...
Saving at a campfire only for all the monsters you previously killed to re-spawn so that you can run around the same bland area over and over again, killing the same shit over and over again is repetitive, im glad you've acknowledged that.
Again, that's what happens when you suck at a game. You need to try again until you succeed. If that's "repetitive", pretty much all games are repetitive. I believe you're not very good at the game, died a bunch of times and had to kill the same enemies again, got annoyed by this and now blame the game for being repetitive rather than yourself for not being skilled enough to progress.
You're basically saying "Dark Souls is repetitive because you have to kill the same enemies over and over again.". You only need to kill the same enemies over and over again if you don't succeed, or maybe if you want to grind something. In other words, you suck at the game. Stop calling the game repetitive when it's your own skills that are to blame.
Ok, so basically what you are saying is that its a repetitive game. Thanks for clarifying.
You are very childish and stupid. Thanks for clarifying.
You dying doesn't make the game repetitive. That makes you suck at the game. Deal with it man. Jesus.
Please provide a list of all those awesome games that you are playing where you don't have to try again when you fail.
Yeah, ok. Sorry for upsetting you by not liking something you like...
MGS V - the amount of perfect scores this game got blows my mind. It felt like a tech demo for game mechanics in a incredibly boring setting without proper difficulty options, like "yea we'll build a proper game around these mechanics later but with an interesting story and cool locations, for now we'll make you almost invincible and let you dick around with the gameplay."
but then they didn't build that game and just released the tech demo. How people played that shit for 50+ hours is beyond me.
apart from that I can generally understand why people like games I don't like
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