Why sales become important for defining quality of a game?
We use comparison of hardware sales to call which console is BETTER now?
I would like to understand the reasoning for some of you to use sales as quality measurement, intead of just fun, rating, gameplay, value, reliability and so on.
Most xbox 360 love to bash the superior ps3 exclusives games saying they sold less than Y game.
Wii fans this generation can only mention sales to support their claim that wii is best console.
And if there is a logic reasoning to explain why when discussing quality to mention sales..... (which i doubt)
...... would this reasoning still be truth when you think of pirated games and modded hardware?
Because a big share from wii/360 have hacked consoles to play "stolen" games. And these hacked hardware still count in the 50/30 million wii/360 sales. When the pirate bought the xbox360/wii planning to hack, he couldnt even consider the ps3 as the ps3 has no pirated games. So clearly his choice for not chosing the ps3 wasn't about quality, was because he was not truly a game consumer, and was unable to steal with a ps3.
Even with wii and 360 at least selling the hardware for the pirates, everyone know that the profit 1st party make are from games and not the console. So even if you were discussing businness wouldnt make sense, let alone QUALITY.
I could see in MMOPRG the sales/player be a factor in overall fun of the game, since mmorpg is around community. But other games, even online shooter, racers seem unlogical to factor sales in quality, but somehow, some kids in this forum still do.
I can recall most 360 owners saying they bought a 360 because their friends didn't have a ps3s. While this reasoning for buying makes sense, this reasoning when talking about quality becomes meaningless since what YOUR friends have is not a reedeeming for quality mesurement and which console is THE BEST.
Unless I mistake system wars for a GAMERS forum when in fact is dedicated for Investor, business and market trends discussion?
Please discuss....
If this is indeed a forum for investor discussion and not Gamer, please point me to the gamers section.
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