Motion controls
Pay for DLC
Pay for online
Disappointed gamers accept(ed) these things.
Looking forward to Aliens Colonial Marines for years, even saw an impressive live gameplay demo at PAX with Randy Pithford's assurances it will be the quintessential Alien(s) experience, then seeing it turn into a miserable failure. For this reason, I'm still boycotting anything Randy PItchford / Gearbox does.
Dawn of War 3 is certainly up there for me. after putting the over 400 hours into DoW 2 and its expansions and close to 800 hours into CoH2, I knew from the first video they were taking the game in a direction I didn't like.
some people defended the change, said its different but still equally good, but the player count is already lower than CoH2s and that came out in 2013... I feel pretty much vindicated there. Relic turned their back on their fanbase.
Other major ones:
Call of Duty becoming completely console-centric (MW2)
The cancellation of STALKER 2
the cancellation of the Dead Space series
That's close between the death of the C & C or Diablo franchises due to greedy executives not getting their way or building mediocrity.
hum many I guess,
Xbox 360 RROD. I took the replacement and sold it right away with all the games and bought a PS3 that I still have and still working, never going to buy a Xbox ever again.
Mega Man X3 on SNES/PSOne pretty much killed the serie. They still made other X but it got worst and worst from that point and since they haven't made a Mega Man ... they hired another studio to do MM9 and MM10.
Resident Evil 4 ... it was the last game I played by Capcom. It wasn't Resident Evil ... they tried to be more action-y like Call Of Duty and it wasn't a great Resident Evil. It was a good game but one of the worst RE with 5 and 6. From what I've seen of 7, they are back on what made the first 4 resident evil so great.
I got caught in the hype train of playing all the big title for like maybe 2 years or something like that ... well I remember I played Metal Gear Solid 4, Bioshock Infinit, Fallout 3 and it was seriously bad, not fun at all. I haven't touched an EA, Konami, Bethesda ( well I have DOOM 2016 which was made by ID so... ) for a good while...
I could say the same thing about GTA V and The Witchers 3 ... my it wasn't fun at all ... after less than 2h I got rid of those games.
Because those very Americanized game didn't cut it for me ... I went full on on Japanease game and discovered Atlus, Xseed etc in the process and love what they did and still do. Even if they have less bling, they are so much more interesting.
I remember Lightning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII. I know many haven't played it because XIII wasn't that great. But LR had something very interesting and very open in the way it was made. I just liked the theme going because of the Chaos, no one could die for getting old or sickness ... they waited for the end of the world ... and you meet some people that were struggling, driving them crazy because they were alive for more than 500 years... saddly Square didn,t want to make a 17+ M game and so all that stayed shallow. It could've been the saddest game of all time.
So outside of those, I think the games I played were at least fun if they weren't memorable.
Skyward Sword, and when I finally conceded to that fact that it was a bad game after hours and hours of trying to convince myself it wasn't that bad, or that it would get better.
Red Dead 2 being delayed. I knew it would happen but it still hurts. The rest of my gaming year is basically ruined.
Mass Effect 3 ending
God of War 3 ending + lack of an epic Titan battle at the end which is something they were going to include but cut due to time constraints
God of War 4 reveal
Everquest Next being cancelled/Landmark being Shut Down. Sony really screwed fans over by selling Sony Online Entertainment to Daybreak Games. (I still to the day struggle to forgive Sony for that).
From the top of my head, these games were very dissapointing for me:
Diablo 3
Metroid Prime 3
Hellgate London
The best of those is Metroid, definitely, but the complete omission of atmosphere and loneliness made me loose interest after just a few hours. They also removed strategy from the game by making you unable to change beams.. Like wtf? How is that better?? I've tried to go back to it, but everytime I do, I think it sucks a bit more.
In 2009, I quit online MP for good. I've had the same Battlefield 2 PC (Athlon64 X2 4200+/X800XL/GF 8600 GT) for four years. I upgraded to a much better PC (Phenom II x3 720 BE/Radeon HD 5770). I figured I can finally max out FSX. Imagine my surprise when my brand new PC bogged down to 1 fps when I loaded up the Tokyo scenery.
I remember taking a screenshot and posting it on a "the most resource-hog games" thread here at GS.
My memory card getting corrupted and losing my save files for Chrono Chross, Final Fantasy VII, & Legend of Dragoon...
Same thing happened with the Playstation 2 and Kingdom Hearts. Made it to the Hallow Bastion and there went my data...sad day indeed...
As of recently, I want to say Fallout 4. I absolutely loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and was so hyped for Fallout 4, that when I played it, I did enjoy it, but it didn't give me that same feeling of previous titles. They tightened and put more focus on the shooting aspects and less emphasis on the role-playing aspects...I couldn't get myself to finish the game and played possibly 30-40 hours or so into the game after eventually quitting it...
Discovering just how shitty RPGs really were with Fallout 3, Oblivion and Mass Effect 1
Yea, Oblivion's gotta be up there as far as biggest disappointments ever in gaming.
After that I didn't have much hope for Beth RPGs, seeing the direction they were heading, so I wasn't really let down much by their subsequent games.
Same goes for Bioware pretty much, and how dumbed down KotoR was compared to the BG games. After that, my expectations concerning them and making proper cRPGs dropped considerably.
I remember being pretty pumped for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising too after all the smoke they were blowing, only to be hugely disappointed in Codemasters attempt at a successor to one of the best military shooters ever....Cold war Crisis. I guess with a completely different dev making it (Codemasters instead of Bohemia) I should have known better at the time.
Interesting, MGS2 was actually a big surprise to me, I wasn't expecting it to be nearly as awesome as it was.
My most disappointing game would definitely be MGS4. I don't even want to go into detail, I've already discussed it a million times on this board. But yeah, up until the very end I kept expecting it to get better and it only continued to get worse.
Closely followed by FFXIII. Man I expected so much more from that game.
Both of those games taught me a good lesson about hype lol. Couldn't believe those were the games I bought a PS3 for, though luckily the PS3 got enough good stuff to make up for it.
World War 2 Online. I was so looking forward to the promise of a FPS MMO set in WW2 with planes & tanks. When it was released in June 2001 it was completely unplayable. I remember after 2 hours of trying to get logged in and then getting dropped, taking about 10 steps and then falling through the ground. And this was back in the $15 a month MMO days. Thank god Battlefield 1942 came out a year later.
The PS3 Slim just for it's exclusives.
The PS3 had many exclusives and I just mainly played on the 360/Wii and PC. Kept seeing the hype about every game and totaly loved the playstyle of UC (that I've seen back then online trough youtube videos, reviews etc).
I once bought a PS3 slim for a family member because she really really wanted one. A year later I buy a PS3 slim along with UC1/2/3 Killzone 2/3, Socom 4, Little Big Planet 2, MAG, GT5, trough the PS store MoH Frontlines HD, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Tekken 2. Also bought a couple of multiplats that I never bought on a another system just to make the collection bigger.
The system was crap imo. Slow downloads / updates, a pretty bad store, online connection was 50/50 compared to Xbox Live. The controller was poor, got cramps in my hands after an hour playing with it.
It was a simplistic system tough with a decent Blu-ray player, so that was something good.
The games were mediocre as ****. Only had fun with UC3's online (with moments), Killzone 2 and the PS store only games.
Oh yeah I also bought Journey. That was one big pile of dump for 20 bucks. Made me think twice about any Sony product tbh
Must say the free online was nice, but since I only played UC3 online, wasted money, gave the system away to my now ex.
The PS3 Slim just for it's exclusives.
The PS3 had many exclusives and I just mainly played on the 360/Wii and PC. Kept seeing the hype about every game and totaly loved the playstyle of UC (that I've seen back then online trough youtube videos, reviews etc).
I once bought a PS3 slim for a family member because she really really wanted one. A year later I buy a PS3 slim along with UC1/2/3 Killzone 2/3, Socom 4, Little Big Planet 2, MAG, GT5, trough the PS store MoH Frontlines HD, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Tekken 2. Also bought a couple of multiplats that I never bought on a another system just to make the collection bigger.
The system was crap imo. Slow downloads / updates, a pretty bad store, online connection was 50/50 compared to Xbox Live. The controller was poor, got cramps in my hands after an hour playing with it.
It was a simplistic system tough with a decent Blu-ray player, so that was something good.
The games were mediocre as ****. Only had fun with UC3's online (with moments), Killzone 2 and the PS store only games.
Oh yeah I also bought Journey. That was one big pile of dump for 20 bucks. Made me think twice about any Sony product tbh
Must say the free online was nice, but since I only played UC3 online, wasted money, gave the system away to my now ex.
MGS4, GoW3, TLoU were pretty high notes but no worries if you didn't like them just that didn't see you list them.
KZ3 was quite a downer for me. I didn't like the high contrast theme of visuals compared to 2.
"The princess is in another castle!" You don't do that to a 7 year old!
Princess Peach/Toadstool was the biggest tease in gaming.
My memory card getting corrupted and losing my save files for Chrono Chross, Final Fantasy VII, & Legend of Dragoon...
Same thing happened with the Playstation 2 and Kingdom Hearts. Made it to the Hallow Bastion and there went my data...sad day indeed...
As of recently, I want to say Fallout 4. I absolutely loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and was so hyped for Fallout 4, that when I played it, I did enjoy it, but it didn't give me that same feeling of previous titles. They tightened and put more focus on the shooting aspects and less emphasis on the role-playing aspects...I couldn't get myself to finish the game and played possibly 30-40 hours or so into the game after eventually quitting it...
The fact that those are all long RPGs just adds insult to injury.
Cool boarders 3 - This marked the beginning of 989 ruining everything I loved.
Sonic Adventure 2 - WTF was that? Sonic Adventure was so good!
Red Steel - This game had me hyped for the Wii more than anything. I even faked my hype throughout the entire campaign. Since Red Steel I have tempered expectations for every game based on E3 trailers
Sonic '06 - The fact that a game named Sonic is among the worst games ever made hurts my soul
Lots of good disapointments in this thread, for me tekken 4 is easily the the worst.
Tekken tag is one of the greatest fighters everyday and I spend thousands of hours playing it with friends, tekken 4 came out and completely ruined the franchise for me and I have not been able to get into a tekken game since.
Playing Destiny when it released and finding out what a piece of shit it was. I don't think I've been more disappointed with a game before. Other games that were disappointing I could sort of see coming but I really expected Destiny to be good considering the studio behind it.
Biggest disappointment of the year for me is ME:A. It's not a terrible game and I quite like it but it doesn't touch the original trilogy in terms of quality. EA really screwed up giving this premiere franchise to a C-tier team.
I have not owned anything prior or after, that I can think of, that was a bigger disappointment or irritation and related to my gaming hobby.
Yeah this would definitely be up there for me too... extremely irritating, especially since I was such a big fan of the OG Xbox.
As far as games go, I was pretty disappointed with GTA 4, especially after how much I loved San Andreas and Vice City. Also more recently, Mass Effect Andromeda (even though I still enjoyed it somewhat).
And of course Halo 5's campaign.
The Wii was quite a disappointment. Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Animal Crossing City Folk were both quite disappointing. City Folk was worse than disappointing, it was a horrible excuse for a "sequel". More like a watered down port of Wild World (a DS game, yes) to the Wii with shiny graphics.
It's amazing that Nintendo was able to redeem the franchise with New Leaf. Either way, I will keep a skeptical eye to each entry now.
Blog it.
Fo real LOL
Daredevil for the PS2 never coming out; Batman Dark Tomorrow being terrible; Sega dropping console manufacturing.
@getyeryayasout: good call. The death of the DC sucked. At least it burned twice as bright while it lasted.
Burned a hole in my wallet, as well. :P
Mirko you like good stuff, check this out sometime. I just bought it for PS4 but it's been on Steam for months.
You know I'd never steer you wrong. Well, not too wrong, anyway. ;)
Got it for X1. Its tough and fun bro.
Biggest disappoint that comes to mind for me is Destiny. Gameplay was fine but that end game content and story. Boy was that a sh!t show.
Soul Calibur 5. That game just didn't play right. They tried to hard to be like street fighter and other 2d fighters with critical arts and ex-ing moves and in the end just felt like a different game from the rest of the series. They would have been better served expanding the roster of playable character and different weapon styles.
cinematic crap..yea movie length (exaggeration) cutscenes but you know what I mean long ass cutscenes, & the worst ones are the ones you cannot skip it...also when games tries to be pointless cinematic walks from point A to point B slowly or very slowly..that really doesn't do ME3 - chasing the boy nightmare crap in slow motion, the other Metroid Other M...where you just literally move Samus from point A to B but you cannot run have to walk.
Micro transaction in a full price game.
Paying to play online for consoles.
@getyeryayasout: good call. The death of the DC sucked. At least it burned twice as bright while it lasted.
Burned a hole in my wallet, as well. :P
Mirko you like good stuff, check this out sometime. I just bought it for PS4 but it's been on Steam for months.
You know I'd never steer you wrong. Well, not too wrong, anyway. ;)
Got it for X1. Its tough and fun bro.
You guys should check out this if you haven't already.
When Socom 4 came out. I was a huge fan of the Socom series...even confrontation. Confrontation had a rocky start for the first month but ended up being a really great game that was similar to Socom 2. Sony pressured Zipper to come out with a Socom to compete with COD and it was a total disappointment. It was respawn to compete with COD. Socom has always been, if you die then you wait until next round with team based strategies. And Socom 4 failed and we will never see another one again.
ME3, I read some negative things about the endings of ME3 before finishing the game--I thought to myself, "so far the game hasn't been that bad (very average and not as good as the previous), folks are probably just wanting too much. All I need is just an ending to close the series." F'n bullshit. M'fers can't even close the series but instead offer the same exact endings whatever choice you made and top that off with the fact that it made no sense at all whatsoever--my team was with me, then disappeared while running down the mountain assault with me, then at the end they were in the Normandy unscratched by the blast which turned me into a burnt cookie. What? Oh did I mentioned that the game ended with them on a mystery island with no explanation of what the fvck they are doing there or how they were going to survive after the relays are all gone? That's not closure and again, made no sense whatsoever. I refuse to go back and play the extended edition--that shit would have never been implemented if not for all the crybabies crying after that sh!t ending was made. The original ending was the original vision from the devs.
Arkham Knight. This game tries so hard to justify itself with the batmobile. It's like the saying goes, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. In this case, the batmobile was the sword and a dull one at that. Why drive when you can just fly across the city? Don't ask me, I don't know the answer to that one either. That piece of sh!t was overused in every aspect of the game--even forced into the "puzzles" of the game mechanics. Oh did I mentioned that they SPOILERS changed the red hood's name for no apparent reason to Arkham Knight just so the audience wouldn't try to guess who the guy was though it was so apparent and everyone and their mothers already knew before the *gasp* reveal that just made folks cringe? And no, Arkham Knight from my knowledge was not an original character from DC but created by Rocksteady--great job guys, you guys created a new guy who was already a guy who did the same exact thing he did by another name. Oh, and lastly, did I mentioned the piss poor PC port of the game that ran like shit and stutter like crazy? How about the original 30 FPS lock? The list goes on.
Expansion packs becoming DLC. I remember back in the day when expansion packs were released on the PC that provided a great experience with a wealth of new features and improvements over the original. These days, DLC is all about a quick cash grab. Expansion pack? F no, how about a ONE mission DLC for 5 bucks because why bundle 10 missions for $30 when you can sell it for $50 all together. How about offering a season pass for $40 bucks but barely providing any real information on what is actually going to be in there for the pass?
Ubisoft becoming a piece of sh!t. I use to love this company. The original Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Assassin's Creed 2, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, and others. Those were the glory days. These days, its all stripped basic gameplay from other games packaged into a different skin and call it a different game. Did you guys know that the Division uses the cover system created so many years ago by splinter Cell and can also be found in Ghost Recon Future Solider? How about Ghost Recon Wildland stripping all it's gameplay from FS and place it into a so called "rpg mechanic". F games, let's just look cool and hip with our games by offering 20 cool beanies as a game reward item to make our players look cooler because we are so hip and in style. Does anyone actually watch any of these Ubisoft gameplay trailers and the players are talking like they are actually in the game like "watch your step" in the division trailer? WTF? Then all of a sudden they remember they are playing a game and speak out of terms. Oh, did I mention that they put up a model as their spokeswoman in their conferences and let her cuss like crazy? I mean cussing is cool right? RIGHT? Fvck yea it is, that's why I've been cussing this whole time with this "fuckin'" post. I'm cool too.
Pay to play. So, let me get this straight, I have to pay your fvckin' company just so I can play online on your servers--oh wait, that's right, y'all dont provide any dedicated servers. Oh but Microsoft has---sh!t--that's what they have. Games aren't require to be on MS servers, so games could choose to go P2P like the majority. So, basically, I'm paying you to just show me your fvckin' store page? No, REALLY, wtf am I paying for in PSN and Xbox Live or Nintendo's new crap offering for that matter? Again, for reals--like for reals for reals--what am I paying for? What have you even done to justify that price--hell Steam (I hate Steam as well for DRM) is free on the PC and does all the sh!t that you do and has not a single cent attached to it. So really, please i'll ask one last time and explain to me exactly what am I paying for?
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