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My most wanted, in order:
Nothing else from there really interests me.
[QUOTE="Goyoshi12"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] LBP on the PSP was a new game built from the ground up, wasn't it? khoofia_pika
It apparently was but I considered it a "port" in that way.
Never agian, though, never again.
Calling it a port is an insult to the original LBP :xI DIDN'T KNOW!
Never agian....never again.
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="Jonwh18"] was a bad game with so many features missing it was barely a LBP game in my eyes. I'm not sure MM even made it to be honestcharizard1605Yeah, it was a bad game, I agree. And MM didn't make it, the Cambridge studio did. Whatever its name is. Aren't they the ones making Killzone Mercenaries? It's Mercenary, singular. :P Also, yep, but Sony restructured them and (kinda) merged them with Guerrilla, so now they're called Guerrilla Cambridge. So basically it's Guerrilla and Cambridge developing the game. Since Guerrilla is involved in the game, I have high hopes for it.
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]Hm? Personally the 3DS has more for me than any console does in the first half of 2013. The Wii U will have The Wonderful 101 and maybe Pikmin 3 and Rayman Legends.. My 360 will have MG Rising. My 3DS will have Fire Emblem: Awakening, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, SMT: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers and then Pokemon X/Y in October. Never been a better time to be a handheld owner on a Nintendo platform. The eShop plus retail releases the past two years have been @ handhelds. But anyways, I think you pretty much answered your own question in the OP. Vita's lineup is pisstacular.
I'm just very anti-handheld.
FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date I thought it got canned? It too was PS3 anyway.Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.There's no way they're not coming in 2013.Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] Yeah, it was a bad game, I agree. And MM didn't make it, the Cambridge studio did. Whatever its name is. khoofia_pikaAren't they the ones making Killzone Mercenaries? It's Mercenary, singular. :P Also, yep, but Sony restructured them and (kinda) merged them with Guerrilla, so now they're called Guerrilla Cambridge. So basically it's Guerrilla and Cambridge developing the game. Since Guerrilla is involved in the game, I have high hopes for it.
Killzone is probably the make or break game for FPS on Vita.
Resistance and COD both failed spectacularly, so Killzone really needs to show that FPS can be good on Vita.
FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.There's no way they're not coming in 2013. I think the OP only has confirmed games though; in the 3DS section, it's missing stuff like Dragon Quest VII, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Ruins of Ancient Civilization, Layton vs Wright, and Monster Hunter 4 for example. That's because none of these games have confirmed release dates.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="TwistedShade"]
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.There's no way they're not coming in 2013.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="TwistedShade"]
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
That's an assumption. Assumptions should not dictate what gets on the list.
FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.There's no way they're not coming in 2013. Considering Square is busy working on Lightning Returns and rebooting FF14, there's every chance that FF10 HD will be released in 2014. Son't even get me started on Versus.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="TwistedShade"]
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
It's Mercenary, singular. :P Also, yep, but Sony restructured them and (kinda) merged them with Guerrilla, so now they're called Guerrilla Cambridge. So basically it's Guerrilla and Cambridge developing the game. Since Guerrilla is involved in the game, I have high hopes for it.[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] Aren't they the ones making Killzone Mercenaries?GreySeal9
Killzone is probably the make or break game for FPS on Vita.
Resistance and COD both failed spectacularly, so Killzone really needs to show that FPS can be good on Vita.
It looks really good, I have high hopes for it. Probably the only PS Vita game I'm looking forward to right now.[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]There's no way they're not coming in 2013. I think the OP only has confirmed games though; in the 3DS section, it's missing stuff like Dragon Quest VII, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Ruins of Ancient Civilization, Layton vs Wright, and Monster Hunter 4 for example. That's because none of these games have confirmed release dates.Just did some googling though and.. Couldn't find a confirmed release date for LegoCity. Ace Attorney was the same. Unless ofcourse i'm missing something.[QUOTE="charizard1605"] FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.charizard1605
I think the OP only has confirmed games though; in the 3DS section, it's missing stuff like Dragon Quest VII, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Ruins of Ancient Civilization, Layton vs Wright, and Monster Hunter 4 for example. That's because none of these games have confirmed release dates.Just did some googling though and.. Couldn't find a confirmed release date for LegoCity. Ace Attorney was the same. Unless ofcourse i'm missing something. Ace Attorney was confirmed for a worldwide 2013 release. Lego City is Q1 2013 on Wii U/3DS.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="TwistedShade"]There's no way they're not coming in 2013.
[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]There's no way they're not coming in 2013. I think the OP only has confirmed games though; in the 3DS section, it's missing stuff like Dragon Quest VII, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Ruins of Ancient Civilization, Layton vs Wright, and Monster Hunter 4 for example. That's because none of these games have confirmed release dates.[QUOTE="charizard1605"] FF10HD doesn't have a confirmed release date anywhere in the world; same with Zone of the Enders.charizard1605
Man, if FF10HD and ZOE HD was put on the list as well as all those 3DS games you just listed, 3DS would not only kill Vita, but it would also piss on the corpse. It's probably better for Vita to leave FF10HD out. :lol:
[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] It's Mercenary, singular. :P Also, yep, but Sony restructured them and (kinda) merged them with Guerrilla, so now they're called Guerrilla Cambridge. So basically it's Guerrilla and Cambridge developing the game. Since Guerrilla is involved in the game, I have high hopes for it. khoofia_pika
Killzone is probably the make or break game for FPS on Vita.
Resistance and COD both failed spectacularly, so Killzone really needs to show that FPS can be good on Vita.
It looks really good, I have high hopes for it. Probably the only PS Vita game I'm looking forward to right now.I don't think Killzone is the most interesting FPS franchise in the world, but yes, it does look quite impressive on the Vita.
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
isnt that coming to PS3 in true HD also ?
[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]Just did some googling though and.. Couldn't find a confirmed release date for LegoCity. Ace Attorney was the same. Unless ofcourse i'm missing something. Ace Attorney was confirmed for a worldwide 2013 release. Lego City is Q1 2013 on Wii U/3DS.I don't know by "Confirmed" I would assume it has an actual date not something like (Oh it's coming this year don't worry).[QUOTE="charizard1605"] I think the OP only has confirmed games though; in the 3DS section, it's missing stuff like Dragon Quest VII, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Ruins of Ancient Civilization, Layton vs Wright, and Monster Hunter 4 for example. That's because none of these games have confirmed release dates.charizard1605
It looks really good, I have high hopes for it. Probably the only PS Vita game I'm looking forward to right now.[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
Killzone is probably the make or break game for FPS on Vita.
Resistance and COD both failed spectacularly, so Killzone really needs to show that FPS can be good on Vita.
I don't think Killzone is the most interesting FPS franchise in the world, but it does look quite impressive on the Vita.
I'm only interested in it because we get to play as the Helghast. I find Killzone pretty average otherwise.[QUOTE="TwistedShade"]
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
isnt that coming to PS3 in true HD also ?
It's still another game for it...[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Missing FF10HD from that list. Also Zone of the enders HD collection, was supposed to be getting a Vita version...not sure if it was cancelled or still in the works.
isnt that coming to PS3 in true HD also ?
It's still another game for it... It needs exclusives, and good @ handhelds. But anyways, I think you pretty much answered your own question in the OP. Vita's lineup is pisstacular.
Actually Layton (especially the new one just released in Japan) and Bravely Default are some of my most wanted games of all time
Zelda OOT 3D is also one of my top games of all time
3DS is definatly one of my top consoles of all time, but that is only if the above games come outside Japan
Ace Attorney was confirmed for a worldwide 2013 release. Lego City is Q1 2013 on Wii U/3DS.I don't know by "Confirmed" I would assume it has an actual date not something like (Oh it's coming this year don't worry). *shrug* I don't know. Both of those games were confirmed as 2013 games by their respective companies. No similar word was had for Final Fantasy X HD and Zone of the Enders HD, which seem to have mysteriously vanished after their initial announcement.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="TwistedShade"]Just did some googling though and.. Couldn't find a confirmed release date for LegoCity. Ace Attorney was the same. Unless ofcourse i'm missing something.
Just for some perspective.
Soul Hackers is a port.
Of a game that never released in the west; for all intents and purposes, it's a new game. Nah, it's still a port regardless.[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] It looks really good, I have high hopes for it. Probably the only PS Vita game I'm looking forward to right now.khoofia_pika
I don't think Killzone is the most interesting FPS franchise in the world, but it does look quite impressive on the Vita.
I'm only interested in it because we get to play as the Helghast. I find Killzone pretty average otherwise.Yeah, it's average, but it's average in a good way. Nothing mindblowing, but a pretty competent FPS (Killzone 2/3 that is).
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Fire Emblem Awakening
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate
Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Ace Attorney 5
Pokemon X/Pokemon Y
Lego City Undercover
Killzone Mercenaries
Dead or Alive 5 Plus
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 +
Soul Sacrifice
Phantasy Star Online 2
Sly 4 - getting in on ps3, but cross-play..Only titles confirmed for the west have been listed. I might have forgotten some games; please let me know if I have, and I will add them to the list!
So what system do you think has the better games for this year?
Red - 100%
Green - Maybe
More titles on the vita that i want, so i guess it wins in that regards...but nothing on the vita will be able to take my attention/focus off from pokemon x/y
I'm only interested in it because we get to play as the Helghast. I find Killzone pretty average otherwise.[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
I don't think Killzone is the most interesting FPS franchise in the world, but it does look quite impressive on the Vita.
Yeah, it's average, but it's average in a good way. Nothing mindblowing, but a pretty competent FPS (Killzone 2/3 that is).
Yeah, Liberation was pretty good too, actually.It's still another game for it...
Not really, i will buy both Dragons Crown and FF10 HD (if worth it) on my PS3 and play them on my huge HDTV at max resolution
These games are a reason to not buy a Vita really and use your PS3
Jesus Christ, this is a bloodbath.crippled_ramHOW MANY ACCOUNTS ARE YOU GONNA USE TO POST HERE, MAN? :evil:
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Fire Emblem Awakening
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Pokemon X/Pokemon YRulerofGondor
All of my monies. Looking forward to Luigi for its 3D effect mostly. I hope the game has challenging puzzles.
Sorry for being a 1st party whore but yeah I demand quality.
Not getting Castlevania most likely. If you want my support give me proper Igavania not western dogsh*t from the LoS maker.
lol @ handhelds. But anyways, I think you pretty much answered your own question in the OP. Vita's lineup is pisstacular.
Actually Layton (especially the new one just released in Japan) and Bravely Default are some of my most wanted games of all time
Zelda OOT 3D is also one of my top games of all time
3DS is definatly one of my top consoles of all time, but that is only if the above games come outside Japan
Why in the f*ck are you acting so normal? Go back to being your self damit!
Jesus Christ, this is a bloodbath.crippled_ram
Imagine if Bravely Default and the new Layton game were announced for US too :)
Two of the most beautifull games of all time
I should really buy the original Layton's can't stop hearing good things about them and yet I have never played them.
Soul Sacrifice looks bonerrific but 3DS has more interesting looking titles. 3DS for me, since I don't actually own a Vita
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