I'm probably one of the few people that actually enjoyed RE5. While it wasn't the best in the series, it certainly wasn't terrible either.SpiritOfFire117
I really enjoyed that game too, and I've been playing Resident Evil games since before the franchise even existed. :P
RE5 was one of the best co-op shooters I've ever played, and a rock-solid, highly entertaining survival-action game in singleplayer. Heaps of features, heaps of replayability, solid controls...it was an all-round great package, in my mind.
Anyway guys, remember that point in RE5 when the evil science labs you're in are about to explode, and walking-gorilla-soldier Chris had to evacuate onto a passing helicopter, only to fight off a huge mutant boss with only a magnum, acid rounds and a rocket launcher to defend him?
Oh wait...no, that was the first game in the series. Hm. :/
Or that time where you're armed to the teeth, and through a series of quick-time events, you have to fight off a massive bazooka-weilding super-soldier?
Ah, hang on, that was Resident Evil 3. Weird.
Sometimes it's easy to get the new games confused with the old ones. Possibly because the old ones were full of action, huge monsters, terrible dialogue, overpowered weapons, and cheesey action-movie tropes.
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