Ryse has gameplay consistently, it tries to have this bullshit metagame out of the simon says hit this button, but it's lame. In theory it gets the casual audience to the end of the game, and gives the enthusiast player what they want from a satisfaction standpoint. In practice it makes the game overly simplistic and functional, but devoid of any actual depth or satisfaction beyond basic game feel, and oh man that dude got my sword in his throat.
It's just more cinematic and straight forward than what Crytek used to be. Far Cry, Crysis, and Warhead offered a level of freedom we don't see in FPS's today, with these big sandboxes, and game mechanics that allowed for some dope on the fly ass kicking. Without fault? **** no they had the trigun, the aliens, and at times some really questionable level design that made the game feel more half baked for a level than well put together. But the overall experience was something forward thinking, progressive, and on their best day (Warhead) brilliant. Ryse on the flip side is vanilla, a pleasant spectacle on a visual level, and sure I can see it being fun on a very basic level (because again sword through the throat), but there is no rich layer to the gameplay that'll stick with you, have you thinking, have you experimenting, make you feel like you have something to learn. You knew everything you needed to know about the gameplay in the tutorial.
Haven't played The Order, my understanding from watching it is that it's a pretty generic tps (as generic as Ryse is a beat em up), but it has Max Payne 3's level of intrusive ass cutscenes that ruin the gameflow. Oh and the lycan fights are this bullshit QTE fest, instead of what should and could have been boss fights. Way to go video game industry.
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