same for menever, ever, buy a console at launch again. ever.
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never, ever, buy a console at launch again. ever.
yeah definitely. a price drop alone makes it worth waiting a bit. the ps3 went from £425 to £299 in about 6 months. it's good to wait for the library to get fleshed out too
lol yeah, i'm still trying to apply that principal now, but i keep giving in a buying new games.Stop buying new games without finishing the old ones; you'll just end up having a large backlog.
[QUOTE="VGobbsesser"]lol yeah, i'm still trying to apply that principal now, but i keep giving in a buying new games. Hear hear. I still go back to old games though. Heck I beat Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, yesterday. Finally. Its nice going back to old titles you never played on release; at the moment i am revisting Alice, Messiah and Another World. Though it tricky juggling it with new titles.Stop buying new games without finishing the old ones; you'll just end up having a large backlog.
xbox fanboys love paying for online
sony fanboys love to hype everygame to high heaven
pc fanboys are mostly jerks
wii fanboys.........
Wrpg's on consoles are way to buggy (fallout,oblivion)
Jrpg's take way to long to make (ff,kingdom hearts)
Shooters are getting stale (cod)
Platformers are all but gone except ratchet,mario,LBP
people will support crappy hardware and actually defend the company for it
dlc is a gamble
Critics are too soft on games Gamers complain too much if a game gets an 8(which I guess might be why critics are too soft on games) If they don't like it, it must be overrated Fanboys are extremely hypocritcal Don't buy systems on launch anymore Innovation=/= good game, it is possible to do new things and suck as a game. jg4xchamp*claps slowly*. especially you're third point. so may people call so many things overrated, the term has lost all meaning.
never, ever, buy a console at launch again. ever.
I agree with you, Mr_Apple_Soup. It was such a huge mistake for me to buy my Wii on launch day. In fact, I have learned that if consoles are going towards an almost controller-less future with motion-sensing technology, I will most likely become a PC-only gamer. Also, since I have had a lot of time to research the video games industry, it has taught me that the PC is really the only system that you need for games, except if you want high-end graphics, which I really don't carry a lot about. So, I am very happy with PC gaming and I will most likely sell my consoles. It is likely that I won't end up buying anymore consoles in the future.
Oh, and yes, it has taught me that this whole consoles war argument is such a waste of time.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Critics are too soft on games Gamers complain too much if a game gets an 8(which I guess might be why critics are too soft on games) If they don't like it, it must be overrated Fanboys are extremely hypocritcal Don't buy systems on launch anymore Innovation=/= good game, it is possible to do new things and suck as a game. idontbeliveit*claps slowly*. especially you're third point. so may people call so many things overrated, the term has lost all meaning. Seriousaly...I understand you might have complaints with certain games *to all reading, the following will all be opinion and not necessarily facts, do not, I REPEAT do not throw a hissy fit because you didn't like what I said* God of War- Kratos is a horrible main character Halo(specifically 2 and 3)- the story was horribly told, and came to an anti-climactic finish Half Life - horrible gunplay are reasons for maybe not enjoying those games, but to say they suck or are overrated is just being too whiney about it. God of War for instance as much as I hate Kratos I am more than able to enjoy the games enough to call them good. I don't get anticipated for them, but I know they will be quality games even if they disappoint me more than they do others. It doesn't mean God of War is overrated because I don't like it. Too many people take their own dislike for a game too seriousaly.
I learned that last gen.never, ever, buy a console at launch again. ever.
This gen I learned people aren't happy with their console unless it craps gold, feeds them, and takes out the trash as soon as it finishes the dishes. I have learned that people will find the dumbest things to argue over when it comes to gaming. I learned that exclusives (especially from third party) are going to far and few when compared to last gen. I learned that the best system is not the best selling. I learned that Nintendo doesn't really care to be a more "adult" themed console like the others. Even though they stressed over it last gen. I learned I do not like motion controls. I learned not to buy a 360 unless reliability issues aren't really issues for you. I learned (when looking what console to buy) that if you have a PC, you have no reason to get a 360 and you would be better off with the PS3 because then you can still play the good 360 games without the 360. I learned that if done right, touch screen can be awesome for FPS (Metroid Prime: Hunters). I have learned that Sony is pretty disconnected from the public and what they want ($600 for the PS3 at launch.....are you serious. :shock: $250 for a PSP that does less than the current model and does it on a smaller screen).
That motion controls are the most gimmicky and lame way to use control in a game. Oh and to stay away from MS consoles for more reasons than I care to mention.
FANboys are soooooooooo annoying
Pretty much this. ALL types of fanboys.That motion controls are the most gimmicky and lame way to use control in a game. Oh and to stay away from MS consoles for more reasons than I care to mention.
The Conduit says hi.
Though it wasn't praised as a great game (good, but not great), it was praised for having great controls.
Here you go
Valve(haven't played all their titles because I don't really play PC games to often: Left 4 Dead, Half Life 1,2 EP1, Ep2, Portal, Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2
Capcom: Resident Evil (0,1,REmake,,2 ,3 Code Veronica, RE4), Haunting Grounds, Devil May Cry (1,3,4), Onimusha (1,2,3), Dino Crisis (1,2), Street Fighter (2,3,4, Alpha 2,3), Capcom vs SNK (1,2), Marvel vs Capcom (1,2), Rival Schools 2, Street Fighter vs Xman,Darkstalkers,Final Fight (1,3), Pocket Fighter, Puzzle Fighter, Power Stone, Strider 2, Breath of Fire (1,2,4), Phoenix Wright (1,2,3), Megaman (1,2,8,9), MegaMan X (1,2,3,4,5, Maverick Hunter X) MegaMan Legends (1,2), Monster Hunter (1,Freedom,Freedom 2, Freedom 2 Unite), Ghost & Goblins, MegaMan Zero (1,2,3), Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe (1,2), Okami, God Hand, Dead rising, Night Warriors: DarkStalkers revenge
UBI-Soft: Assassin Creed, Beyond good & evil, Far Cry, Prince of Persia (Sands of time, Warrior Within, the Two Thrones, PoP 2008), Rayman, Spinter Cell (1, Chaos Theory)
EA: Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Sims 3, Battlefield (1942, 2, Bad Company,1943), BurnOut (3, revenge, Paradise), Command & Conquer (Red Alert 2, Red Alert 3, Tiberium Wars Pt 3 expansion, Kane's Wrath Pt 3 Expansion), Def Jam: Fight for New York, Fight Night (Round 2,4), Tiger Woods: PGA Tour 2009 Wii version, Skate (1,2), System Shock (1,2)
I like having a large backlog though, it helps my procrastination stay interesting. :lol:Stop buying new games without finishing the old ones; you'll just end up having a large backlog.
I like having a large backlog though, it helps my procrastination stay interesting. :lol: Same here LOL I've been playing the same 15 games for a year or more and the list keeps on growing especially PS2 games.[QUOTE="VGobbsesser"]
Stop buying new games without finishing the old ones; you'll just end up having a large backlog.
Here you go
Valve [...] Half Life 1,2 EP1, [...] Capcom: [...] Dead rising, [...] UBI-Soft: Assassin Creed, [...]You're not even trying, are you? Though actually,You got me on that one. Oh boy, do I feel defeated.EA: [...] Def Jam: Fight for New York, [...]
Well of course. PS2 is like, the best console ever. It's just like when things went uphill after Virtual Boy.It taught me that after PS2, gaming goes downhill.
I wouldn't say Dead Rising and AC or "AAA" titles but they are good games none the less. Def Jam wasn't a bad game what so ever even if you don't like rap/hip-hop.As for the Half Life series probably the best FPS series to this day. Oh BTW I wan't trying to put you in your place or "defeat you" or something lime like that. I was just stating those devs/ publishers have put out decent games over the years.
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