@dynamitecop said:
How much of a shift in the market would that cause? Both of these systems are obviously going to send the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One into a state of irrelevance and essentially replace them...
With that said, how would you react if it was priced the same as the Neo? It would have a 1.86 Teraflop advantage ONLY in GPU which equates to roughly 45% more powerful, this doesn't even account for the CPU possibilities.
We already had that scenario.
The PS2 squashed the xbox at the same price.
Is not a 1.86TF gap,Scorpio is 4x 1.3 TF which mean 5.2 TF not 6,Polygon again riding MS nuts of all sites like always.
6TF is closer to 5X xbox one than 4X xbox one,and on this market were MS even make a parade about having 150mhz faster CPU than sony,i don't think 4X will even be use if the machine was closer to 5 times stronger than the xbox one.
God 45% more than that the PS4 exhibit in most games vs the xbox one and you don't even care.
@hrt_rulz01 said:
The PS4 hasn't really had any good AAA exclusives until this year, and it continued to sell well anyway. So there goes your theory. Perception matters, and if Xbox eventually has the most powerful console, it'll at the very least close the gap to PS4. IMO anyway.
Well thats settles it i guess i fu**ing imagine Bloodborn on 2015 getting over 90 scores every where.
It was a fitment of my imagination i see,not to mention games like TLOU which has 95% and are not on xbox one either,but i guess your right the PS4 got no AAA until this year.lol
Now a bigger question is when will the xbox one get a AAA game...lol
Perception you say,how that helped the xbox beat the PS2.?
@dynamitecop said:
Not to mention like the PS4 currently more developers will want to work with whoever holds the most powerful device...
No most developer would want to work with who SELLS BEST.
Now have you stop for a second to think what will happen if Neo has a 1 year head start on Scorpio.?
Have you think about that.? Or are your to busy celebrating an unconfirmed 45% advantage.?
@dynamitecop said:
If they launch it with a big lineup, it could kill... Halo 6 + others for example...
You like that lol?
Halo will be on PC,MS claim future Halo games will come to PC as well as others,is part of the vision,so what again do you need a scorpio for.?
@xhawk27 said:
Xbox will be the the most powerful console for mid gen 9. Awwww Yeaaaah!!!!!!
You don't care about power remember.? Is the reason you are on xbox one..lol
@i_p_daily said:
This survey says otherwise.
How did power helped the PS3 xbox and xbox 360 win a generation.?
It wasn't just power and that survey was a 5 question one,the second choice is Blu-ray.? When the xbox one also is a blu-ray player.? And the PS3 and stand alone Blu-ray players are cheap.?
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