[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"] Other FPS offer side distractions from the main course (getting from point a to point b, which when the day is said and done MP is about that too).Gunraidan
But do they do as much? No not even close.
It's quite obvious it is a FPS. You see through Samus' eyes, as in through her perspective (read: first person). And you shoot things. Hence FPS. :|-RPGamer-
By your logic Splinter Cell is a Third Person Shooter. You see Sam in third person and you shoot enemies to take them down hence Third Person Shooter. Here let me try another one, Sonic is a racing game because you have to get from the begining of the level to the end at the fastest time possible thus it's a racing game. Resident Evil 4 is a RPG because you have stats and you can upgrade your weapons to be more powerful and faster. See what I did there? Heck by your logic Unreal Tournament is a fighting game since you fight people in it. And again what's with the "straight face"?
Nothing of what you said changes those simple facts about the games fundamental design. Other FPS, offer exploration (backtracking), puzzle solving, eastern egg/hidden object collecting, and tell stories too. That doesn't stop them from being FPS.
Yes but do they do it as much as Metroid? Is it even there Prime focus? No. What's there Prime focus? Shooting things. So is it a FPS? Yes. What's Metroid Prime's focus? Exploring the world around you and solving puzzles. Does it have shooting? Yes. Does it focus on shooting as in taking down your enemies? No, it even at times encourages you to avoid them. So is it a FPS? No.
That's a simple fact as it is widely acknowledge both in the gaming community and the press. Clearly you are in the minority tinking this.
Do they as much? Probably not, some more than others, but that doesn't change the basic design of MP, nor do you even have to partake in a lot of the content MP offers. You can play MP and treat it like you would any other FPS for the most part.
I'll give you the "straight face" all day, I completely disagree with your logic. I've always disagreed with this logic that MP is held to some different standard, when it plays like most other FPS save for a little heavier design for exploration (which you don't even need to partake in again). So :|
Some of you examples like Sonic, are such a reach I won't even acknowledge that kind of debate tactic.
The "Prime" focus of Metroid games is to shoot things eventually. There isn't a Metroid game out there where you don't need to blast through things. I mean let's stop pretending that Metroid as a series doesn't have heavyfocus on shooting stuff.
I don't care if I'm the minority thinking here, I'm not going to lie to myself and act like MP (or Metroid in general) doesn't focus on shooting. Again I can avoid enemies in other FPS, that doesn't take away the fact that I need to shoot things to progress through the game a large portion of the time.
They're not locking you into rooms and forcing you to shoot things to get to the next area for nothing in MP titles. That's not a puzzle by the way, that's straight up FPS.
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