You guys ever notice how the ONLY people who comapre to Uncharted to other games are the Lems? It's because they want to play it (who can blame them) and they can't so they are trying to find an expereince that is similar by saying "Oh it's just a TPS like Gears" which is totally far from the truth.
The fact is if you guys want Uncharted you are going to have to buy a PS3. Don't tell me "I have no money" or crap like that, I'm a college student and even I could afford another PS3 if I wanted one. Just hold off on buying games for a few months and save up some money and then buy the PS3 with Uncharted.
It's not hard to do guys. The PS3 offers more than enough great exclusives to justify the purchase, and once you play UC you won't regret your decision. There is NOTHING on 360 that's even in the same ball park as UC, you can't compare it to Gears, Batman, or anything else. UC is it's own unique experience, one that is worth buying a PS3 for.
Here this should explain why Uncharted is so great:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Video Review
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Review
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Game Review
Now look at how many awards the series has gotten
Unchated 2 GOTYAwards
It won over 200 GOTY awards, that's more than any game this gen.
Here is the award ceremony:
VGA awards (Uncharted 2 wins GOTY 2009)
I think I rest my case.
Of course it all comes down to personal opinion, but most people that play UC fall in love with the series. And it's kind of hard to have an opinion if you've never played something (IE: The TC).
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