Thank you, I was about to post on this. A lot of Uncharted's praise comes from it's production values. That is pretty much all I ever heard about it, I didn't even know what kind of game it was for a while, no mention of gameplay, just story, characters, blah, blah. That is my problem with the games, they are backwards. "Naughty Gods", based on these games? No. They sacrificed gaming for story; did anyone care that they could have had even more fun if they hadn't? Nope, because of the production values.
Also, what makes this game action/adventure? Where is the adventure? I thought it was pretty linear, other than the adventure Drake is on in the story, there is no gameplay adventuring to be had, where the label should apply.
Also, this is why you know we don't have a Nintendo version of ispeakfact because they would have argued Other M's voice acting against Uncharted's.
Did you even play it? I, and many others think the game has great gameplay. Its one of my favorites because the gameplay is, in my opinion, up there with the best. A lot of people are straight addicted to the multiplayer, my favorite this gen by FAR. The production values are always talked about because they are unrivaled.
No, I haven't played it. Nothing I said required me to play it to understand. I would play it if I had a PS3, I HAVE seen a Let's Play of 1 and 2, but that is close as I've gotten to it. Nowhere did I say it had bad gameplay, some people have, but I can't agree or disagree. If the gameplay was so good, wouldn't you want more? Well, you didn't get more because it would have interfered with story, they said this themselves. It also isn't an adventure game because there is no adventuring to be done in gameplay.
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