I dont understand. I played both NG:S and the God of War series, and there really is no competition here. Even though NG:S was released for PS3, that game is so last gen. It's an arcade game with better graphics. Indeed the action and controlling Ryu feels pretty tight, but NG:S is a half game compared to GoW.
NG:S story is comparable to those old school games like kungfu master. The character in NG:S does not develop a personality throughout the game. It's like Team Ninja created an arcade game first then added the storyline and a character as a second thought.
NG fans say GoW is a button masher. I ask you this: What do you mash to beat NG:S?
However, I do have a guess why some people think NG a much better game than GoW. It's hard to let it go. After spending hundreds of hours practicing the uber button mashing sequences, they've convinced themselves that being good at NG equals to have good reflexes and skills and it proves something in real life.
Please stop saying NG is a better game than GoW series.
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