It sure it great that you want to admit your intolerant to certain ideas. :roll:
Have you even played the demo or anything? Otherwise, do you base all your judgement off of a bit of footage and what people are saying in threads?
The game has themes that appear in many other games, what makes this one so weird? :?
What kind of grammar is that?
No I haven't nor do I intend to. It's basically an animated porno, same with any game with pornographic features; you have to have something wrong with you to play it.
You must watch some extremely boring porn then :? I don't usually ever express any notion like this in any form but here goes:
The content of this game should'nt be offensive to anyone somewhat sexually experienced, unless they're very sensitive to the subject of intercourse. At least not if they have even the slightest hint of what they're going in to.
This game explores sexual dilemmas, I appreciate that a hell of a lot in a business where this subject is usually tackled with Shepard rubbing against someone wearing a mask and a full body suit. I'm just happy that one game attempts to be a little mature about sexuality for once. Don't we want the media to be taken seriously?
I find it disturbing when it's perfectly acceptable to chainsaw enemies in half because it's cool, while a pair of breasts will ensure an 18+ rating.
Edit: I almost ranted about being comfortable with one's own sexuality and the subject in general but I don't really need more modifications ;)
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