Since this gen is about to officially end once and for all, what disappointed you the most in it? Two things stand out in particular to me:
1) Assassin's Creed 3: What the fvck happened to this game? Before it came out it looked like a potential Game of the Generation contender, let alone GOTY. Watching all of 'Ubisoft's released footage of the game and hearing about them going for the gold this time made me seriously hyped.
But we ended up with a game with a 6 hour tutorial, horrendous level design, a character with about as much personality as a brick, terrible side quests, a horrible interface, bugs everywhere, a god awful modern day storyline,and one of the worst endings of all time.
2) Wii Lineup: The Wii Lineup of 2007, 2010, and the beginning of 2008 were fantastic but the system had horrendus droughts. When your best game of 2009 is an upresed DS game with co-op, you have a problem.
After Mario Kart Wii the system saw a massive drought that lasted over a year and a half. And look at the disappointments in the lineup like Metroid Other M and Red Steel. Plus there were no Star Fox, FZERO, or Pikmin games. And now it looks like the drought will continue with the Wii U, without the casual audience.
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