-Pre-order exclusive bonuses: I'm not a fan of publishers withholding content from us on launch day and charging us to have the full game a few months later.
-Naughty Dog's shift in priorities: I used to enjoy Naughty Dog's games back on the PS1 and PS2, but after they chose to put gameplay into the background of a story driven cinematic experience, I can't look at them the same way. They've now become a poster child of the exact opposite of what I consider good game design.
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl online: Always having access to opponents to play in Smash Bros. was a dream come true for millions of fans so when Nintendo announced an online enabled Smash game, everybody, including myself, went hysterical and then the game came out...... It was absolutely abysmal.
-Yoshi's Island DS: A direct sequel to the best platformer ever made? I was extremely excited for this game, but when I got my hands on it, I was very disappointed. The level design was mediocre at best and just goes to show that you need more than an excellent template to make a great game. I hope this doesn't happen to Batman Arkham Origins.
And this is the reason why many normal people think gamers are children stuck in a man's body who runs around the house with a towel on their backs. You're not f*cking superheroes with superpowers.
Some of us enjoy mature and thought-provoking storylines. If you're a moron who think you can shoot magic pixie dust and destroy armies by yourself, then go get the Xbox and buy Halo and Gears.
Stares at screen in utter disbelief.... Ummmm.... There is very little thinking required for the storyline in Uncharted and guess what? Nathan Drake is supposed to be some average joe yet all you do is kill armies of enemies...
P.S. the irony in your first statement is also quite enjoyable
The storyline in Uncharted is far better than any exclusive on the Xbox camp, which is really sad, because you are right: Uncharted games have excellent writing, but a simple plot. However, simplicity does not equate to immaturity. The basic plot of Uncharted goes as follows: Guy researches about a legendary civilization with wealth. Guy runs into enemies. Guy kills enemies. Simple? Yes. Execution? Very mature.
Let's analyze the Xbox exclusive.
Some guy is the legendary hero who is the "chosen one" and can save the entire universe by himself. Cue in dramatic music alone with huge fight scene that makes the entire scene look incredibly corny and overdone. End result: Immature and suitable for children and brainless adults who secretly yearn to be superheroes. In fact, the sophistication of Xbox exclusives is comparable to the Pokemon series, except, just replace pokemon with different types of guns and have everyone trying to become the Gun Master because it's "their destiny".
My verdict: Grow the f*ck up, xboners...
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