[QUOTE="XileLord"] Strong argument, would hold relevance if we were talking about let's say.....P2P MMORPG's. The physical copy of the product is yours upon buying it, access to the servers used to actually be included in let's say......the 60$ price tag you shelled out and back in the good old days when you went out to borrow a friends game or rent a game you'd actually be able to use ALL of the online features. (amazing right?)
Developers got by for YEARS making huge profits off games like that. It's only when some corporate butthead behind a comfy desk decided they wanted to make a bit more money on the side when the online passes actually came into reality. As expected though, people continue to lick corporate ass and they will continue to do so. They've already started to charge for content that is already on the disc, do you honestly think they are just going to stop at online passes?
Brings tears to my poor eyes, it's sad that it's become so commonly accepted in the gaming community. Back 10 years ago the gaming community would have actually fought back.
Your arguments assumes the cost of developing a game has not changed, that the economy is as strong as "The good old days" and that the effort needed to create the game is just a handful of people like "The good old days".Your argument also forgets that putting all the content on disc is cheaper than having to create two or three different manufacturing processes for the discs to accomidate the inevitable exclusive content. It's similar to AMDs chips, rather than creating a process for tri-cores they simply take the quad-cores with a damaged core and lock it, simple, cheap and very effective.
The license is the only thing bought, the disc is the only thing owned by you as a means of getting the code(in which you have the right to use) to you. Used games only take advantage of the trading of the license, by law the only thing Gamestop are required to give you is the license on a piece of paper but that's just not practical is it?
Also the only way they never stopped you from playing ALL your friends copy of games is because it was impossible to police such a tihng, now that the internet and technology has given publishers a means to do so they will and evidently are doing so. It was never about "How can we screw them more" it was "Is it technologically possible to do this yet?" and when the answer suddenly becomes "Yes" then they do it.
I just don't appreciate being screwed around by developers and I really don't understand how anybody else can NOT be fed up with online passes, DLC that's already on the disc that you have to pay for in order to access along with ridiculous prices. I understand the argument completely, it doesn't mean you're not getting screwed over.
What happened to just buying a game, having fun and showing your friends? Or going out and buying a pre-owned game, even just renting one. I go pay 8$ to rent a game and I can't access the servers without paying money ontop of my XBL fee that I'm already paying just for 5 days? What the hell is that BS, why does anybody even put up with it? Paying to even access a games online features that you already paid 60$ for is just as absurd. I understand they want to make profits man, I get that fully but screwing the gamer isn't the way to do it and here people are defending it and there they'll be pushing it even further step by step because people, like I said before will continue licking ass and defending.
Eventually they'll be charging on the hour to play the game after you already buy it and people will be posting "But the economy and it's worth it because ____" I think that paying for XBL AND an online pass is the worst thing about it, you specifically pay for XBL because MS want to recuperate server costs, yet they allow the online pass to be done. Making people pay them more money is not the way to make more profits? Thats the definition of "Making more profit" i don't like DLC and rarely ever buy it, only bought one thing for WaW and the car pack for GT5 and that is all.I hate DLC especially like Casualmike says ones that could easily have been time spent improving a game but alas that's not how making more profit is done. It would require a worldwide revolt to have them change their ways and no one can be bothered with that plus too many people are willing to buy whatever they release, my cousin who is 14 gets everything for CoD games no matter how many are released it's people like him who make Activision see how easy it is to pull off.
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