In terms of the more popular exlcusive and multi-plat game genres, such as Action/Adventure, Shooters, WRPG, Fighting, Sports, and JRPG's? What well-known quality exclusives in those genres does the PC offer over consoles? I understand when it comes to Sims and RTS's PC would outshine, but majority rule that the game genres I listed are the more exciting ones this gen. Is the extra $300 - $1000 more on PC parts over a console worth AA, 1920x1080 at 35FPS+, and mods? Games like Crysis 2, Dead Space 2, and DA2 look fine on console running at 30FPS, w/ no AA, at 720p and upscaled 1080p.
Enlighten me aka come at me bro!!!! 8)
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