I owned a PS1 and loved it but couldn't stand PS2 or it's games. To me they were shells of what they could have been if designed on the clearly more powerful and feature-rich Xbox.
I also couldn't stand Sony's arrogance and trying to change peoples perception of what they had hardware-wise versus what the reality of their hardware was: overhyped and extremely underpowered compared to the competition. The Xbox was clearly 3 times as powerful as PS2 but Sony wouldn't have you believe that while M$ has never with either consoles talked about "power of this" and "power of that". It's all Sony bull**** propaganda.
Same with PS3. I've owned one and played every exclusive and they all look and play like something I saw and played on Xbox or 360 years ago. Heavily scripted, extremely linear, corridor-based games don't impress me and obviously look as good as they do because they're developed that way with only one route and one way to play. Opened up, these games look like crap like Infamous at best. No thanks.
Being an Xbox fan since day 1, Sony and it's games and consoles feel like cheap knock-off bizarro versions of the real thing and their hardware has yet to impress me since no matter what propaganda Sony is spouting off this week Xbox games still look better to me because they're just developed how the dev wants them. PS3 games have to be designed a specific way to get around hardware limitations one exact way or they don't work or look right.
Maybe if Sony focused on making games like they did during the PS1 era instead of knocking off games and features Xbox has already done or did even last gen I'd like PS3 more. And make some real hardware for a change instead of weak ass smoke and mirrors bull****. Cell this and Bluray that. It's all bull****. The games still don't look impressive and the features of the console are all things Xbox did first. Sony fans should be thankful for features and games PS3 does have because M$ forced them to do it. You'd still be using memory cards, multitaps and playing offline with no shooters like KZ3 in sight if it wasn't for Xbox paving the way .
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