bandwagoning because gamers are interested in a new system.....ok i guess i should plead an oath to my console
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bandwagoning because gamers are interested in a new system.....ok i guess i should plead an oath to my console
And miss out on Demon Souls, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2? Not to mention Little Big Planet. I could never miss out on this generations best games for NO REASON!!
For the last 2 gens Sony plowed the path while every other console has followed in its wake. You know why? Because they've has always had the 3rd party. Who cares about the hardware when the PS1 and PS2 were kings of the third party? It's the games. Now look around you. You know that motion control gimmick everyone hates? Nintendo's fault. All those gritty grey FPS games the market is saturated with? Yeah lets go renew my live subscription so I can have a lobby full of 12 year olds yelling into my ears. Thanks Xbox, I really appreciate all the excellent services you've brought to the table.I owned a PS1 and loved it but couldn't stand PS2 or it's games. To me they were shells of what they could have been if designed on the clearly more powerful and feature-rich Xbox.
I also couldn't stand Sony's arrogance and trying to change peoples perception of what they had hardware-wise versus what the reality of their hardware was: overhyped and extremely underpowered compared to the competition. The Xbox was clearly 3 times as powerful as PS2 but Sony wouldn't have you believe that while M$ has never with either consoles talked about "power of this" and "power of that". It's all Sony bull**** propaganda.
Same with PS3. I've owned one and played every exclusive and they all look and play like something I saw and played on Xbox or 360 years ago. Heavily scripted, extremely linear, corridor-based games don't impress me and obviously look as good as they do because they're developed that way with only one route and one way to play. Opened up, these games look like crap like Infamous at best. No thanks.
Being an Xbox fan since day 1, Sony and it's games and consoles feel like cheap knock-off bizarro versions of the real thing and their hardware has yet to impress me since no matter what propaganda Sony is spouting off this week Xbox games still look better to me because they're just developed how the dev wants them. PS3 games have to be designed a specific way to get around hardware limitations one exact way or they don't work or look right.
Maybe if Sony focused on making games like they did during the PS1 era instead of knocking off games and features Xbox has already done or did even last gen I'd like PS3 more. And make some real hardware for a change instead of weak ass smoke and mirrors bull****. Cell this and Bluray that. It's all bull****. The games still don't look impressive and the features of the console are all things Xbox did first. Sony fans should be thankful for features and games PS3 does have because M$ forced them to do it. You'd still be using memory cards, multitaps and playing offline with no shooters like KZ3 in sight if it wasn't for Xbox paving the way .
The bigger question is "why did so many people with ps2's go to the xbox 360?"
Answer: It came out first... and halo. and yes thats the right answer.
I owned a PS1 and loved it but couldn't stand PS2 or it's games. To me they were shells of what they could have been if designed on the clearly more powerful and feature-rich Xbox.
I also couldn't stand Sony's arrogance and trying to change peoples perception of what they had hardware-wise versus what the reality of their hardware was: overhyped and extremely underpowered compared to the competition. The Xbox was clearly 3 times as powerful as PS2 but Sony wouldn't have you believe that while M$ has never with either consoles talked about "power of this" and "power of that". It's all Sony bull**** propaganda.
Same with PS3. I've owned one and played every exclusive and they all look and play like something I saw and played on Xbox or 360 years ago. Heavily scripted, extremely linear, corridor-based games don't impress me and obviously look as good as they do because they're developed that way with only one route and one way to play. Opened up, these games look like crap like Infamous at best. No thanks.
Being an Xbox fan since day 1, Sony and it's games and consoles feel like cheap knock-off bizarro versions of the real thing and their hardware has yet to impress me since no matter what propaganda Sony is spouting off this week Xbox games still look better to me because they're just developed how the dev wants them. PS3 games have to be designed a specific way to get around hardware limitations one exact way or they don't work or look right.
Maybe if Sony focused on making games like they did during the PS1 era instead of knocking off games and features Xbox has already done or did even last gen I'd like PS3 more. And make some real hardware for a change instead of weak ass smoke and mirrors bull****. Cell this and Bluray that. It's all bull****. The games still don't look impressive and the features of the console are all things Xbox did first. Sony fans should be thankful for features and games PS3 does have because M$ forced them to do it. You'd still be using memory cards, multitaps and playing offline with no shooters like KZ3 in sight if it wasn't for Xbox paving the way .
enuff said
i started gaming with my first console atari 7800
then moved on to nes after that i always tried to own all the good consoles every gen
so i owned almost all consoles that were good (only console i was not happy with that i bought was gamecube)
genesis, snes, playstation, n64, dreamcast, playstation 2, gamecube, xbox, xbox360 and playstation 3
i never missed out on a good game
thats such a ridiculous reason to buy a console.
Ah well..ur loss.
What's even more disturbing, some of them are NOT smart enough to realize the 360 is NOT exactly made in America :lol:
While its not the best reason to bu y a console, your point doesn't exactly add anything. He said "an American company", not "made in America". MS still employs may people in Washington, and the taxes that brings in is nothing to sneeze at.Sony employs many people in the US and has revenue taxed by the US also... Or are you like Geohot and have never heard of SCEA? They also own or fund more game development studios in the US than MS...[QUOTE="c49thaine"]
I owned a PS1 and loved it but couldn't stand PS2 or it's games. To me they were shells of what they could have been if designed on the clearly more powerful and feature-rich Xbox.
I also couldn't stand Sony's arrogance and trying to change peoples perception of what they had hardware-wise versus what the reality of their hardware was: overhyped and extremely underpowered compared to the competition. The Xbox was clearly 3 times as powerful as PS2 but Sony wouldn't have you believe that while M$ has never with either consoles talked about "power of this" and "power of that". It's all Sony bull**** propaganda.
Same with PS3. I've owned one and played every exclusive and they all look and play like something I saw and played on Xbox or 360 years ago. Heavily scripted, extremely linear, corridor-based games don't impress me and obviously look as good as they do because they're developed that way with only one route and one way to play. Opened up, these games look like crap like Infamous at best. No thanks.
Being an Xbox fan since day 1, Sony and it's games and consoles feel like cheap knock-off bizarro versions of the real thing and their hardware has yet to impress me since no matter what propaganda Sony is spouting off this week Xbox games still look better to me because they're just developed how the dev wants them. PS3 games have to be designed a specific way to get around hardware limitations one exact way or they don't work or look right.
Maybe if Sony focused on making games like they did during the PS1 era instead of knocking off games and features Xbox has already done or did even last gen I'd like PS3 more. And make some real hardware for a change instead of weak ass smoke and mirrors bull****. Cell this and Bluray that. It's all bull****. The games still don't look impressive and the features of the console are all things Xbox did first. Sony fans should be thankful for features and games PS3 does have because M$ forced them to do it. You'd still be using memory cards, multitaps and playing offline with no shooters like KZ3 in sight if it wasn't for Xbox paving the way .
enuff said
lol at the youtube video but yeah the video explain what you just lol @ youI guess im not entitled to post here considering I have been a sony fan since 1998 but I find it ironic that people talk about the PlayStation bandwagon whenever PS3 fans and fanboys are a minority in almost every major online forum and in the gaming community in general.
Source?I guess im not entitled to post here considering I have been a sony fan since 1998 but I find it ironic that people talk about the PlayStation bandwagon whenever PS3 fans and fanboys are a minority in almost every major online forum and in the gaming community in general.
The dualshock controller is one of the worst controllers I've ever used to be honest, I have no idea how Sony hasn't had to change it yet. Otherwise, I can usually only choose once console, and Nintendo has the IPs that I want, and Sony doesn't have anything that interests me outside of Little Big Planet.
For me it was very simple.
When it was 2000 I saw the PS2 and I wanted it. I had an N64 as a kid, but the PS2 looked awesome and I wanted to own one. However, they weren't available for purchase for like, ever. Six months into the search after the launch I learned about the Xbox and how it would have Dead or Alive 3 on it. Now I loved Dead or Alive 2 on Dreamcast and so I immediately jumped for the Xbox. On November 8 I went to a prelaunch party at CityWalk covered by the then credible Extended Play, now the totally uncredible X-Play, played Dead or Alive 3 and fell in love with the game. November 15, bought my Xbox wuth Halo: CE, Dead or Alive 3 and Project Gotham Racing.
Then in 2002 I was on the fence between a PS2 and GC as a second console. PS2 for Kingdom Hearts, GC for Super Mario Sunshine. My old-school Nintendo fan eventually won over me and I went with the Mario Sunshine bundle of the GC.
In 2005 the Xbox 360 was released. I had become a huge Halo fan and wanted one. In 2006 Sony stated the price of the PS3 at $600. I went out that summer and bought myself a 360 with Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4 and Project Gotham Racing 3.
So to sum up, in 2000 the thing wasn't available for purchase. In 2002 I chose Mario over KH. In 2006 I chose the cheaper alternative, plus with the added benefit of getting to play Halo 3 (which rocks BTW).
Someone shouldn't be 'resisting' a console, unless they cannot comfortably afford it. Buying an xbox over a playstation because it's american built is ridiculous.. what a pointless reason to miss out on a load of games (especially in the ps1/2 era). You should buy a console based on whether it has games that interest you.
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