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Getting Halfway thru PORTAL, and realizing the twist.
Playing Thru GeoW on Hard the first day I got it, and beating it that same night.The Graphics were eth wow moment.
Seeing a Blu-Ray Movie in Action for the first tim.
Playing Bioshock for the first time, beating it that same night (It seems every game that uses that engine is pretty, but also extremely short) .
All of MGS4. Truly the most Next Generation Experience yet. Even the little things, like sending pictures to Friends, downloading the MGS4 Database, The Boss Battles, the Downloadable Camo, the Graphics, the Presentation, the storyline, it was a blast.
Getting Halfway thru PORTAL, and realizing the twist.
Playing Thru GeoW on Hard the first day I got it, and beating it that same night.The Graphics were eth wow moment.
Seeing a Blu-Ray Movie in Action for the first tim.
Playing Bioshock for the first time, beating it that same night (It seems every game that uses that engine is pretty, but also extremely short) .
All of MGS4. Truly the most Next Generation Experience yet. Even the little things, like sending pictures to Friends, downloading the MGS4 Database, The Boss Battles, the Downloadable Camo, the Graphics, the Presentation, the storyline, it was a blast.
Yes, Portal.
Its remains the only game that has ever scared me. I really felt like I was being hunted throughout the second half of the game.
FIrst O snap was in Dead Or Alive 4. I was like "Holy s**t "
Anyway most games I played had a "o snap" moment .
Ninja Gaiden 2 .
GTA4's story near the end when someone dies.
Lost Odyssey Cutscenes
Halo 3 scarabs.
And the 99 nights demo ( so many enemies :O )
Getting Halfway thru PORTAL, and realizing the twist.
Playing Thru GeoW on Hard the first day I got it, and beating it that same night.The Graphics were eth wow moment.
Seeing a Blu-Ray Movie in Action for the first tim.
Playing Bioshock for the first time, beating it that same night (It seems every game that uses that engine is pretty, but also extremely short) .
All of MGS4. Truly the most Next Generation Experience yet. Even the little things, like sending pictures to Friends, downloading the MGS4 Database, The Boss Battles, the Downloadable Camo, the Graphics, the Presentation, the storyline, it was a blast.
err.. Lost Odyssey? Or the upcoming Last Remant?
[QUOTE="SolidTy"]Getting Halfway thru PORTAL, and realizing the twist.
Playing Thru GeoW on Hard the first day I got it, and beating it that same night.The Graphics were eth wow moment.
Seeing a Blu-Ray Movie in Action for the first tim.
Playing Bioshock for the first time, beating it that same night (It seems every game that uses that engine is pretty, but also extremely short) .
All of MGS4. Truly the most Next Generation Experience yet. Even the little things, like sending pictures to Friends, downloading the MGS4 Database, The Boss Battles, the Downloadable Camo, the Graphics, the Presentation, the storyline, it was a blast.
err.. Lost Odyssey? Or the upcoming Last Remant?
Well, LO isn't short, but I don't think it used the UNREAL ENGINE, if it did, I'm surprised.
LR I haven't played, I think that's because it isn't out. What do you think?
In Assassins Creed. When I saw the first city from on top of the hill, I was in awe.
The next half an hour was a jaw-dropping experience for me. The scale, the interactibality, the amount of people, the sounds; it was amazing.I'm still severely impressed by that game.
Resistance was my first next gen game. I was amazed by the visuals, particle effects, glass effects, awesome weapons, everything about that game had me in awe.
Uncharted, When you first look at the sea when your on that cliff... Wow what a moment.
The part where you're climbing up the mountain to get into the submarine?. Hell yes, that was perfect. :o
[QUOTE="SmartGuy2211"]err.. Lost Odyssey? Or the upcoming Last Remant?
Well, LO isn't short, but I don't think it used the UNREAL ENGINE, if it did, I'm surprised.
LR I haven't played, I think that's because it isn't out. What do you think?
It did.Resistance was my first next gen game. I was amazed by the visuals, particle effects, glass effects, awesome weapons, everything about that game had me in awe.
Uncharted, When you first look at the sea when your on that cliff... Wow what a moment.
The part where you're climbing up the mountain to get into the submarine?. Hell yes, that was perfect. :o
Not exactly that bit, The part when you crash in the other island and you're looking for Elena, just before you climb up the fortress...
The first one was when i first started playing PDZ. The graphics blew me away!
Playing Gears on co-op with my best friend, chainsawing locusts!
Playing Oblivion for the first time. I'd never played an elder scrolls game before, and this one is still my second favourite game this gen.
Project Gotham 3's in car view.
Playing Guitar Hero 3. I'd never played a guitar hero game before, and this one was just insanely fun!
Seeing Uncharted's graphics for the first time. Wow!
Every single second of MGS4!
[QUOTE="strudel420"]"Would you kindly..."
the brilliant demo for that game was an 'oh snap' moment in itself .. what a way to start a game
graphically, atmospherically, everything was perfect
this si probably a noob question but what game are you talking about??Please Log In to post.
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