PC gaming, and gaming in general, will vastly improve. Since there is no lowest-common denominator to develop for, I imagine we would see more risk-taking, more innovation, and greater diversity in the games we receive. It'd be like the late 90s and early 2000s all over again except, you know, current.
Game development budgets would probably be smaller, and studios would need to go back to being craftsman and artists instead of copy-cats and DLC milkers.
There'd be more studios since you don't need to pay MS, Sony, or Nintendo any royalties any more or ask for permission to publish a game. If you want to make a game, you can simply make a game....that's all there is to it.
Independent studios would continue to flourish since PC, the platform that pretty much holds up the independent game industry, would be the only platform to game on.
e-Sports would probably take off for a change instead of being kept alive on life support. PC is the more competitive platform for gaming, with a greater variety of genres, so e-Sports would do really well with a larger pool of players as well.
Hardware development would also get more competitive. We might actually see more companies pop up and offer video cards and processors to challenge AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.
Honestly, I see no negatives to consoles disappearing.
@warmblur said:
I think alot of the casual console gamers would move to mobile gaming and the die hards would eventually move to PC.
Yeah pretty much this.
Consoles are pretty casual for the most part; the majority of console gamers buy the hit game of the season and play it for a few months until the next one. They are, for the most part, not really invested in gaming, not really enthusiasts. .
Though they do have their die-hard players, no doubt. Though are they really that die-hard on console? I mean yeah they spend a few hours hunting down achievements so...maybe?
@sovkhan said:
Consoles are what is driving the AAA industry, while PC supports f2p and webgaming, 71% of its annual revenue!!!
I don' see AAA gaming dying any time soon!!!
So the consoles will remain as long as there is a wide interest in AAA gaming.
AAA is already dying. At the very least. it's a stagnant industry losing ground to vastly superior independent game production and smaller studios.
Look at EA with Anthem, Ubisoft with Ghost Recon, MS with....everything. The only reason PS4 does so well is because they're the least bad, not the best.
I don't want the AAA to be "driven" by anything, I want it to disappear or reinvent itself.
AAA used to mean something, now all it means is "we spent more on marketing than we did on development."
@BassMan said:
A universal platform like PC would be ideal. No more proprietary bullshit and exclusives. It would just be the best games competing against each other for people's time and money. For simplicity, you could still have console-like PCs with set specs that developers could target for system requirements. You could use that as a baseline and have different tiers for people's needs. Of course you could still build your own as well.
Everyone united under one ecosystem. It would be great. :)
Yeah, it really would be great. All the benefits of a competitive market with none of the exclusive bullshit.
We'd start seeing actual physical PC shops where you'd go in and talk to a guy and he'd build a PC for you or you'd build it yourself or just order one from Dell or whatever.
@uninspiredcup said:
Piracy rates would shoot up and we'd move faster towards streaming as the norm.
Meh, the sky has been falling for decades. "Oh no piracy eeeeeeeeeeh here it comes oh that's why we don't get a lot of games blah blah blah."
Streaming? Maybe for some games that can afford it, but for the most part a good chunk of games would be purchased the traditional way.
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