Poll What would you prefer? Star Citizen or No Man's Sky? (86 votes)
What would you choose from two space games? And why?
Both games have any problems: No Man's Sky is boring, Star Citizen has a very long alpha.
What would you choose from two space games? And why?
Both games have any problems: No Man's Sky is boring, Star Citizen has a very long alpha.
@kali-b1rd: LOL, first thing I thought, never a rational or facrual conversation when it comes to SC.
I was too late it already happened:
Neither. At least No Man's Sky is real, though.
Neither. No Man's Sky was the biggest flop of 2016.
Star Citizen will be the biggest flop of 2029.
@kali-b1rd: LOL, first thing I thought, never a rational or facrual conversation when it comes to SC.
I love how many Flop Citizen defenders the game has, when it's essentially a test demo that people have been paying millions of dollars for and the final product will be a big game that is boring if it ever releases. Also, the games graphics and engine are starting to look dated. By the time the game comes out, it'll look old.
Haven’t played either myself but I would say that Star Citizen looks to be the more interesting of the two to me.
Neither. because Star citizen donot exist and will never release.
No man sky is one of the biggest flop of this gen.
@kali-b1rd: LOL, first thing I thought, never a rational or facrual conversation when it comes to SC.
I love how many Flop Citizen defenders the game has, when it's essentially a test demo that people have been paying millions of dollars for and the final product will be a big game that is boring if it ever releases. Also, the games graphics and engine are starting to look dated. By the time the game comes out, it'll look old.
Boring to who? you? nobody cares.... I find Uncharted/Last of us boring but hey "Salty 10/10 GOAT".
I have never seen an MMO that manages to keep up the top end single player games, so once again, nobody cares about your arbitrary rules.
You can become a farmer in Star Citizen.
Or a doctor.
Or a mechanic.
Or a pirate.
Or a news reporter.
Or a racer pilot.
Or a business director.
Or a scientist.
Or an explorer.
Or a military escort.
Or a trader.
Or a bounty hunter.
Or a miner.
Or an information broker.
I dunno if the game will ever be in a semi-complete state. And it's a sim so yes for most of us it would probably be considered a little dull. But I would still pick Star Citizen for now. It at least has the chance to be something interesting.
There ks no full release of Star citizen so how can anyone answer that
What film do you prefer avengers Infinity War part 1 or avengers Infinity War part 2 ?
Not quite. I think, if we can see Infinity War part 2 now (in part, not in full), you would be right. But now we can know about part 2 only "It's will be the greatest movie!". We can play SC alpha lol
@kali-b1rd: LOL, first thing I thought, never a rational or facrual conversation when it comes to SC.
I love how many Flop Citizen defenders the game has, when it's essentially a test demo that people have been paying millions of dollars for and the final product will be a big game that is boring if it ever releases. Also, the games graphics and engine are starting to look dated. By the time the game comes out, it'll look old.
Boring to who? you? nobody cares.... I find Uncharted/Last of us boring but hey "Salty 10/10 GOAT".
I have never seen an MMO that manages to keep up the top end single player games, so once again, nobody cares about your arbitrary rules.
At least those games come out. Star Citizen is an overhyped mess that was supposed to be released 4 years ago and is still a tech demo. It will never be as successful as the Uncharted franchise or Last of Us, so don't even compare it. Also if by some miracle is released next year, doubt it, The Last of US 2 is the only thing people will care about.
Only pc nerds care about it. In the real world, nobody cares for Star Citizen.
I can do all the jobs Star Citizen has to offer in Space Station 13 AND be murderous clown. Gotta go with neither on this one.
@kali-b1rd: LOL, first thing I thought, never a rational or facrual conversation when it comes to SC.
I love how many Flop Citizen defenders the game has, when it's essentially a test demo that people have been paying millions of dollars for and the final product will be a big game that is boring if it ever releases. Also, the games graphics and engine are starting to look dated. By the time the game comes out, it'll look old.
Boring to who? you? nobody cares.... I find Uncharted/Last of us boring but hey "Salty 10/10 GOAT".
I have never seen an MMO that manages to keep up the top end single player games, so once again, nobody cares about your arbitrary rules.
At least those games come out. Star Citizen is an overhyped mess that was supposed to be released 4 years ago and is still a tech demo. It will never be as successful as the Uncharted franchise or Last of Us, so don't even compare it. Also if by some miracle is released next year, doubt it, The Last of US 2 is the only thing people will care about.
Only pc nerds care about it. In the real world, nobody cares for Star Citizen.
And if it was a mindless TPS action game that has been the same for over 25 years like other "amazing AAA" titles I'm sure it would of released in that unrealistic time span... but hey ho.
Tons of games that are not as successful as Uncharted that I would still pick up a thousand times over the mindless pretty garbage, again, this forums rules don't indicate dick to anyone. If we went by this forums rules the only games worth playing would be Sony and Nintendo first party.. what a shitty little world that would be.
The Last of Us 2 will be cared about for a week just like the first one, yet in reality half-finished games like PUBG are much bigger deals than it overall and people are still playing that in the million 2 years late.
Your world is tiny, I'm sure nobody cares about a game that they managed to raise 180 million to keep on making!
But nah, lets bash it to hell and keep praising the same small-minded s*it that Sony puts out... no risks, small graphical demo's that you chew up in 2 sittings and play maybe 3-4 years later just to justify your repurchase!
At least those games come out. Star Citizen is an overhyped mess that was supposed to be released 4 years ago and is still a tech demo. It will never be as successful as the Uncharted franchise or Last of Us, so don't even compare it. Also if by some miracle is released next year, doubt it, The Last of US 2 is the only thing people will care about.
Only pc nerds care about it. In the real world, nobody cares for Star Citizen.
I backed it for Squadron 42! I fully expect the game to be released eventually, although I can't say how good it'll be - Word from the demo they showed of S42 was that it was great, other than the combat which was very disappointing... Bit of a problem for a game where that's the main focus. What I won't do is give them a single penny more than the... $200 I paid for the Sabre ship. I originally pledged the Kickstarter, I'm only interest in Squadron 42, that's it.
Not sure what I'll be anticipating more, playing Squadron 42 or laughing at the damage control the haters will be spewing when it gets released. Both will be equally glorious.
As I've said many, many times. Star Citizen will never have a traditional release as it will just continue to grow from where it is and that will never change even after the patch name becomes Star Citizen 1.0
Completely different games with completely different aims and budgets. NMS is a console title and fun-light exploration-survival single player game at heart while Star Citizen is a PC Game with a more serious semi realistic sci-fi setting focused on multiplayer interaction at grand scale with realistic graphics.
There's nothing quite like Star Citizen in the market atm and I doubt anything will even come close in the future from other companies but It sure would be good for the genre.
Completely different games with completely different aims and budgets. NMS is a console title and fun-light exploration-survival single player game at heart while Star Citizen is a PC Game with a more serious semi realistic sci-fi setting focused on multiplayer interaction at grand scale with realistic graphics.
There's nothing quite like Star Citizen in the market atm and I doubt anything will even come close in the future from other companies but It sure would be good for the genre.
Honestly, it's starting to look dated. I remember being blown away visually at the game back in 14' but now. Meh. Looks bland and boring.
@needhealing: Not sure if serious or just trolling....
Dated is exajerated of course, but it doesn't look that amazing to be honest. And if it keeps getting delayed, next gen is around the corner making these graphics obsolete.
It will never be as successful as the Uncharted franchise or Last of Us, so don't even compare it.
It's literally made over 100 million dollars... In fact, almost 200 million... Before release.
Lol Uncharted 4 made $650 million in sales, what's your point?
NMS looks very boring indeed, and Star Citizen is in alpha since forever. Since I don't want to play boring games or unfinished games, I'd rather play something else. If my life depended on choosing one, I'd rather play SC. At least that one has potential.
Planet Nomads
Space Engineers
Orisis New Dawn
Lol Uncharted 4 made $650 million in sales, what's your point?
You should check how the breakdown of games sales works. CIG actually had almost 200 million given directly to them, as they are both developer and publisher. Physical game sales break down very differently, due to things like brick-and-mortar/online retailer's margins.
Now, if a very large chunk of UC4 sales were online via the PS store, then that would be different, but to my knowledge we've never had a breakdown of digital/physical sales for UC4.
Anyway, you glossed over the fact that this is all before release as well, whereas all UC4 sales are post-release.
@needhealing: It does look amazing if you consider it's scope and ambition, I know it's hard to grasp for a "common gamer" but look around you , what single game remotely resembles Star Citizen/Squadron 42 scope?
You can point several games but never a single one that does it all.
Mass Effect, Battlefront, Cyberpunk, Beyond Good & Evil 2 etc etc together wouldn't even be close to resemble it....
No Man Sky is available for purchase and is fully playable, Star Citizen isn't.
No Man Sky will have a huge updated in summer. Star Citizen still lacks a release date.
Why is this even a comparison?
The following games are also fully playable and better than No Mans Sky and yes.. in the same general type of game but actually considerably better
Elite Dangerous
Planet Nomads
Space Engineers
Orisis New Dawn
@Pedro: Sorry but you are definitely confused. Star Citizen has been available for purchase since 2012 and released it's first gameplay version back in 2013, since then every year it has added updates with new features and content for free to everyone who bought it beforehand.
Comparing Star Citizen with NoManSky is like comparing the next Lamborguini car with a lego car model.
@Pedro: Sorry but you are definitely confused. Star Citizen has been available for purchase since 2012 and released it's first gameplay version back in 2013, since then every year it has added updates with new features and content for free to everyone who bought it beforehand.
Comparing Star Citizen with NoManSky is like comparing the next Lamborguini car with a lego car model.
that is being too generous.
legos at least have building mechanics
@needhealing: It does look amazing if you consider it's scope and ambition, I know it's hard to grasp for a "common gamer" but look around you , what single game remotely resembles Star Citizen/Squadron 42 scope?
You can point several games but never a single one that does it all.
Mass Effect, Battlefront, Cyberpunk, Beyond Good & Evil 2 etc etc together wouldn't even be close to resemble it....
You'd also have to assume Star Citizen's graphics won't improve over time especially since its still in the Alpha stage. 3.0 was a pretty big graphically leap over 2.0. Don't forget Squadron 42 which will be a trilogy series and that will definitely get improved graphics with each sequel. I can understand it being technically underwhelming since most of the environments are wastelands or empty space but they're already working on environments with water and vegetation and the cities we've seen so far in the game look beautiful.
@needhealing: It does look amazing if you consider it's scope and ambition, I know it's hard to grasp for a "common gamer" but look around you , what single game remotely resembles Star Citizen/Squadron 42 scope?
You can point several games but never a single one that does it all.
Mass Effect, Battlefront, Cyberpunk, Beyond Good & Evil 2 etc etc together wouldn't even be close to resemble it....
I've been gaming all my life, also primarilly pc gaming. I'm just not as stuck up and delusion as you Trash Citizen fanboys. Anybody can make ambitious games with the budget, even AAA publishers. But there is a reason why they don't do it. Guess why? They need an actual milestone or if not the project will get bigger, longer and lack substance. R
You talk about "it looks amazing considering scope" exactly my point. Its trying to be too much, without having polish in small things. I saw gampelay demo and the landscape looks boring as hell. Not to mention, graphically it's ugly - yes believe it but graphics include art direction.
@needhealing: It does look amazing if you consider it's scope and ambition, I know it's hard to grasp for a "common gamer" but look around you , what single game remotely resembles Star Citizen/Squadron 42 scope?
You can point several games but never a single one that does it all.
Mass Effect, Battlefront, Cyberpunk, Beyond Good & Evil 2 etc etc together wouldn't even be close to resemble it....
You'd also have to assume Star Citizen's graphics won't improve over time especially since its still in the Alpha stage. 3.0 was a pretty big graphically leap over 2.0. Don't forget Squadron 42 which will be a trilogy series and that will definitely get improved graphics with each sequel. I can understand it being technically underwhelming since most of the environments are wastelands or empty space but they're already working on environments with water and vegetation and the cities we've seen so far in the game look beautiful.
More improvements, more delays. And if the game really is as big as the developer wants it to be, the redoing of assets is going to take a colossus amount of time. That's not something that will be done in a couple of weeks. Game isn't coming out until 2020 - if it doesn't get canceled (which is a possibility at least crapwear), and by then. Next gen is coming out and this game has to look 2x better than it does now. Fact.
It will never be as successful as the Uncharted franchise or Last of Us, so don't even compare it.
It's literally made over 100 million dollars... In fact, almost 200 million... Before release.
Lol Uncharted 4 made $650 million in sales, what's your point?
Star Citizen is the single most successful crowd funding project ever, nothing else in any industry or sector comes close. It has over 2 million backers (the equivalent of traditional sales) which continues to grow daily and that's before it has even come out of Alpha. I'd say that's very successful. Wait till Squadron 42 releases and the numbers will double or even triple.
Do you have a link for the $650 million in sales, all I can find is a Forbes article saying they had sold 8.7 million copies, it's over a year old so not accurate but assuming that every copy was sold for $60 that would be $522,000,000. Call me sceptical but I doubt Uncharted 4 has sold a further 2.1 million copies at $60 each (many, many more at a lower cost) in the last year and that's not allowing for bundles where the game is effectively free but are invariably included in units sold figures.
I wonder what kind of return Sony made from Uncharted 4? Personally I'd guess around 25% (average for a AAA game) with a production cost of around $40 million and marketing in the region of $100 million (again roughly average for a AAA game). Netting Sony/Naughty Dog a profit of around $127 million, very healthy indeed.
Star Citizen, on the other hand, if was released today will have been paid for before release. if we estimate that it sells the same as it has brought in from crowd funding (another $185 million, which is perfectly feasible) The sales margin could be as high as 70% (allowing for digital distribution through their own website and the ongoing costs of running an online game) netting C.I.G a potential profit of around $129 million on less than half the units Uncharted 4 has sold. If C.I.G. do finish Squadron 42 and Star Citizen (frankly there is absolutely nothing to suggest they won't) their profits could be much higher than most other AAA games out there.
Star Citizen is the single most successful crowd funding project ever, nothing else in any industry or sector comes close. It has over 2 million backers (the equivalent of traditional sales) which continues to grow daily and that's before it has even come out of Alpha. I'd say that's very successful. Wait till Squadron 42 releases and the numbers will double or even triple.
Do you have a link for the $650 million in sales, all I can find is a Forbes article saying they had sold 8.7 million copies, it's over a year old so not accurate but assuming that every copy was sold for $60 that would be $522,000,000. Call me sceptical but I doubt Uncharted 4 has sold a further 2.1 million copies at $60 each (many, many more at a lower cost) in the last year and that's not allowing for bundles where the game is effectively free but are invariably included in units sold figures.
I wonder what kind of return Sony made from Uncharted 4? Personally I'd guess around 25% (average for a AAA game) with a production cost of around $40 million and marketing in the region of $100 million (again roughly average for a AAA game). Netting Sony/Naughty Dog a profit of around $127 million, very healthy indeed.
Star Citizen, on the other hand, if was released today will have been paid for before release. if we estimate that it sells the same as it has brought in from crowd funding (another $185 million, which is perfectly feasible) The sales margin could be as high as 70% (allowing for digital distribution through their own website and the ongoing costs of running an online game) netting C.I.G a potential profit of around $129 million on less than half the units Uncharted 4 has sold. If C.I.G. do finish Squadron 42 and Star Citizen (frankly there is absolutely nothing to suggest they won't) their profits could be much higher than most other AAA games out there.
Most funded sure, but people are having regrets about it.
Star Citizen is the single most successful crowd funding project ever, nothing else in any industry or sector comes close. It has over 2 million backers (the equivalent of traditional sales) which continues to grow daily and that's before it has even come out of Alpha. I'd say that's very successful. Wait till Squadron 42 releases and the numbers will double or even triple.
Do you have a link for the $650 million in sales, all I can find is a Forbes article saying they had sold 8.7 million copies, it's over a year old so not accurate but assuming that every copy was sold for $60 that would be $522,000,000. Call me sceptical but I doubt Uncharted 4 has sold a further 2.1 million copies at $60 each (many, many more at a lower cost) in the last year and that's not allowing for bundles where the game is effectively free but are invariably included in units sold figures.
I wonder what kind of return Sony made from Uncharted 4? Personally I'd guess around 25% (average for a AAA game) with a production cost of around $40 million and marketing in the region of $100 million (again roughly average for a AAA game). Netting Sony/Naughty Dog a profit of around $127 million, very healthy indeed.
Star Citizen, on the other hand, if was released today will have been paid for before release. if we estimate that it sells the same as it has brought in from crowd funding (another $185 million, which is perfectly feasible) The sales margin could be as high as 70% (allowing for digital distribution through their own website and the ongoing costs of running an online game) netting C.I.G a potential profit of around $129 million on less than half the units Uncharted 4 has sold. If C.I.G. do finish Squadron 42 and Star Citizen (frankly there is absolutely nothing to suggest they won't) their profits could be much higher than most other AAA games out there.
Most funded sure, but people are having regrets about it.
Backing a crowd funded project carries risk that sometimes comes with no reward, however I'm patient enough, like the majority of backers, to wait for a potentially great game rather than a rushed out mediocre one to appease the media and haters. I regret buying a PS4. It was my choice and no one forced me to do it, just as no one has forced anyone to back Star Citizen.
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