[QUOTE="NorthlandMan"]I've just seen a video of it and it looks crap. It looks better than Killzone in stills but it's crap in motion. the objectives all seem the same as previous COD games, the animations are rubbish, the destructability of environments is a joke, there's barely any action on the screen at a time, the AI sems incredibly linear and predictable
Why are people hyping this game? and how can you praise its graphcis after seeing killzone in motion
Wow, you are now officially the greatest person on this forum to me.
I was thinking the same thing (but the developers actually said environmental destruction is a fad, and therefore it does not have it at all). There is actually a decent amount of action onscreen however and I think you're overanalyzing it a tad. I don't think it will be a bad game but I can't STAND reading "OH MY HERES CALL OF DUTY 4 AGAIN, THE MOST GORGEOUS GAME EVER!" because I find it underwhelming and the gameplay in Call of Duty 2 was trite and repetitive.
Plus, the multiplayer for CoD4 resembled Call of Duty 2's almost exactly.
i second that, redfingers. indeed, NorthlandMan always has well thought out posts. he actually backs up his opinion which is rare on system wars. i agree, COD4 doesnt look that great in motion. i tried to see what all the hype was about, but i soon realized it was lemmings hyping it so they can actually compare it to Killzone 2's graphics. sad sad sad.
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