I think the first deus ex got me nailed to my seat for 10 hours or something. Not healthy though, you can get a trombosis by sitting down too long, especially when you're not fit.
Every MGS release, I would do an overnight playing the games.
I think the longest one was MGS4. I started the game in the afternoon (when I bought it) played until my brother left to go out. I played all night going to extreme measures such as holding in a doo-doo urge an extra 30 mins or so to squeeze more game time out. Eventually he got home the next day in the morning. I think I played 16-18 hours straight. I had proper nutrition with me.
Second longest was MGS2 I think. I can't even remember all of the things I did. I just remember looking for easter eggs as much as possible, and being amazed with the game. There will never be another game like MGS2.
Also, MGSV. I had it earlier than I started playing, but waited to play it until I had no classes in-between semesters. I almost did nothing but play that game every night (all night) for a week.
Other games: Soul Calibur (most fg's tire me out, forcing me to go to sleep at some point), Bomberman 64 (rainbow palace gold cards), Demon's souls (of course) etc., Star Ocean 2...
As I kid, I played Star Ocean 2 on PS1 for about 12 hours straight frequently during my summer break. I also got Soul Calibur day one and beat every mission including the secret ones over winter break. Sometimes I would have the Dreamcast on for days straight.
These aren't as crazy though since I was young and it was easy to do that. More recently, I played Dragons dogma Dark Arisen for basically whole shifts at a time, like 8-10 hours, around when it just released. Also when DMC4SE came out, both my brother and I sat down and completed normal and hard mode each with Nero/Dante and Vergil respectively -- don't remember how long it took though.
We used to have LANfests at home with Duke Nukem 3D, GLQuake, and Quake2 as the featured games. When my wife and the kid went abroad to visit relatives, I had my coworkers and friends come on over and stay for a week.
The place was trashed and I had to spend an extended time cleaning the toilets before the wife got home. Bunch of slobs. ;)
Maybe around six or seven hours on various games like GTA 3, VC and San Andreas, Oblivion, some FIFA's , Battlefield 2 and Fallout NV to name a few. On weekends when I don't have something else to do I usually play for like 5 hours straight whatever it is I'm currently playing.
I am big fan of Counter strike,Fifa and online mini games, so I had played this games 10+ hours many times. I am really missing those days
Not exactly sure on the time, but I've got a few crazy ones.
When Super Street Fighter II came out on SNES, my buddy and I sat there playing it for so long that when I stood up, I fainted.
When MGS2 came out I pulled an all nighter and beat the game in one push. I remember it being extra weird because that section towards the end where Campbell is all like "turn off the game console" lol. That might have been about a 15 hour run.
When I was about 14 I had the brilliant idea of playing Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, and Super Mario RPG, all for the first time at the same time lol. Not really a single sitting thing, but that was a brutal 3 weeks.
I've had countless 8-10 hour binges, especially with the Final Fantasy and Zelda games back in the day.
Loved how they broke the 4th wall like that. I remember thinking you had to somehow turn off the console to advance, kind of like a moment in the 1st where Psycho Mantis read your memory card.
Longest ever was probably the original UFO Enemy Unknown (xcom) the AGA version on my Amiga 1200 I did 28 hours straight more recently would be Civ 6 which i put in 16 hours on a few weeks ago, although it's rare I have the time or will to do it these days
Played and beat Gears of war in one sitting. That was also when I just got my 360 back from a 2-3 week rrod repair from MS. Being without a console for 3 weeks probably was the reason.
LOL, making up for lost time huh?
Playing many games, probably 12 hours before I passed out. Was at a party with a bunch of friends and we stayed up most the night.
Playing a single game... when Uncharted Drake's Fortune launched. My wife took our kiddo to her mom's house for the day and I sat for 8-9 hours only breaking for a quick snack or bathroom break. Completed it in one shot. Great game.
We may be the only ones that like the first Uncharted this much. I played the crap outta that game.
Recently, the Witcher 3. When it launched I had just gotten a break from school so I put like 12 hours in on PC the first day.
24 hours.
I was bedridden after my brain surgery and the steroids and painkillers I was on made it hard to sleep. 2nd brain surgery was in Dec of '11. Guess what game I was addicted to.
Skyrim. Took me about about 150 hours to discover how shallow it was. Still have a love/hate relationship with that game.
Damn, man. If you don't mind me asking, why did you have the surgeries, exactly?
I ask because I was born with sagittal craniosynostosis and have had 3 corrective surgeries as a result. Each surgery had a 4-6 month recovery time and I also had insomnia because of all the meds I was taking. Shit was so agonizing at some points that I would just weep the days away. Not much else a scared kid can do at that point.
Damn bro. I feel for ya.
I have a slow growing incureable (sp?) brain tumor. They found it in '03. It gives me very painful partial-complex seizures. I don't have cancer now (after 3rd craniotomy, chemo, and radiation), but the tumor type that I have has a 100% recurrence rate.
You guys are warriors. Respect.
Guild Wars, when it released I put in 81 hours with no sleep, maxed my character, explored the whole map and did everything I wanted to do, never touched it again.
That is absolutely INSANE!!!! There are no words for this lol.
I can't remember my longest time ever but last year I played Persona 3 for 12 hours in a row and beat Pokemon Moon in a weekend. Hell, today I played Bioshock Infinite for 5 hours straight and Rayman Legends for about 7 hours yesterday.
Over 24h lol. But i haven't done that since at least 2011. If Nioh is as good as i expect it to be, i see myself doing 10h+ np.
12 hours maybe? That was back in the days of Everquest 1 trying to find rare camps.. Never again, I usually have to take breaks every hour or two of play now tops.
All time record? I have no idea, but I know I've done some weekend gaming binges. I'm talking like 20-30+ hours over the course of a weekend. Like someone above, obviously I would take breaks or even go out to eat. But then back to gaming. I had a roommate in college that basically did that all-day every day for a semester in some MMORPG, this ONE game was basically this guy's whole life 24/7 for all the time I knew him. Most unbelievable thing I've ever seen, and that single handedly turned me away from ever playing MMO's or online RPG's. Needless to say he flunked out.
Nowadays I would never do that. Though on weekends I might still do a 4 or 5 hour session without much of a break. But i would never spend the whole day gaming anymore. For whatever reason the genre I'm most able to do that on is online shooters, once I get going I could go for hours without realizing it. I'd imagine some of the Battlefield games I might have touched 10 hours in a single day. If I'm playing a single player game, I generally get burned out after a few hours. So I have less inclination to have some 8 hour marathon session.
during my teens and there was no school my parents give me my NES, Sega Saturn and I'll spent like over 15 hours. during these days growing up , having a job and a family I normally game at the weekend and for only like 1-3 hours.
I understand your pain lol.
What's the longest you have ever sat there playing a game?
For me, damn, I have to go all the way back to my Nintendo/Sega Genesis days. There was no save features for most of those games. Back then, if you wanted to see the end credits for a game you had to hunker down and basically live like a hermit (or freak depending on you point of view.) until you were done.
I just left the console on and hoped my mom didn't turn it off during the day.
Must have been Wolfenstein ET like the first week that I played it there was a day that a started 6 AM until 4AM, with my short breaks of pissing and drinking.µ
Besides that I play max 5 hours once a month if I have a nice free day for myself.
Like yesterday I played Modernwarfare Remastered 5 hours straight no breaks haha.
What's the longest you have ever sat there playing a game?
For me, damn, I have to go all the way back to my Nintendo/Sega Genesis days. There was no save features for most of those games. Back then, if you wanted to see the end credits for a game you had to hunker down and basically live like a hermit (or freak depending on you point of view.) until you were done.
I just left the console on and hoped my mom didn't turn it off during the day.
LOL! Said every kid playing games in the early to mid 90's ever.
Please be careful doing that. If you play for 24+ hours without proper breaks you risk death, and people have died doing it. (Thalamus overload, circulation stuff, etc.)
Just like you would die from drinking too much water. Too much of a good thing.
I played 36-38 hours of Okami over a 72 period over a long weekend. I think it was two 14 hour sessions and one 8-10 or something like that. An absolutely outstanding experience.
That is the absolute most I can remember.
Well if you mean gaming sessions, I sometimes have all day sessions....just playing a game all day, done that many times before. But as far as actually staying immobile in the same position, like just sitting and playing without taking breaks.....I'm very self-conscious about that, I don't think I ever went over 2 hours in 1 sitting. I kind of conditioned myself to get up every hour or so and relax my eyes, look outside a little.....maybe stretch, do a few pushups, walk around...etc.
I don't want to go off a tangent here, but bottom line is it's very unhealthy to stay immobile in the same position for hours on end, human body simply wasn't built for that kind of thing and as much as possible you should try to just take a few minutes off every hour of gaming, that's my rule of thumb. The healthier you are physically, the more you can enjoy everything in life, including gaming. If you are in a poor state of mind, for example, this will also affect your entertainment experiences, such as gaming. Just my 2 cents, not telling people how to live their lives....you do what you want with your time, you asked and I commented :)
Well if you mean gaming sessions, I sometimes have all day sessions....just playing a game all day, done that many times before. But as far as actually staying immobile in the same position, like just sitting and playing without taking breaks.....I'm very self-conscious about that, I don't think I ever went over 2 hours in 1 sitting. I kind of conditioned myself to get up every hour or so and relax my eyes, look outside a little.....maybe stretch, do a few pushups, walk around...etc.
I don't want to go off a tangent here, but bottom line is it's very unhealthy to stay immobile in the same position for hours on end, human body simply wasn't built for that kind of thing and as much as possible you should try to just take a few minutes off every hour of gaming, that's my rule of thumb. The healthier you are physically, the more you can enjoy everything in life, including gaming. If you are in a poor state of mind, for example, this will also affect your entertainment experiences, such as gaming. Just my 2 cents, not telling people how to live their lives....you do what you want with your time, you asked and I commented :)
There you go again. Quit showing off....
Lolol... I kid but you already knew that. :P
@Pedro: bu-bu-bu but you can always fire up a 2nd controller or plug your wireless controller with a 12 ft cord to da console ( taking you back to the days of PS2 ) ya know ! ( LOL ) coz X1 controllers use AA batteries that last like 40 hours and that ain't kool !
Four hours. Then, thanks to my father thinking that manual labor in my teens would be a good idea, my knees start to cramp and ache.
About 6 hours in my younger days. Today it's about 1-2 hours for modern games and old school games is anywhere from 5-30 minutes for that nostalgia fix. I'm lucky enough if I even have one day in a week where I'll actually feel like playing something or I just don't really have the time to myself to dedicate without disruption.
Four hours. Then, thanks to my father thinking that manual labor in my teens would be a good idea, my knees start to cramp and ache.
Lol, I've had manual labored jobs since I was 13, am 40 now and my knees don't ache. I don't think manual labor is the cause of your aches, usually it's lack of exercise or could be arthritis which anyone can get that.
Four hours. Then, thanks to my father thinking that manual labor in my teens would be a good idea, my knees start to cramp and ache.
Lol, I've had manual labored jobs since I was 13, am 40 now and my knees don't ache. I don't think manual labor is the cause of your aches, usually it's lack of exercise or could be arthritis which anyone can get that.
He's also the guy who forgot that you need earplugs when running a chainsaw. I've been partially deaf since I was a teenager. And my knee problems set in during that period, along with shoulder issues with my right arm and a couple other life-long problems.
I do have long sessions from time to time but always on adventure or strategy games. Can't really keep the energy up for the likes of Doom over an hours play any more. Not been too well. Find myself needing to put it down.
Please be careful doing that. If you play for 24+ hours without proper breaks you risk death, and people have died doing it. (Thalamus overload, circulation stuff, etc.)
Just like you would die from drinking too much water. Too much of a good thing.
I recall on more than one occasion hearing about such things. Usually it involved an individual who had stayed up for something ridiculous like 4 to 5 days relying heavily on energy drinks and other such stimulants. Usually it was in an attempt to break a world record or something as well.
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