Every forum is exploding with threads about Forza. Even playstation only websites are talking about Forza. Do people think this is by accident? I'd guess this is car one in a 4 month long hype train leading right up release.
True but if you watch with attention, this buzz Forz3 is generating is in direct relation to GT5.. People talk about Forza3 but comparing it to what GT5 will have on offer.. so in reality i think that the buzz is actually genereted from the GT5 vs Forza3 thought rather than Forza3 as an individual game..
Same in here if you see any thread related to either Forza3 or GT5 is suddenly become a GT5 vs Forza3 thread... I believe that media is helping Turn10 with expanding the buzz around their game in the hope that PD start showing more of GT5.. deep down the media wants to have their hands-on previews for GT5..
This is just my personal theory, personally i'll just make sure to do myself a favour and get both games :P
I think your theory is spot on. Makes you wonder if Turn10 doesn't want the same thing. Why else be so aggresive?
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