Explain what systems you had growing up, what system you remember most, and what the systems did to give you the taste in gaming you have today.
I started with the NES. Only a few games really stand out. R.B.I. baseball being the biggest one. From there I had a Sega. I was never really jealous of the Snes kids, but I always wanted one. I then had a Sega Saturn. To this day I am the only person that I know that had a Sega Saturn. My parents bought me a N64 for Christmas and later that year I traded the Saturn in for a PS1. This was a huge mistake. I loved the PS, but I wish I still had the saturn. 9/9/99 I bought the greatest system of all time, the Dreamcast. I loved this thing. I played it all the time. My friends bought Dreamcasts, even though the PS2 was just on the horizon. I later bought a PS2, but I never really appreciated it. This is when I think gaming started to decline. In college I played the PS2 and Xbox. The Xbox was a staple of dorm life. Everyone played Halo over the school network. To this day I remember not really liking Halo, but everyone played it , so I felt like I had to. 2 years out of college I bought a gamecube. This was a great investment. I think of the Wii, the same way I thought of the GC. It never had a lot of games, but it had a few amazing games. That's really it. I now own a PS3, 360, Wii, and a DS. I think my favorite system was the Dreamcast. I still play it a few times a week. I have over 100 games for it. I think the Dreamcast showed me that you don't have to have the best graphics, most games, most hype, or even popularity to be good. I always talk about it, but I wish todays companies could take a page out of Sega's book.
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