My pet peeve in gaming would have to be the length of cutscenes. If it is short and sweet, than it is ok, but if it is long and boring, than it is a major turn off to me. That is mine, but what is yours?
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Call of Duty.
Anti-casual "hardcore" gamers
xbla/psn games don't count as "real games" (more here in system wars than anything)
Call of Duty.
Anti-casual "hardcore" gamers
xbla/psn games don't count as "real games" (more here in system wars than anything)
i like cod, its like a bug zapper for douches. makes other games more fun to play because theres less jerks since they're all playing CoD[QUOTE="free_milk"][QUOTE="mems_1224"]fanboys, people that trying to seperate "hardcore" and "casual" gamers to make themselves feel superior. different preorder bonuses from different places.mems_1224You separate hardcore and causal all the time. :| i've never done that Aaron Brooks isnt on the rockets.
[QUOTE="speedfreak48t5p"]i like cod, its like a bug zapper for douches. makes other games more fun to play because theres less jerks since they're all playing CoDCall of Duty.
Anti-casual "hardcore" gamers
xbla/psn games don't count as "real games" (more here in system wars than anything)
:lol: Best thing I've read all week.
yes, i hate games that have quick time events during action cut scenes. beucase then i dont even get to see the awesome action piece im just looking at the bottom of the screen waiting to press a buttonQuick time events. When theres a cutscene, no matter the lenght, i wanna be able to RELAX, and not be on edge waiting for random PRESS X TO NOT DIE
Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. Heil68I do always look forward to your posts. :cool:
Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. Heil68
for me it was $600, smh, sony got me wit the PS3 in 2007, RIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGE RACER
[QUOTE="Heil68"]Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. ispeakfactI do always look forward to your posts. :cool:
how cute, sweet bromance
I do always look forward to your posts. :cool:[QUOTE="ispeakfact"][QUOTE="Heil68"]Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. slantedandencha
how cute, sweet bromance
DLC, in almost every circumstance (except for major stuff like Shivering Isles and the like), but particularly in regards to MP and how you slowly get excluded from most of a games multiplayer if you do not spend another $40-60 on DLC. I remember buying Halo 3 and over the course of a year being limited to three or four playlists because I wasn't going to buy the cost of the game again. This expectation in being able to play MP is probably from playing PC a lot, where map packs where uniformly free until they realized console gamer would pay for them. I miss when a patch for BF1942 might come with a new map or two and not charge you anything.
Jaggles, Screen tearing, and game that require you to collect a certain amount of the same things and don't reward you accordingly. (just colected the Stones of Barenziah in Skyrim and that was the biggest waste of time ever since I got nothing of value for it.
same as but that depends on how exiting the cutscenes are, the ones in reident evil 5 and MGS twin snakes where an example of good cutscenes, not being able to skip cutscenes is lame as well, especially if you already completed the game onece, also, people who segragate gamers into different categories like 'casual' and 'core'.My pet peeve in gaming would have to be the length of cutscenes. If it is short and sweet, than it is ok, but if it is long and boring, than it is a major turn off to me. That is mine, but what is yours?
Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. Heil68i have been playing plenty of games on my 360 dude, you are so full of Crap, if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point but to say it has no games is just pure BS dude.
[QUOTE="Heil68"]Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. delta3074i have been playing plenty of games on my 360 dude, you are so full of Crap, if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point but to say it has no games is just pure BS dude.
But what's the point in purchasing a console just for multiplats that play practically the same as the competition? :(
I have a few:
- Rubber banding in racing games. (Looking at you Burnout, Motorstorm + Mario Kart)
- Being forced to lose to proceed, resulting in you using up health packs or restarting the level. I once spent over an hour trying to beat a level on Patapon, restarting every time I was about to lose. Then I lost and the game carried on and a new level opened up. I was then told that I needed an item from that level to beat the previous level. I admit I did rage that day.
- Enemies that simply refuse to kill AI buddies.
- AI buddies that simply refuse to kill enemies.
- Online gamers in general: Cheaters, screeching kids, etc.
- Trailers ruining the best parts of the game for you. (Honestly Free Radical... Haze could have been interesting if it weren't for the fact that we knew the big plot twist from day one)
- Overpriced DLC. (£6 for 3 new songs on DJ Hero? Are you f***ing kidding me?!)
I have two:
1. Lack of polish, which is easily the number 1 score detractor in gaming. Awesome ideas like Alpha Protocol get marred by bad framerates, terribad AI, slow texture loading and poor difficulty balancing. Other games like Battlefield 3 and Fallout suffer to a lesser degree, but it still sucks.
2. Blatant ripping off/generic design. I get it, Call of Duty 4's campaign was an amazing game, I don't need to play it 5 more times reskinned as Homefront or Battlefield 3. Sure these games have great unique multiplayer, but they should either go their own way in single player, or just avoid campaign altogether and leave it to the guys that do it right (like Crytek).
i have been playing plenty of games on my 360 dude, you are so full of Crap, if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point but to say it has no games is just pure BS dude.[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="Heil68"]Buying a $400 console and having no games to play on it. ispeakfact
But what's the point in purchasing a console just for multiplats that play practically the same as the competition? :(
i can't get Halo, Fable, gears of war,left4dead,left4dead 2 or splinter cell conviction on the Ps3, not to mention the 360 has more WRPG's (my favorite genre) like Risen,Ego draconis and later this year the witcher 2, i also prefer the controller and i like the fact i can install my games completely to the HDD and i can play all my old Xbox games on it, you have your reasons for preffering the PS3, i have my reasons for preffering the 360, truth is including PC/360 games the 360 Has more multiplat games that i actually want to play on it than the Ps3 does, it's as simple as that.[QUOTE="speedfreak48t5p"]
Call of Duty.
Anti-casual "hardcore" gamers
xbla/psn games don't count as "real games" (more here in system wars than anything)
They don't count as full games, because they aren't full games.
why not? most offer 6-7 hours of gameplay. thats about the same you get from uncharted and other short retail games[QUOTE="speedfreak48t5p"]
Call of Duty.
Anti-casual "hardcore" gamers
xbla/psn games don't count as "real games" (more here in system wars than anything)
They don't count as full games, because they aren't full games.
of course they are full games, they are not demo's are they, i think you meant to say they are not 'full price' games,silly stament dude, especially when you will get more hours out of a game like torchlight than you ever will out of a game like gears or uncharted.[QUOTE="ispeakfact"][QUOTE="delta3074"]i have been playing plenty of games on my 360 dude, you are so full of Crap, if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point but to say it has no games is just pure BS dude.delta3074
But what's the point in purchasing a console just for multiplats that play practically the same as the competition? :(
i can't get Halo, Fable, gears of war,left4dead,left4dead 2 or splinter cell conviction on the Ps3, not to mention the 360 has more WRPG's (my favorite genre) like Risen,Ego draconis and later this year the witcher 2, i also prefer the controller and i like the fact i can install my games completely to the HDD and i can play all my old Xbox games on it, you have your reasons for preffering the PS3, i have my reasons for preffering the 360, truth is including PC/360 games the 360 Has more multiplat games that i actually want to play on it than the Ps3 does, it's as simple as that.I'm not taking to task what games you like, but I'm simply continuing from what you said above "if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point." All the games you just mentioned are multiplats. Heil68 was, in a trolling way, stating that the 360 is lacking in exclusives. Which is why I was just curious why someone would purchase a console simply for multiplats.
Hadn't thought of that one, but I have to agree. I remember once someone trying to tell me that Oblivion was an action game but Morrowind was an RPG because Morrowind had more complex stuff and Oblivion was just mainstream rubbish. Oh, I'll add one of mine: - People going head over heels for niche games and then moaning about the series becoming popular and berating it for being 'casual' or 'mainstream' simply because more people like it.RPG elitists claiming every rpg under the sun to "not be hardcore/complex" enough
But what's the point in purchasing a console just for multiplats that play practically the same as the competition? :(
i can't get Halo, Fable, gears of war,left4dead,left4dead 2 or splinter cell conviction on the Ps3, not to mention the 360 has more WRPG's (my favorite genre) like Risen,Ego draconis and later this year the witcher 2, i also prefer the controller and i like the fact i can install my games completely to the HDD and i can play all my old Xbox games on it, you have your reasons for preffering the PS3, i have my reasons for preffering the 360, truth is including PC/360 games the 360 Has more multiplat games that i actually want to play on it than the Ps3 does, it's as simple as that.I'm not taking to task what games you like, but I'm simply continuing from what you said above "if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point." All the games you just mentioned are multiplats. Heil68 was, in a trolling way, stating that the 360 is lacking in exclusives. Which is why I was just curious why someone would purchase a console simply for multiplats.
cause it gets multiplats that are PC/360 only and most people dont want to play on pcsi can't get Halo, Fable, gears of war,left4dead,left4dead 2 or splinter cell conviction on the Ps3, not to mention the 360 has more WRPG's (my favorite genre) like Risen,Ego draconis and later this year the witcher 2, i also prefer the controller and i like the fact i can install my games completely to the HDD and i can play all my old Xbox games on it, you have your reasons for preffering the PS3, i have my reasons for preffering the 360, truth is including PC/360 games the 360 Has more multiplat games that i actually want to play on it than the Ps3 does, it's as simple as that.[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="ispeakfact"]
But what's the point in purchasing a console just for multiplats that play practically the same as the competition? :(
I'm not taking to task what games you like, but I'm simply continuing from what you said above "if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point." All the games you just mentioned are multiplats. Heil68 was, in a trolling way, stating that the 360 is lacking in exclusives. Which is why I was just curious why someone would purchase a console simply for multiplats.
because i prefer the controller and it has certain multiplats (PC/360 games) that i really like that are not on the Ps3,also it was cheaper than the ps3 when i got it, did you not get the point dude? it's not rocket science and i thought i explained it quite clearly the first time a round,lolPlease Log In to post.
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