I don't like it when games won't let you jump
I don't like it the regenerating health aspect that so many games use now. It makes them too easy IMO
I don't like day one DLC
I don't like when some games have online match making issues when they launch, even though the devs had plenty oftime to fix it, but didn't.(looking at you Twisted Metal and Assassin's Creed)
I don't like short 3 hour campaings. Seriously, last gen games were SO much longer than games today, they were also harder.
I don't like it when Devs only talk about graphics and power when making thier games but don't talk about Gameplay.
This one applies to the community, not games themselves, but I don't like it when a game get's scores an 8 or an 8.5 or anything below a 9.5 and everyone freaks out about it. 8 is NOT a bad score. It means GREAT, it means MUST BUY
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