[QUOTE="ispeakfact"][QUOTE="delta3074"]i can't get Halo, Fable, gears of war,left4dead,left4dead 2 or splinter cell conviction on the Ps3, not to mention the 360 has more WRPG's (my favorite genre) like Risen,Ego draconis and later this year the witcher 2, i also prefer the controller and i like the fact i can install my games completely to the HDD and i can play all my old Xbox games on it, you have your reasons for preffering the PS3, i have my reasons for preffering the 360, truth is including PC/360 games the 360 Has more multiplat games that i actually want to play on it than the Ps3 does, it's as simple as that.delta3074
I'm not taking to task what games you like, but I'm simply continuing from what you said above "if you said 'no exclusive games' then i may be able to see your point." All the games you just mentioned are multiplats. Heil68 was, in a trolling way, stating that the 360 is lacking in exclusives. Which is why I was just curious why someone would purchase a console simply for multiplats.
because i prefer the controller and it has certain multiplats (PC/360 games) that i really like that are not on the Ps3,also it was cheaper than the ps3 when i got it, did you not get the point dude? it's not rocket science and i thought i explained it quite clearly the first time a round,lol You know, herms would say that you can plug a controller into the pc. Just saying. Again, I'm not taking you to task on your game choice, but this was about exclusives and the 360's, well...lack there of.
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