To answer the question seriously, there is a completely different culture in PC gaming. And this forum is a terrible representation of what people really think of "Exclusives".
Yea sure, you don't see HZD/Uncharted/TLOU equivalent style games in development because why would a PC-specific dev want to bother they would be multiplat by default. they don't have a massive publisher and console engineers to make something shiny/efficient on a cheaper budget.... and moving onto the fact that PC gamers have a far larger pool of games to play.
That far more options also implies that there are Exclusive games that just simple destroy the above mentioned mediocre titles in the gameplay department. Those 10-20 hours games that collect dust after a playthrough are nothing compared to games released 10 years ago that are still played by millions at any single time.
PC gaming - much larger library, much wider arrange of games that people will happily play for years.
Sony Console gaming - rely on a handful of 3rd parties to pump out Cod/Battlefield/Destiny and any branched out experiences. Build in house graphic "Blockbusters" once a year and then get people to buy the next one.
Xbox - I dunno....
Nintendo - Great variety in exclusive games both SP and MP (More local, but some successes only with MK and Splatoon).
That is the current market situation through my eyes, nobody on PC cares if you are waiting for the next pretty 10 hour game.... nobody.
Star Citizen.... even if it takes 10 years, is legions more ambitious than anything Sony will put out ever.... and has sold more than their biggest games. so yea theres that.
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