OoT is the best Zelda ever (and MM is better than WW and TP)
Mario 64 is the best Mario ever
Perfect Dark and Goldeneye were LEGENDARY for their time and still do a lot right today
plus it introduced Smash Bros and 3D mario Kart, in addition to so much more. N64 beats Wii by a long shot :P.
I'd say while those games are classics, they've all been outdone.
Ocarina of Time is a great game (so far, the 3D version) - but it's obvious other Zelda games after (with the except of TP) have taken what was done in the past and 1UP'd them. Majora's Mask was another twist on what Ocarina of Time did. Wind Waker expanded the exploration, combat and visual styIe, allowing for more facial expressions through it's art styIe. TP kind of took a step back from WW and Skyward Sword seems to have addressed every issue that still remains within the Zelda titles. Things like boring combat, boring parts between dungeons, always finding chests with Rupees, better exploration akin to Wind Waker, etc. have been addressed.
In terms of Mario, I've always liked the 2D games more. SMG and SMG2 feel more linear and more aligned with what Nintendo did with 2D Mario's. A 3D, open world type Mario will always have it's place, but I much prefer the Galaxy games. Though in all honesty, I think each Mario game has been better than the previous. I think Sunshine was better than 64, Galaxy was better than Sunshine and Galaxy 2 was better than Galaxy. Plus, according to GT the new 3DS Mario is more like SM64, so you should be happy about that :P.
In terms of FPS, I don't care too much cause I don't play FPS lol.
The N64 created a lot of the foundation of future games, but I feel that all those titles have been out done by their sequels. While the N64 sure had some great first party content, I'd argue the Wii has had it's fair share. A brand new Metroid, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Mario all came out in one year. The Wii also has two Zelda games, a Smash Brothers game, a Mario Kart game, Battalion Wars 2, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Punch Out, Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy, a 2D Mario game with multiplayer that people have wanted for 15 years, another Kirby game, a Super Paper Mario game, two excite truck games and a localized Sin & Punishment title.
I'd say their efforts this generation has been far better than the previous two. Though, the problem is they have very limited third party support; so it's definitely lacking when you're missing out on multiplatform releases.
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