GTA IV by a landslide, deserves no more than an 8/10, the most overrated game of all time.
What did you think of MGS4 though? Judging by your sig and avi I take it you're an MGS fan. Were you not majorly disappointed? I seriously couldnt believe what I was playing when it first came out. It didnt feel much like MGS at all. I'm not opposed to the idea of new controls for MGS, but these were not only alien to the series, they largely felt like a tacked on checklist of what a western gamer would expect from a poor mans tps.
They also abandoned the thoughtful level design of prior MGS games for wide open areas that never really take stealth, or action into consideration. Add the Octocam mechanic and you basically have a broken "stealth" game in which you can crawl through 90% of the areas. Dont want to play stealth? Fine, have a million weapons to choose from and a virtual store you can access any time. It completely takes away any challenge, greatly lessens the significance of finding new weapons/items and the game isnt even built well as a shooter in the first place.
The only time I found myself having fun in MGS4 was through self imposed challenges. The game simply gives you way too much to use and not many great, or varied ways to use them. After Act 2 the game is basically over. Not to say Act 3 was bad, but after the first run its value is lost. Kojima simply tried to bank off of nostalgia in Act 4 and Act 5 was pure garbage. Speaking of garbage, how about having some of the worst boss fights around in a series that was known for its inventive boss battles?
As for story, I suppose a casual fan that plays MGS games in passing wouldnt notice, but anyone that really knows the prior stories knows how big of a screw up MGS4 is. Without going into too much detail, its simply a retconned filled cameo fest from hell. Almost any impact or significance from the previous stories is destroyed by MGS4. The same can be said about the characters as well.
Of course there is the piss poor writing and complete lack of editing, but thats too obvious and not worth going into.
I could really go on forever, but I just dont see how someone can be so harsh about GTAIV while giving MGS4 a free pass. And this is coming from a guy that had an unhealthy obsession with MGS and doesnt even care for GTA games.
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