Be honest, do you favor one company over the other? I personally like both, but favor AMD. I'll explain why. When I think of Nvidia, I think of top-notch and uncompromising performance. I think of Nvidia as the best in terms of overall and raw performance, this is their upside. However, note that I saiduncompromising.Meaning that they won't budge in their efforts to make the fastest card, even if that means poor heat dissipation and ridiculous power consumption. This is their downside. As for AMD, I love them because even though they compromise top-notch performance to assure good heat dissipation, low power consumption, and relatively cheap prices, the compromise is usually so small that it can be overlooked. Also, I like red more than green and would rather have a card that matches the red and black theme of my case. :P
NOTE: I made a similar thread in the PC Hardware section, but I've made it here because I think it's more appropriate for this section.
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