Nintendo*- Overprices the Wii hardware. Overprices old software, both its MSRP for first party Wii titles and prices for the Virtual Console. Has a knack for creating games that require the purchase of expensive external accessories, which are poorly supported.
Microsoft- Did not do due diligence with manufacturing their consoles (supposedly by choosing inferior materials, but whatever the problem, it was very real). They are the only console manufacturer that charges for online play. They have a pretend currency, likely to mask the consequences of purchasing the many, many small bits of content that they offer in the marketplace, including a vast array of crappy, cheap impulse-buy style vanity items.
Sony- Tried to strengthen their long term situation on the backs of early adopters by using Blu-Ray and thus delaying their console and raising its asking price to $600 in order to win a format war against the HD-DVD consortium. Imo, the largely non-gaming related, nearly pyrrhic victory, fell almost entirely on SCE's most loyal customers both in the form of the launch price and mediocre early support (presumably due to risk averse publishers afraid of low sales). Also, they removed the backward compatibility feature and subsequently started selling remakes of PS2 games.
* Note: Many would say Nintendo's releasing of numerous revisions to the DS hardware matter here, but that's silly to me. There are far more skus of the 360 and PS3 than there are of the DS. Further, releases like the DSi XL are about serving niche markets, not making anyone buy two versions of the same hardware, one substantially better than the other. They offered a choice of preference between larger screens with the same resolution as the smaller ones, which were thus a little blurrier, or smaller and clearer screens of the DSi. Nor would I consider improving hardware over time as cost falls to maintain pricing greedy. People buying later have a right to expect more and it is one of the reasons some of them waited in the first place.
MS's actions are the most day 2 day obvious of the bunch, but I would be hard pressed to say they are the most greedy. I suspect Sony would be charging for online if they were in a dominant position relative to MS (Yes, I know MS is not in a dominant position relative to Sony, so don't bother). And I could soooo see Nintendo nickel & diming with an avatar store and am a bit surprised they haven't already followed MS's lead with a Mii Store. I can't see Nintendo's culture allowing it to make a poor console durability-wise at this point (yes, you had to blow on your NES haha, get over it, it still works 25 years later with a bit of air power), but I could certainly see Sony doing so as they've done so in the recent past, and I don't think they've "learned their lesson", I think they charged $600 and if YLoD were as big a deal as RRoD when your charging $600 for a game machine, you're asking for pitchforks and torches.
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