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can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.Prab93
360. Easily. Assuming you are wanting to play games. If watching movies is more your thing, PS3 all the way.
either or just not the wii it's a gimmick
online : xbox has a stronger online community although psn has better services and games( warhawk , warhawk expansions , killzone 2 , socom , resistance 1 and 2 M.A.G, home )IMO and its free
games : xbox has a decennt lineup of games imo ( left 4 dead , dead island , gears of war 2, alan wake , splinter cell , banjoe ) and a few good games now although there all on pc and alot aregetting ported to wii and ps3 ( dead rising , bioshock ) as far as ps3 line ups go its definetly the stronger of the the 2 ( heavy rain , KZ2 , infamous , resistance 2 , LBP MOTORSTORM 2 ) its current line up is als good ( uncharted , mgs4 , heanenly sword , motorstorm , rachet and clank , )
features : xbox duznt live up to the ps3s features IMO (blu ray , free internet , media storage , cell processor )
end summary : if your willing to devote sum time with the ps3 you will undoubtly be rewarded , if you wnt a few games and the chance the console break any minute go with xbox
its up to you ..........
[QUOTE="Prab93"]can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.snyper1982
360. Easily. Assuming you are wanting to play games. If watching movies is more your thing, PS3 all the way.
dont forget if exchanging broken consoles is your thing 360 all the way !can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.Prab93
My opinion is that you should run from this forum. Chances are you are going to get a bunch of crappy advice as to which you should buy.
Do this though: click on Xbox 360 and PS3 towards the top of your screen. Then click on games (also towards the top of the new screen). Then decide which looks better.
either or just not the wii it's a gimmick
online : xbox has a stronger online community although psn has better services and games( warhawk , warhawk expansions , killzone 2 , socom , resistance 1 and 2 M.A.G, home )IMO and its free
games : xbox has a decennt lineup of games imo ( left 4 dead , dead island , gears of war 2, alan wake , splinter cell , banjoe ) and a few good games now although there all on pc and alot aregetting ported to wii and ps3 ( dead rising , bioshock ) as far as ps3 line ups go its definetly the stronger of the the 2 ( heavy rain , KZ2 , infamous , resistance 2 , LBP MOTORSTORM 2 ) its current line up is als good ( uncharted , mgs4 , heanenly sword , motorstorm , rachet and clank , )
features : xbox duznt live up to the ps3s features IMO (blu ray , free internet , media storage , cell processor )
end summary : if your willing to devote sum time with the ps3 you will undoubtly be rewarded , if you wnt a few games and the chance the console break any minute go with xbox
its up to you ..........
TC, would you want to pay $100 bucks just for a Wifi adapter? or $23 just for a rechargeble battery pack, or $50 a year for online?
ugh theres a million different thread of theses.
1. take in account which systems do you friends play, If your a online player u may want to get the system your friends have.
2. Are you a online player, XBL is more featurefull then psn at a cost of 50 bucks a year to keep things running smooth, constant updates, and basically has more bells and whistles. While psn is free and has most feautres XBL has, some features u may not find like ingame voice chat to a friend playing a DIFFERENT game.
3. What exclusives do you like? Would you want to play Halo, gears, fable, banjo, gta4 DLC, or would you want to play metal gear solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, socom, resistance2, infamous, etc. Also note if u like alot of the Mircrosoft exclusives, most of them release on PC, so if you wanted to save money play on pc, or if u want to play all exclusives play on pc and get a ps3.
4. Which system is more last longer? As much as i may get flamed for this, MS is having overheating problems (even in the new Elite units) its been a constant issue. While PS3 is generally known to not break down as easly there still is DRE known to occur. As for engines and graphics, Ps3 wins this hands down, the cell is powerful. Right now however there really is know difference, multiplats look same, and games published by Mircosoft and sony will polish there pretty games up to look nice (look at gears and MGS4). However i honestly beleive in a few years PS3 power will be unlocked more (just look at heavy rain i think it looks nice).
5. Are you using your console for strictly gaming or a overall system. Ps3 has Blu-ray built in wifi, internet, easy to install a new HDD(very cheap aswell), remote play, etc, etc. Bascially its a media killer. Also you can install linux on ps3 making you have a computer in the ps3 (run Word, excell, firefox, flash enabled sites etc). Blu-ray also is great if your a movie fanatic (and sony can run netflix to on there system, theres 2 ways actually). However, the 360 is known for gaming, MS is a rich company who buys out many games (meaning more exclusives), whether there good or not, or if you like them or not, itsnt up to me. Also the XBL community is filled with ppl with mics and very very very actice. Ps3 community is still very active however not everyone has mics, it might change with socom, but who knows.
Both system has pros and cons. I went with ps3 because i felt like i answered "ps3 in all these questions", alot of friends of mine have ps3, i play online (and dont like i have to pay 50 bucks a year) now with the sony ingame xmb, before i would have said 50 bucks may have beeen worth the ingame xmb. However i like the epic single player adventures aswell (unharted, mgs4), im sorry but gears didnt have a impressive story, it was short and to me half-baked, however tons loved it, dont let me tell you what to like. If been around the corner with sony and love the excluives (mgs4, killzone, god of war3) and i loved the new exclusives like LBP, infamous, resisttance. I heard problems with the rrod (it was a major issue when i bought my console) so i decided to go safe. I also was convinced blu-ray would be the new standard, so i went with that (then it just so happened it came to be). I love the fact the ps3 can turn into a computer by running linux). To me Ps3 had everything i was looking for, and the downfalls, i didnt mind so much.
Really it depends on WHAT YOU WANT. Welcome to system war your gonna get fanboys of EVERY system telling you what to buy, really its all on you, happy shopping !!!
Note: no matter what system you get wait a lil, if u get a xbox get the "new elite" it prolly wont rrod as easyly as before. And if u get ps3, unless u want the mgs bnundle with BC, then get the 160g version (500 bucks) you get a great deal on both consoles.
I bought my 360 2 years ago for Gears of War. I thought 360 would dominate this time around. I recently just purchased a PS3 for MGS4 and I have not played on my 360 ever since (except when I play Rock Band). My PS3 has treated me nicely and I dont see me buying another game for my 360 until Gears 2. I would Definately go w/ PS3. The way I look at it for the same price as 360 games blu-ray are not easy to scratch. I tend to stack up my game disk on top of the entertainment center..lolRudy25This
Either eally, I have an xbox and the only thing that makes me want a ps3 is mgs4.
Do you play online with friends - xbox
Can you afford to pay for xbox live? - if not then ps3
Cheaper games - more people have 360's = more likely to find the game you want preowned , 360
Exclusive DLC - 360 (gta4 and fallout 3)
Reliability - ps3 by miles, although I've never had a problem with my xbox, it happens
Back catalogue - 360 easy - gears, halo, mass effect - lair , haze.
Size of online community - xbox plus the majority have mics, not many do on psn
The future - Gears 2, halo wars, banjo - LBP, a side scroller
it's your preference.
If you wanna play great games now.... 360
If you wanna wait until 2009 and beyond.... PS3.
[QUOTE="Thornorway"]If you wanna play great games now.... 360
If you wanna wait until 2009 and beyond.... PS3.
i bought a ps3 because i fear the "RROD." I don't like the fact that any of my electronic stuff breaking because of faulty hardware. Besides, the ps3 holiday lineup look better than the xbox so i suggest getting ps3.
[QUOTE="REBEL2100x"][QUOTE="Thornorway"]If you wanna play great games now.... 360
If you wanna wait until 2009 and beyond.... PS3.
i bought a ps3 because i fear the "RROD." I don't like the fact that any of my electronic stuff breaking because of faulty hardware. Besides, the ps3 holiday lineup look better than the xbox so i suggest getting ps3.
Exactly. I actually sold my 360 for a PS3 because of the RROD (had to exchange it 3 times)
To Thornorway
What about little Big Planet? Resistance 2? Socom: Confrontation? Motorstorm 2? and the other games coming out too?
I think that the 360 is better right now
But the PS3 has a much better lineup this year and next year, The PS3 also has free online that is almsot as good, reliable hardware and an inbuilt blu ray player
The PS3 is also destroying the 360 in every territory worldwide (sales wise)
I think that the 360 is better right now
But the PS3 has a much better lineup this year and next year, The PS3 also has free online that is almsot as good, reliable hardware and an inbuilt blu ray player
The PS3 is also destroying the 360 in every territory worldwide
Iv got both, the only 2 games worth playing on the ps3 are mgs4 and uncharted
while on the 360, halo3, gears of war, bioshock, forza 2, pgr 3 and 4 , lost odyssey, dead rising ,rock band ,ninja gaiden 2 and eternal sonata with alot more big uns coming this year.
either or just not the wii it's a gimmick
online : xbox has a stronger online community although psn has better services and games( warhawk , warhawk expansions , killzone 2 , socom , resistance 1 and 2 M.A.G, home )IMO and its free
games : xbox has a decennt lineup of games imo ( left 4 dead , dead island , gears of war 2, alan wake , splinter cell , banjoe ) and a few good games now although there all on pc and alot aregetting ported to wii and ps3 ( dead rising , bioshock ) as far as ps3 line ups go its definetly the stronger of the the 2 ( heavy rain , KZ2 , infamous , resistance 2 , LBP MOTORSTORM 2 ) its current line up is als good ( uncharted , mgs4 , heanenly sword , motorstorm , rachet and clank , )
features : xbox duznt live up to the ps3s features IMO (blu ray , free internet , media storage , cell processor )
end summary : if your willing to devote sum time with the ps3 you will undoubtly be rewarded , if you wnt a few games and the chance the console break any minute go with xbox
its up to you ..........
oh that was a nice unbiased pitch, thats sarcasm by the way
Iv got both, the only 2 games worth playing on the ps3 are mgs4 and uncharted
while on the 360, halo3, gears of war, bioshock, forza 2, pgr 3 and 4 , lost odyssey, dead rising ,rock band ,ninja gaiden 2 and eternal sonata with alot more big uns coming this year.
Coming this year? :lol::lol:
Bioshock is for PS3 too with exclusive DLC, Same with Eternel Sonata, Rock Band too, and rumors going around saying that Dead Rising is coming to the PS3.
360 all the way unless you want a media centre (from a manufacturer that lies all the time about its games and tacks on broken motion sensing to it controller just because it was scared by the competition) first and a games console second then PS3 all the way.
oh by the way I actually do own all three consoles. unlike probably most of the people in this thread.
Either eally, I have an xbox and the only thing that makes me want a ps3 is mgs4.
Do you play online with friends - xbox
Can you afford to pay for xbox live? - if not then ps3 and if you want better online games and services (home, m.a.g ,kz2, socom resistance 2 , warhawk , resistance 1 , motorstorm 2 )
Cheaper games - more people have 360's = more likely to find the game you want preowned , 360 yul also find alot of preowned 360s that broke to .
Exclusive DLC - 360 (gta4 and fallout 3) Hooray ! giving more money To M$ !
Reliability - ps3 by miles, although I've never had a problem with my xbox, it happens tRUE
Back catalogue - 360 easy - gears, halo, mass effect (all on pc ) - lair , haze. dont forget uncharted , mgs4 , warhawk , motorstorm ,resistance, rachet and clank .
Size of online community - xbox plus the majority have mics, not many do on psn ,MORE MICS ! = MORE FRATBOYS HOOTIN "vito ! , VITO! vito! and blaring music in your ear !
The future - Gears 2, halo wars, banjo - LBP a do it yourself platformer likeable to all audiences , kz2 a gorgeous action packed fps, infamous a electrified super hero adventure , eye pet , an interactble furry friend , resistance 2 , 2 story modes 60 ppl online sci fi fps , afrika experience afrika like never be4 , heavy rain , idk , m.a.g 256 battles online , agency , socom ,gt5 to nam a few
it's your preference.
Lets see, is Brawl in one of them. NO!?!? then screw that. Wii it is.Sonicplysis third party support a nd non gimmicks in ps3 and xbox ? YES forget wii that rubbish
[QUOTE="scottiescott238"]Iv got both, the only 2 games worth playing on the ps3 are mgs4 and uncharted
while on the 360, halo3, gears of war, bioshock, forza 2, pgr 3 and 4 , lost odyssey, dead rising ,rock band ,ninja gaiden 2 and eternal sonata with alot more big nuns coming this year.
Coming this year? :lol::lol:
Bioshock is for PS3 too with exclusive DLC, Same with Eternel Sonata, Rock Band too, and rumors going around saying that Dead Rising is coming to the PS3.
dont forget kz2 owns halo 3 gt5 owns forza , ninja gaiden flopped , and we have sigma[QUOTE="ps3wizard45"]either or just not the wii it's a gimmick
online : xbox has a stronger online community although psn has better services and games( warhawk , warhawk expansions , killzone 2 , socom , resistance 1 and 2 M.A.G, home )IMO and its free
games : xbox has a decennt lineup of games imo ( left 4 dead , dead island , gears of war 2, alan wake , splinter cell , banjoe ) and a few good games now although there all on pc and alot aregetting ported to wii and ps3 ( dead rising , bioshock ) as far as ps3 line ups go its definetly the stronger of the the 2 ( heavy rain , KZ2 , infamous , resistance 2 , LBP MOTORSTORM 2 ) its current line up is als good ( uncharted , mgs4 , heanenly sword , motorstorm , rachet and clank , )
features : xbox duznt live up to the ps3s features IMO (blu ray , free internet , media storage , cell processor )
end summary : if your willing to devote sum time with the ps3 you will undoubtly be rewarded , if you wnt a few games and the chance the console break any minute go with xbox
its up to you ..........
oh that was a nice unbiased pitch, thats sarcasm by the way
why so serious ? cant handle the truth ?[QUOTE="snyper1982"][QUOTE="Prab93"]can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.ps3wizard45
360. Easily. Assuming you are wanting to play games. If watching movies is more your thing, PS3 all the way.
dont forget if exchanging broken consoles is your thing 360 all the way !Funny, unlike you, I have all of the consoles, and am not biased. The PS3 has good games, the 360 just has vastly more. Oh yeah, and my launch 360 is still going strong...Go figure.
can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.Prab93
i play my 360 more, but both are excellent. really, you'll get most of the same games. if you don't mind 50 bucks a year and play online a lot, i think XBL is better than PSN. sony has some strong titles coming, perhaps more so than MS. i would suggest looking at the game libraries, and decide from there.
The 360 quite literally has twice as many games as the ps3.
I'm personally waiting for a price drop on the 360. The arcade will drop to 200$ and the 60gb pro to 300$ in September. MS is also adding software bundles to the 360 for the holidays. It would be awesome if the pro dropped below 300$, but it might not happen.
People say the 360 is outdated, but it still delivers games with the same or better graphics than the ps3. It still releases games and exclusives just as often as the ps3. And MS continues to steal games and content from the ps3 and will continue to do so.
And people really need to get over the RROD. The new consoles significantly reduce the chance of failure.
The 360 quite literally has twice as many games as the ps3.
I'm personally waiting for a price drop on the 360. The arcade will drop to 200$ and the 60gb pro to 300$ in September. MS is also adding software bundles to the 360 for the holidays. It would be awesome if the pro dropped below 300$, but it might not happen.
People say the 360 is outdated, but it still delivers games with the same or better graphics than the ps3. It still releases games and exclusives just as often as the ps3. And MS continues to steal games and content from the ps3 and will continue to do so.
And people really need to get over the RROD. The new consoles significantly reduce the chance of failure.
those better twice as much games...what were they???
see, if your buying a system now, you got to look foward to NEWER games, like 08-09 lineup (and ps3 wins imo), thats why id say go ps3. I would have gotten a xbox (06) but i hads no money, thank god i waiting and ended up with ps3 :P
[QUOTE="Overclockd"]The 360 quite literally has twice as many games as the ps3.
I'm personally waiting for a price drop on the 360. The arcade will drop to 200$ and the 60gb pro to 300$ in September. MS is also adding software bundles to the 360 for the holidays. It would be awesome if the pro dropped below 300$, but it might not happen.
People say the 360 is outdated, but it still delivers games with the same or better graphics than the ps3. It still releases games and exclusives just as often as the ps3. And MS continues to steal games and content from the ps3 and will continue to do so.
And people really need to get over the RROD. The new consoles significantly reduce the chance of failure.
those better twice as much games...what were they???
see, if your buying a system now, you got to look foward to NEWER games, like 08-09 lineup (and ps3 wins imo), thats why id say go ps3. I would have gotten a xbox (06) but i hads no money, thank god i waiting and ended up with ps3 :P
It literally has twice as many games, and it nearly has twice as many good games. This blog shows that the ps3 has 52 games rated 8 or above, while the 360 has 91. It also estimates 28 future 360 games to score above 8, and only 24 ps3 games. I'm not saying gamestats is completely accurate, but I highly doubt it is very far from the truth. The 360 simply has more and better games and it will continue for at least the next year and probably until a new console comes out.
[QUOTE="Prab93"]can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.snyper1982
360. Easily. Assuming you are wanting to play games. If watching movies is more your thing, PS3 all the way.
a little bit biased, don't you think?
PS3 has some great games like uncharted and metal gear solid 4. lots of good games are coming out and the multiplats are decent like gta4
Got a really high end PC? no. 360 yes. do what you like, its basically down preference but the ps3 has slightly less games in common with the PC
Want blue-ray? Samrt enough to buy it for you pc if it would work? yes, who cares. CBA? get a ps3 PS3.
if it was 05-07 I would have said 360. But PS3 for 08-09 is excellent! Your choice. If you want a reliable system with awesome exclusives you go for a PS3. You dont want to suffer like i have (had to exchange 3 360s because of RROD)REBEL2100x
I got RROD yeasterday. It started when I was playing GTA as lines went down the screen. Now its dead. I knew I shouldnt have pushed that guy in the clothes store, he did this to me! :P
For games both are good. dont listen to people say that the ps3 is for movies. What they mean is it can do everything.
If it were down to me I would get the ps3. but with the price drops you could save up for both.
I dont like it when people say the 360 has way more games. I mean, are we including games like Fifa 06/07 here? Strip all those mediocre games away and the consoles are very similar. and both great.
Reading some of the posters here who say they picked the PS3 instead of 360 cause of the RROD is ridicolous, i guess they have not heard of warranty and another thing the PS3 also have hardware problems to, im on my 3 rd PS3 and on my 2nd 360 so can you who explain you sold it cause of fear or rrod explain to me how thats possible. Oh another thing Final Fantasy is NOT a Sony exclusive anymore. LOL!Thornorway
3rd ps3?
what do you keep it in, a small box????? Or did you just drop it 3 times?
And the warranty is out soon. At tyhe end of this year all the launch buyers are skrewed and must buy a new one if it happens again. Including me.
Like you saud FF13 is still multiplat, unless you are in japan. But FF13 versus is still exclusive.
Tc do research on 360 or PS3 and check out their game libraries and see which interest you the most
also some of the PS3 games in 2009 could get delayed and just like how first few 360 had RROD there still people on their launch 360 with no problems and the 360 with falcon chips have slow down rrod on 360 and you get 3 year warranty
I be ps3 owner next
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