SolidTy fair play mate because im losing my temper reading all this and your actually trying to talk sense into TTDog.... All Bovine Skulled are we TTDog? if thats the case try actually taking in what you read.[QUOTE="jwsoul"]
You don't know what a port is. I provided several links man, according to you, every game ever made is a port, because all games are made on PC's first. You don't understand the terminology.
This game is being designed COMPLETELY for the PS3 specs and hardware. No exceptions. After that, they will bring the code to the 360 and optimize it best they can, it should be similar. It's a port.
I have a 360 and I avoid buying ports. Also, get your facts straight, I have more gamerpoints than you and love the 360, but I an not going to be a fanboy about it.
You said that they aren't optimizing for PS3? How many links do I need to provide you before you know you are and have been wrong for some time? People perusing the thread know, but you seem to avoid posting what my links mean. You have been COASTING on 360 only Feb. 2008 news all this time, and yet came in here an argued with posters with your lack of facts.
You said they aren't optimizing for PS3? Did you read the links? Here :
"The fact is, the PS3 version is what's in development right now, and the team is working to specialise that version to the very best of the PS3's abilities"
There, you've been given god's knowledge of Final Fantasy XIII, and just in case you didn't know, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is only for the PS3.
Between the TWO Final Fantasy Games, Final Fantasy XIII AND Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Only FFXIII is coming to both platforms (PS3 and 360.)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII will remain a PS3 exclusive.
FFXIII is however, being designed for the PS3, and when that team is finished, a 360 port will be underway.
I have been trying to explain this...I think maybe I was too articulate and wordy, and my point was being washed away in the words.
It's a 360 port. FFXIII producer said so.
A port from the development engine, same as the PS3 version will be ported from the development engine... or is that too hard for you to understand?
Guess so.
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