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WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.DaysAirlines
I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on something. But yeah, I also though FFXII was amazing. Best FF since 7 in my opinion (though I though 9 was really cool too).
As an avid RPG gamer and generally speaking, a hardcore gamer in general (from FPS on PC to RPG on consoles), FFXII holds up pretty well to other RPGs of its genre (turn based, active time gauge, JRPG style).
This is only my opinion, but I believe it has one of the best gameplay combat mechanics in any JRPG to date : the gambit system is mind-blowing on its own. Just for this, and the "non-random encounters", it is among the best RPGs I have played in my life. Granted, the story isn't exactly of the same formula as its previous FF counterparts, but it still holds water. I'd place it above all the other FFs in terms of gameplay aspect : story isn't exactly the best. That one is reserved for FFX.
The depth of the combat system is not readily apparent, and you really have to dig to like the game, it doesn't immediately grow on you, however, I think besides VIII, it is the most addictive Final Fantasy out there, and though the story definately lacks character development early on(unforgivable) it picks up big time towards the end, and the ending itself is fantastic.
9/10 AAA imo, and I'm a sheep.
If they use the same battle system next time, they need to work harder on the characters themselves and less on the storyline, because the storyline alone can't support a jrpg like it can a srpg.
Other than that, it was top notch in every category. However, the character development and dramatic soap opera like twists are the reason many people play JRPG's, and they don't want their formula messed with too much, so a lot of people really hated that game. It's the same reason Nintendo games all have a similar theme and gameplay forumla(thought different methods to reach that forumla) to keep the fans of the series happy. FFXII spat in the face of this, which is good for gaming, not so good for its popularity.
In the end, I myself, would rather have had a more traditional game, if that would mean better character development, ala FFX.
I for one thought this one was ok. I hated the charachters except asche and balthier, i could not understand the story but it appeared ok, the battle system and the license board were horrible additions to the final fantasy sereis and the music was nowere as good as 10s music, i really like Tales of The abyss better than this.deavincalhouni liked it, though its battle system was a diffent style... like a faster pace KOTOR battle system
[QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.tskeeve
I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on something. But yeah, I also though FFXII was amazing. Best FF since 7 in my opinion (though I though 9 was really cool too).
Whoa, I thought it was the best FF since 7 as well.Everhthing was perfect excpect the Battle system, I loved the story, the voice acting, the graphics, license board, the side quests. But I guess I'm to much into the turn based battle system.
I thought that it was more of a step in the right direction for the FF series. I liked that they changed the turn based system, cause after about 11 games, it starts to get old. I found that the story and characters were weak compared to the other ones, though.luigigreen
Each one has differences... Its not like they released the same on 10 times (11 was an MMO)(I only could the Real Main Numbered games, but Tactics was Still great)
I'm playing through it now, and I'm pretty much in love with it. The story is a bit confusing, but it's good. My main problem is that the difficulty can spike unexpectedly.aldez17
What RPG does not do stuff like that... Anyway the Worst thing you may have to do it back track (A LITTLE)and Level up a little ( Unless you run from All the Monsters then your way under leveled)
:lol: I love people that complain about 12's story! It's finally one of the most mature stories told in the series and people dog on it. I for one loved 12 and it was my favorite in the series, but that's because I don't like turn based.Ollivander
Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the storyline or the script. I'm complaining about the lack of character development in the game.
Story is broken into three parts:
1. Premise - The premise is what the story is about. When someone asks about a movie, you tell them what the premise is. There is no way to determine if a games story is going to be great or terrible from the premise alone, because the premise is the shallowest part of the story. I'm having a brain fart right now or I could come up with better wording than "shallowest."
2. Storyline - These are the series of events that happen during the game or movie or book, or whatever. It is important to have a good scripted storyline for jrpgs, but still, this isn't nearly as important as the third aspect of the story. JRPGs don't need to have a good storyline to be great, having a crappy storyline doesn't mean the story is going to be bad, or even mediocre. If it has good character development, no matter what the story and premise, the game can be fantastic.
3. Character Development - This is the interaction between characters. It makes you like them. It makes you feel connected to characters and care what happens too them. You can have the most generic premise and storyline, just like FFVII had, and if you have great character development for your cast, the game will STILL be fantastic.
Check it out:
1. Premise - Evil corporation keeps citizens down in attempt to take over the world. Even eviler villian is created from corporations greed and your party of heroes must stop it.
2. Storyline - You escape Midgar and persue sephiroth. You follow him to the norther crater, and battle him, but are thwarted. Eventually, after much strife, you destory him and the world thrives.
3. Character Development - Cloud is a mercenary, who believes he is a member of SOLDIER(sp, lol?) Tifa loves him, but Cloud is in love with Aries. Cloud finds out all his memories are implants, and he is really Sephys clone. Sephy started as a killer in Shinra's army, he discovered shinras misdeeds and the fact that he himself might have been created from his mother Jenova. In an attempt to stop Seph, Aries(as lovable and cute as always, thanks to character development) use of the holy materia, he kills her, basically in Clouds arms. Cloud now hates Sephy and will do anything to put his reign of terror to an end and save the earth from his awesome power.
You see, If FFXII was disected like that, the character development part would be blank, 2 would be beefed up, and you would have to change 1 word in part 1.
Would you REALLY have cared if Fran died?
I enjoyed it enough to log in over sixty hours the first play through. I plan on going through it again and trying for one hundred percent next time.Bigboi500
Ya... I opened a Chest And I could not get the Zodiac Spear... That really pissed me off.
I have 102 hours and an average level of 65. Have Touresol, Zodiac, ect.Zenfoldor
Wow... I have 75 Hours with one group of 56's and then my other group is 30's... And I have the Save the Queen Sword (Its my best weapon :( )
I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII like all other Final Fantasy games. I only hate the spin-offs (sans Final Fantasy Tactics). TrueReligion_
WTF... How is that a Spin-off... Final Fantasy Tactics Came out in 1997 BTW...
Have you even played Tactics... Its By FAR one of the best RPG's I have EVER played...
The story was kind of rubbish, but i could see how it would appeal to some people so i wont be too rough on it.
But i personally loved the game, the best part about it was the difficulty ... Challenge is the word to use to describe it.
[QUOTE="TrueReligion_"]I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII like all other Final Fantasy games. I only hate the spin-offs (sans Final Fantasy Tactics). RogueGoose
WTF... How is that a Spin-off... Final Fantasy Tactics Came out in 1997 BTW...
Have you even played Tactics... Its By FAR one of the best RPG's I have EVER played...
Did you read my post? I suppose I can reiterate it for those who can't understand proper English:
The only Final Fantasy spinoff I enjoyed was Final Fantasy Tactics. Yes, Final Fantasy Tactics is a spin-off.
[QUOTE="Zenfoldor"]I have 102 hours and an average level of 65. Have Touresol, Zodiac, ect.RogueGoose
Wow... I have 75 Hours with one group of 56's and then my other group is 30's... And I have the Save the Queen Sword (Its my best weapon :( )
Touresol 10 hours, plus I've completed every hunt except the last one, the guy with 6,000,000 hp, and have every esper including Zodiark.
At the end game, the hours really start to increase at an alarming rate.
Also, all of my characters are within 1 or 2 levels of each other.
[QUOTE="tskeeve"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.DaysAirlines
I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on something. But yeah, I also though FFXII was amazing. Best FF since 7 in my opinion (though I though 9 was really cool too).
Whoa, I thought it was the best FF since 7 as well.yea i agree with you 2, i think the battle system is really fresh and addicting...
[QUOTE="RogueGoose"][QUOTE="TrueReligion_"]I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII like all other Final Fantasy games. I only hate the spin-offs (sans Final Fantasy Tactics). TrueReligion_
WTF... How is that a Spin-off... Final Fantasy Tactics Came out in 1997 BTW...
Have you even played Tactics... Its By FAR one of the best RPG's I have EVER played...
Did you read my post? I suppose I can reiterate it for those who can't understand proper English:
The only Final Fantasy spinoff I enjoyed was Final Fantasy Tactics. Yes, Final Fantasy Tactics is a spin-off.
Do you understand that its not, By Definition(OMG Look an Interupter Phrase), a Spin-off? It has nothing to do with the Story of Any other Final Fantasy Game... The only thing it shares is the Name "Final Fantasy", and that does not make it a spin off...
Next time, Before you Insult me, LEARN WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
[QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="RogueGoose"][QUOTE="TrueReligion_"]I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII like all other Final Fantasy games. I only hate the spin-offs (sans Final Fantasy Tactics). RogueGoose
WTF... How is that a Spin-off... Final Fantasy Tactics Came out in 1997 BTW...
Have you even played Tactics... Its By FAR one of the best RPG's I have EVER played...
Did you read my post? I suppose I can reiterate it for those who can't understand proper English:
The only Final Fantasy spinoff I enjoyed was Final Fantasy Tactics. Yes, Final Fantasy Tactics is a spin-off.
Do you understand the its not, By Definition(OMG Look an Interupter Phrase), a Spin-off? It has nothing to do with the Story of Any other Final Fantasy Game... The only thing it shares is the Name "Final Fantasy", and that does not make it a spin off...
Next time, Before you Insult me, LEARN WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
actually FF12 is based in Ivalice ... the same world as FF tactics.
I really like the game but not for the main story. Everything else about the game was great but the main plot was uninteresting. The Judges would have been nice if they had maybe went more MGS with it. The best thing about the game I think was the hunts and gathering the summons. This is the first FF that I've played where the combat was more interesting than anything else, including the story.
People are right to say the character development was weak. In the end I only ended up caring about Baltheir and his wookie, Fran. Maybe it was just missing the whole "hero gets the girl" or "love triangle" elements. It's weird because even though you start as Vann, he never feels like the main character and never feels, important.
I really liked it. It restored my faith in the series after the good, but not great FFX, and the lame FFX-2.
My only issue with it was the lack of character development. The story and combat are one of, if not the best in the entire series.
[QUOTE="Ollivander"]:lol: I love people that complain about 12's story! It's finally one of the most mature stories told in the series and people dog on it. I for one loved 12 and it was my favorite in the series, but that's because I don't like turn based.Zenfoldor
Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the storyline or the script. I'm complaining about the lack of character development in the game.
Story is broken into three parts:
1. Premise - The premise is what the story is about. When someone asks about a movie, you tell them what the premise is. There is no way to determine if a games story is going to be great or terrible from the premise alone, because the premise is the shallowest part of the story. I'm having a brain fart right now or I could come up with better wording than "shallowest."
2. Storyline - These are the series of events that happen during the game or movie or book, or whatever. It is important to have a good scripted storyline for jrpgs, but still, this isn't nearly as important as the third aspect of the story. JRPGs don't need to have a good storyline to be great, having a crappy storyline doesn't mean the story is going to be bad, or even mediocre. If it has good character development, no matter what the story and premise, the game can be fantastic.
3. Character Development - This is the interaction between characters. It makes you like them. It makes you feel connected to characters and care what happens too them. You can have the most generic premise and storyline, just like FFVII had, and if you have great character development for your cast, the game will STILL be fantastic.
Check it out:
1. Premise - Evil corporation keeps citizens down in attempt to take over the world. Even eviler villian is created from corporations greed and your party of heroes must stop it.
2. Storyline - You escape Midgar and persue sephiroth. You follow him to the norther crater, and battle him, but are thwarted. Eventually, after much strife, you destory him and the world thrives.
3. Character Development - Cloud is a mercenary, who believes he is a member of SOLDIER(sp, lol?) Tifa loves him, but Cloud is in love with Aries. Cloud finds out all his memories are implants, and he is really Sephys clone. Sephy started as a killer in Shinra's army, he discovered shinras misdeeds and the fact that he himself might have been created from his mother Jenova. In an attempt to stop Seph, Aries(as lovable and cute as always, thanks to character development) use of the holy materia, he kills her, basically in Clouds arms. Cloud now hates Sephy and will do anything to put his reign of terror to an end and save the earth from his awesome power.
You see, If FFXII was disected like that, the character development part would be blank, 2 would be beefed up, and you would have to change 1 word in part 1.
Would you REALLY have cared if Fran died?
I do agree with you in that respect. the character development was severly lacking in 12 but that was because the story wasn't really dependent on the characters it was much more political in nature. I agree I never felt any real connection with any of the characters which is a shame
WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.DaysAirlines
I agree, alot of people hated FFXII story but I liked it, was much better the the BC love story's in previous FF games.
[QUOTE="RogueGoose"][QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="RogueGoose"][QUOTE="TrueReligion_"]I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII like all other Final Fantasy games. I only hate the spin-offs (sans Final Fantasy Tactics). humber_matus
WTF... How is that a Spin-off... Final Fantasy Tactics Came out in 1997 BTW...
Have you even played Tactics... Its By FAR one of the best RPG's I have EVER played...
Did you read my post? I suppose I can reiterate it for those who can't understand proper English:
The only Final Fantasy spinoff I enjoyed was Final Fantasy Tactics. Yes, Final Fantasy Tactics is a spin-off.
Do you understand the its not, By Definition(OMG Look an Interupter Phrase), a Spin-off? It has nothing to do with the Story of Any other Final Fantasy Game... The only thing it shares is the Name "Final Fantasy", and that does not make it a spin off...
Next time, Before you Insult me, LEARN WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
actually FF12 is based in Ivalice ... the same world as FF tactics.
That would Make 12 the Spin-off... But, Square has Started that the two have nothing similar to each other exept for the name... Which still does not make either one a Spin-off...
Do you understand that its not, By Definition(OMG Look an Interupter Phrase), a Spin-off? It has nothing to do with the Story of Any other Final Fantasy Game... The only thing it shares is the Name "Final Fantasy", and that does not make it a spin off...
Next time, Before you Insult me, LEARN WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
...Are you finished?
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