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Easily lems. Really sucks when you have to buy the console twice and pay for what others are getting for free.
Fanboys because they love to suck the d***s of the corporations they worship.
We have a winner.
sheep definitely drew the short stick if you ask me, followed by the cows, and with lemmings getting the largest stick. nintendo fans got a less than sub-par online component, pretty much zero multiplats, and mario mario mario and zelda zelda and mii mii mii miiiiii. sony fans got shafted with that initial launch price, BC issues, a last gen controller, and the fact that they are in last place right now struggling to come up with something. the only thing xbox owners lost out on is free online and a plethora of exclusives, but it still has it's exclusives and LIVE is totally worth it when compared to the less than stellar PSN service. so who do you think got shafted the most this gen?ZumaJones07
Well, 360 owners got shafted hardest IMO.
Out of PC, PS3, and 360 the 360 uses the least dedicated servers for its AAA games. That means the actual nuts and bolts of multiplayer is the lowest quality on Xbox. And you pay for it too. They were also forced to pay for DLC everyone else got for free because Microsoft thought they should (COD4, Left 4 Dead, TF2).
Owning a 360 and being proud of it means you're proud to have bought into a closed platform where the company running it has no problem going between you and the developer, taking free content the developer wanted to give to you, and then slapping a price sticker on it. Lemmings have it worst, just as hermits have it best.
Fanboys because they love to suck the d***s of the corporations they worship.
Being a hermit makes me a fan of a computer I built and customized with my own two soft, delicate, gentle, beautiful, mesmerizing, breathtaking, voluptuous hands.
Fanboys because they love to suck the d***s of the corporations they worship.
Being a hermit makes me a fan of a computer I built and customized with my own two soft, delicate, gentle, beautiful, mesmerizing, breathtaking, voluptuous hands.
and games can be bootlegged on PC so corporate can s*ck it! I am not endorsing pirate games neither do admit or accuse anyone of doing soAll fanboys got shafted this gen because they were too stupid by being fanboys.
Though I will say that 360 fanboys are definately the most upset and jealous.
It is what it is, sheeps.[QUOTE="senses_fail_06"][QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]
dafuq is this?
What about the Lemmings's and cows's?
Dat sh!t crayI don't think any of them really got shafted. Game consoles are created for entertainment and fun, and there's plenty to enjoy on all of them. Only the biggest nerds and elitists can honestly say that the Wii, PS3 or 360 didn't offer a lot. That said, I think Microsoft is the most cut-throat company out of the 3 and the most willing to make money at the expense of their fans. For example. the shift in focus to the Kinect isn't really ideal for early Xbox 360 adopters who were waiting in line for the midnight launch of Halo 3. Microsoft doesn't really try to stay loyal to their fans, they're more about the flavor of the month and whatever is trending. Sony and Nintendo are also about making money, but they're a lot more loyal to their fanbases and provide a lot of fan service.
[QUOTE="JohnnyCageMK"]Sheep easily. Wii is the worst console ever made.Blake135
Its so bad it outsold your Xbox360....
Lol see how the tables has turned eh Johnny? So do sales still matter to you now? :P
I don't get why people think the Wii is a bad system, it may not have been the most powerful but it offered a unique experience you couldn't get elsewhere, and it had some of the best games this gen, mostly thanks to Nintendo's great 1st party line up.
Which is more than I can say for 360, epsecially considering the Wii didn't break every month on you like the Xbox did.
I really want to say Sony to piss off the cows, but everyone knows the sheep were donkey punched by Nintendo.
sheep definitely drew the short stick if you ask me, followed by the cows, and with lemmings getting the largest stick. nintendo fans got a less than sub-par online component, pretty much zero multiplats, and mario mario mario and zelda zelda and mii mii mii miiiiii. sony fans got shafted with that initial launch price, BC issues, a last gen controller, and the fact that they are in last place right now struggling to come up with something. the only thing xbox owners lost out on is free online and a plethora of exclusives, but it still has it's exclusives and LIVE is totally worth it when compared to the less than stellar PSN service. so who do you think got shafted the most this gen?ZumaJones07everyone.
drm, dlc or weak graphics and cpu
all systems gave the shaft to everyone, even pc got shafted by DRM.
Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?Eponique
It's a day before Microsoft E3 and yeah, we're a bit on edge with our little bedroom tables ready... TT/( º _ º/)
[QUOTE="Eponique"]Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?MicrosoftRules
It's a day before Microsoft E3 and yeah, we're a bit on edge with our little bedroom tables ready... TT/( º _ º/)
I don't understand why they're picking a fight with Nintendo fans -- we'd be the least picky about the Kinect onslaught. But now Microsoft fans have picked the wrong fight and will have to face both Sony and Nintendo fan ridicule tomorrow. Oh well, they brought it upon themselves :PPretty much any answer other than PS3 is in denial. PS3 has gotten the short end of just about every possible stick this entire gen. If you want proof, look outside of System Wars and in the real world.
One has only to look at the amount of negativity, disdain, lack of intrest and general lack ofgamer/consumermindshare (in relation to the other systems) the system has in the real world. And then take that and compare it to the VASTLY disproportionate amount of fanboys the system has on the internet. You will find that the two are complete opposite ends of the spectrum. People on the internet tend to be the vocal minority.
The only reason I dont say Nintendo fans is because they dont really seem to care. Sure they dont have multiplats, or HD graphics, but all Nintendo fans generally seem to care about are well.....Nintendo franchises. They will follow Nintendo to the ends of the earth (nothing wrong with that), so they arent being "duped", they are getting exactly what they wanted and are leaving satisfied.
PS. Cows, I do not care if you think im "trolling" or if my opinion on your plastic god bothers you. Please dont waste your time making sure I know it :roll:
[QUOTE="MicrosoftRules"][QUOTE="Eponique"]Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?Eponique
It's a day before Microsoft E3 and yeah, we're a bit on edge with our little bedroom tables ready... TT/( º _ º/)
I don't understand why they're picking a fight with Nintendo fans -- we'd be the least picky about the Kinect onslaught. But now Microsoft fans have picked the wrong fight and will have to face both Sony and Nintendo fan ridicule tomorrow. Oh well, they brought it upon themselves :PSucks for them especially if MS somehow has a presentation even worse than last years. The onslaught for Sheeps and Cows will be very entertaining.
[QUOTE="MicrosoftRules"][QUOTE="Eponique"]Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?Eponique
It's a day before Microsoft E3 and yeah, we're a bit on edge with our little bedroom tables ready... TT/( º _ º/)
I don't understand why they're picking a fight with Nintendo fans -- we'd be the least picky about the Kinect onslaught. But now Microsoft fans have picked the wrong fight and will have to face both Sony and Nintendo fan ridicule tomorrow. Oh well, they brought it upon themselves :PI can't speak for all of the lems, but I have no problem with Nintendo (same with PC). As a lem, Sony has been my archenemy and I would happily side with either PC or Nintendo to defeat them.
I don't understand why they're picking a fight with Nintendo fans -- we'd be the least picky about the Kinect onslaught. But now Microsoft fans have picked the wrong fight and will have to face both Sony and Nintendo fan ridicule tomorrow. Oh well, they brought it upon themselves :P[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="MicrosoftRules"]
It's a day before Microsoft E3 and yeah, we're a bit on edge with our little bedroom tables ready... TT/( º _ º/)
I can't speak for all of the lems, but I have no problem with Nintendo (same with PC). As a lem, Sony has been my archenemy and I would happily side with either PC or Nintendo to defeat them.
Your enemy and purpose in life is to internet flame a video game company and console? Isn't that kinda sad and stupid? It's one thing to prefer one system over another, but to hate it and declare it as an arch enemy is pretty dumb don't you think?
Besides your limiting yourself because your missing out on a lot of good games. I don't care for 360 but I still enjoy Gears.
Ps3 and 360 are probably about even in people buying another system that broke down. Something always breaks over time in a ps3 just like a 360 would. I know so many people with broke down ps3's.Easily lems. Really sucks when you have to buy the console twice and pay for what others are getting for free.
Ps3 and 360 are probably about even in people buying another system that broke down. Something always breaks over time in a ps3 just like a 360 would. I know so many people with broke down ps3's.[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]
Easily lems. Really sucks when you have to buy the console twice and pay for what others are getting for free.
Personal experiences don't contribute to the majority, in Fact the Xbox360 had *supposedly* twice if not three times higher failure rate then the PS3 or Wii, I would assume there was alot of people rebuying Xbox360s's and with already owning a Library of games for one System not much point switching to other.
Ps3 and 360 are probably about even in people buying another system that broke down. Something always breaks over time in a ps3 just like a 360 would. I know so many people with broke down ps3's.[QUOTE="slipknot0129"]
Easily lems. Really sucks when you have to buy the console twice and pay for what others are getting for free.
Personal experiences don't contribute to the majority, in Fact the Xbox360 had *supposedly* twice if not three times higher failure rate then the PS3 or Wii, I would assume there was alot of people rebuying Xbox360s's and with already owning a Library of games for one System not much point switching to other.
Yep im on my 4th xbox >_< they even sent back one xbox360 with more problems than before... everything i played was in black & white WtfPs3 and 360 are probably about even in people buying another system that broke down. Something always breaks over time in a ps3 just like a 360 would. I know so many people with broke down ps3's.[QUOTE="slipknot0129"]
Easily lems. Really sucks when you have to buy the console twice and pay for what others are getting for free.
Personal experiences don't contribute to the majority, in Fact the Xbox360 had *supposedly* twice if not three times higher failure rate then the PS3 or Wii, I would assume there was alot of people rebuying Xbox360s's and with already owning a Library of games for one System not much point switching to other.
Yeah your forgetting there was a 3 year warranty. So by now its about even between both consoles breaking down and people having to buy another console.Plus 360 sold more software than ps3. Obviously not enough rebuys to affect their software sales. Which is why I think ps3 and 360 is about even in console rebuys.
The companies dont show rebuy data so its anyones guess.
All the best PS2 franchises are now on other systems, they no longer have good JRPGs, they only get second-rate shooters, online passes, low-quality online, and in this year their best game lasted 2 hours.....
2 hours of game time when we've been living in 2012 for roughly 3,720 hours is just terrible output from a gaming machine.
All the best PS2 franchises are now on other systems, they no longer have good JRPGs, they only get second-rate shooters, online passes, low-quality online, and in this year their best game lasted 2 hours.....
2 hours of game time when we've been living in 2012 for roughly 3,720 hours is just terrible output from a gaming machine.
Watch them try to deny it all. Its all true though. I think Wii is worse cause the lack of 3rd party support kills it but Sony lost everything this gen. Everything they built up for 10 years all gone in a flash. They'll never recover.
Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?Eponique
Because the lemmings realize deep down that they helped one of the most toxic gaming companies in history rise to power. They might not realize it consciously but they do. They all know that every dollar spent on 360s, Live, and 360 games hurt the games industry and would've been better spent elsewhere.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]Why are lemmings having such terrible meltdowns today?Myounage
Because the lemmings realize deep down that they helped one of the most toxic gaming companies in history rise to power. They might not realize it consciously but they do. They all know that every dollar spent on 360s, Live, and 360 games hurt the games industry and would've been better spent elsewhere.
Hahahahha oh snap! But honestly that is what i felt each time M$ drew money from my account :/Please Log In to post.
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