by that logic you should say Sheep.Cows. If Sony does indeed release the ps4 earlier or at the same time as the 720. That means cows got at least one less year of pure support from the ps3. Pretty sad.
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by that logic you should say Sheep.Cows. If Sony does indeed release the ps4 earlier or at the same time as the 720. That means cows got at least one less year of pure support from the ps3. Pretty sad.
The Wii is my least favorite console this gen. [QUOTE="jimmypsn"]by that logic you should say Sheep.Cows. If Sony does indeed release the ps4 earlier or at the same time as the 720. That means cows got at least one less year of pure support from the ps3. Pretty sad.
Dude you're right. lol. Sometimes I forget the wii exists. Honestly.
All the best PS2 franchises are now on other systems, they no longer have good JRPGs, they only get second-rate shooters, online passes, low-quality online, and in this year their best game lasted 2 hours.....
2 hours of game time when we've been living in 2012 for roughly 3,720 hours is just terrible output from a gaming machine.
To be fair, all shooters on consoles are at best second-rate, even the multi-plats.
So the correct thing to say is that PS3 has third-rate shooters.
360 is also low-quality online. Basically every AAA game except Battlefield 3 also uses peer to peer, only you have to pay for it instead.
Sheep. Funny enough they do not have enough sense to realize it. PC / ps3 / 360 was the way to go this generation. The Wii was the biggedt pile of ass I ever owned. I would rather have a 3DO.
All fanboys got shafted this gen because they were too stupid by being fanboys.
Though I will say that 360 fanboys are definately the most upset and jealous.
That's only at this stage. Remember Sony fans in the first few years?
Crappy online and a ton of great, quality multiplats were missed out on.
They may have a good amount of quuality exclusives but thats not nearly enough to make up.
Im not sure what having all three consoles makes me :P but if i would have to pick one Im the most disappointed in, hands down it is the 360.
I play a console for games, I dont care about it having the ability to be a media hub. Sure this is nice for some, but I dont use all those extra features other than sticking in a DVD and watching it. And since M$ has done almost nothing except add media features, crappy Kinect stuff, and new UI's that now have ads plastered all over the place I cant help at feel they have lost their vision on what a console should be, to play GAMES. Which brings me to my next point.
M$ is down to all of four exclusives now, none of which I care about. Seems like they spent too much time integrating pointless features into the console that you can do FOR FREE on any computer over trying to give a reason to buy a game on their system- if you arent into Halo, Gears, and Fable. I cant recall the last time I bought a game that was packaged in a green case, but it was easily over a year ago.
Plus with how abysmal their E3 press event was last year, I have no expectations on this year's will be better. Oooh another Halo... it's been done only five times before. Given how far the console has fallen, M$ having the balls to charge for things such as multiplayer and things you can do on the PC for free, Im not touching the next Xbox.
[QUOTE="Eponique"] I don't understand why they're picking a fight with Nintendo fans -- we'd be the least picky about the Kinect onslaught. But now Microsoft fans have picked the wrong fight and will have to face both Sony and Nintendo fan ridicule tomorrow. Oh well, they brought it upon themselves :PShadowMoses900
I can't speak for all of the lems, but I have no problem with Nintendo (same with PC). As a lem, Sony has been my archenemy and I would happily side with either PC or Nintendo to defeat them.
Your enemy and purpose in life is to internet flame a video game company and console? Isn't that kinda sad and stupid? It's one thing to prefer one system over another, but to hate it and declare it as an arch enemy is pretty dumb don't you think?
Besides your limiting yourself because your missing out on a lot of good games. I don't care for 360 but I still enjoy Gears.
I would hop on Sony in a second if they would just do something with their controller, it's that simple. I've played their games and I know what they have and it would only add more variety to my library, but the problem is that I don't want to play a single shooter on their analogs. If Microsoft had no Halo or Gears... I would still be with their console. It has nothing whatsoever to do with exclusives.
You have to take into account what each fanboy group expected out of their consoles for the gen.
Sheep expected great first-party Nintendo titles, which they got.
Lems expected a hardcore system with hardcore titles, which they got (mostly, depends on who you ask.)
Cows didn't expect anything in particular, they just wanted to be better than the competition in every way, which is debatable (which, again, depends on who you ask).
I'd say that the cows got shafted this gen. They had an overpriced console, a failing handheld, a shot in the foot with the PS3s sales numbers, and almost nothing but Action-Adventure and RPG titles as exclusives. About the only thing that I'd say they had going for them this gen from my point of view is the PS3s hardware advantage, which is debatable due to the 360s unified shader.
But that's just my opinion. Sheep expected little else besides fun games, which we got. Lems expected nothing but a decent system with decent games, which they got, and cows expected to dominate everything, and the best I can think of is a debatable lead in hardware superiority.
I can't speak for all of the lems, but I have no problem with Nintendo (same with PC). As a lem, Sony has been my archenemy and I would happily side with either PC or Nintendo to defeat them.
Your enemy and purpose in life is to internet flame a video game company and console? Isn't that kinda sad and stupid? It's one thing to prefer one system over another, but to hate it and declare it as an arch enemy is pretty dumb don't you think?
Besides your limiting yourself because your missing out on a lot of good games. I don't care for 360 but I still enjoy Gears.
I would hop on Sony in a second if they would just do something with their controller, it's that simple. I've played their games and I know what they have and it would only add more variety to my library, but the problem is that I don't want to play a single shooter on their analogs. If Microsoft had no Halo or Gears... I would still be with their console. It has nothing whatsoever to do with exclusives.
Hopefully, you aren't anywhere near as stupid as you act on these forums.
I don;t know. It really depends on the individual and their experiences with whatever systems they boght. I for one got plenty of usage with both my Wii and 360. My DS and so far 3DS both have satisfied me as well.
For this gen Sony has disappointed me the most probably. I own a PSP, and while I had some enjoyment from it I haven't played it as much as any other system this gen, or as much as many other systems from past gens for that matter. I never owned a PS3, but never felt much reason to. Sony and Microsoft share many titles/multiplats, and I don't have any interest in many of Sony's exclusives, or atleast not enough interest to want to shell out money on another gaming system. Didn't help that the PS3 was priced way too high for a while in it's beginning. And then the Vita isn't doing too well right now and doesn't have any games I'm interested in except Gravity Rush. That could change though and thing s could improve.
Nintendo fans. They got inferior entries of nintendo's main franchises (debatable but factual when it comes to MK and SSBB), overpriced hardware, waggle controls, terrible online service, no current gen visuals and no multiplats.
Compelling argument good man.
Nintendo fans. They got inferior entries of nintendo's main franchises (debatable but factual when it comes to MK and SSBB), overpriced hardware, waggle controls, terrible online service, no current gen visuals and no multiplats.
Compelling argument good man.
You used the word factually and then gave your opinion. I shouldn't have to dignify such silliness with a well thought out response.
Nintendo players (unless you count handhelds, which have been awesome, as always. I skip smart phones and play the equivilant of a gameboy as a 24 y/o male. In thiws reguard I'm for the big N all the way)
PS3 and 360 users have been taking turns on taking teh shaftz. Currently the focus on Kinect is giving it to 360 players, since we'll pretty much not see another exclusive that's not Kinect this generation :(.
PS3 players took it for a long while, though, with their inferior dev package and how long it took them to build a library.
If I were forced to buy only ONE console today, though, it'd probably be a PS3 (though, this opinion is somewhat skewed, because I think the Halo series is one of the best, so it's easy to say I'd skip it in hindsight unjustly). As someone who owns a distantly decent PC, though, I lose a lot on what hte 360 can offer, since despite its superiority in the multiplat department, I can get an evenbetter multiplay experience on my PC (assuming it's not online, in which case we'll have to get into an uncomfortable argument about why I prefer XBL to vanilla PC online gaming).
I personally believe Nintendo has shafted fans with the Wii, but the DS was amazing so not totally. Microsoft did wonders with it's Xbox 360, and Sony came through in the end with their PS3/PSP. So overall Nintendo fans got the short stick, but none of them got it too bad.
How can Sheep get the shaft this generation?
The Wii is the sales market leader and Nintendo are continuing making their games for the console.
Maybe as a fanboy and by SW standards it would be considered a shaft, but then SW is not a measuring stick to be proud of or have anything importance.
I'll go a head and say Cows( Of course since I'm a Lemming)
-come last of the back of 2 previous console leader generation leadership
-got a higher price point then any of the other consoles and launched a year later, while the Lemmings got to play the next generation before hand
-had a console that has slowly removed features- Linux, Sony disk reader, San disk, less USB, mandatory install
-FPS and RPGS 2 of the biggest genres often continue to perform better on the Xbox360 and has made it the Xbox360 the console of choice for these games.
-PSN took years for it to catchup to the XBL and it's only distinct advantage was that it was free, still not as well integrated as NXE.
-Move- nothing to cheer about since it was meant to clinch the casual demograph
-Home - This is casual!
-PSP got hacked
-PSN got hacked
-PSP GO - flopped
-PS Vita - flopping
-Media always biased
-Devs are lazy towards PS3 multiplats
- Sony lost many exlcusives that are now on multiplat or on the Xbox360
Did we forget the whole Final Fantasy debacle around here?
It will never sink in for Cows how the Playstation was king last generation, could never dream how it is now in the pecking order.
Fanboys because they love to suck the d***s of the corporations they worship.
We have a winner.
Fanboys because they love to suck the d***s of the corporations they worship.
We have a winner.
SW just got the shaft.
It's all subjective.
If you are happy with you console, then you didn't get shafted. I personally don't like the direction MS went with the 360, but for people like loosingENDS they are getting what the want, he loves Kinect titles and is satisfied with what MS has done with that.
I'm sure must Nintendo fans got what they wanted this gen, SSBB was awesome, Mario Galaxy was great, and of course Zelda is always a good game. Overall they got a lot of quality titles.
PC always gets great support.
And I know I'm happy with what Sony has offered this gen.
Well said.It's all subjective.
If you are happy with you console, then you didn't get shafted. I personally don't like the direction MS went with the 360, but for people like loosingENDS they are getting what the want, he loves Kinect titles and is satisfied with what MS has done with that.
I'm sure must Nintendo fans got what they wanted this gen, SSBB was awesome, Mario Galaxy was great, and of course Zelda is always a good game. Overall they got a lot of quality titles.
PC always gets great support.
And I know I'm happy with what Sony has offered this gen.
[QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"]Well said. Thanks, and GO THUNDER :PIt's all subjective.
If you are happy with you console, then you didn't get shafted. I personally don't like the direction MS went with the 360, but for people like loosingENDS they are getting what the want, he loves Kinect titles and is satisfied with what MS has done with that.
I'm sure must Nintendo fans got what they wanted this gen, SSBB was awesome, Mario Galaxy was great, and of course Zelda is always a good game. Overall they got a lot of quality titles.
PC always gets great support.
And I know I'm happy with what Sony has offered this gen.
Pretty much any answer other than PS3 is in denial. PS3 has gotten the short end of just about every possible stick this entire gen. If you want proof, look outside of System Wars and in the real world.
One has only to look at the amount of negativity, disdain, lack of intrest and general lack ofgamer/consumermindshare (in relation to the other systems) the system has in the real world. And then take that and compare it to the VASTLY disproportionate amount of fanboys the system has on the internet. You will find that the two are complete opposite ends of the spectrum. People on the internet tend to be the vocal minority.
The only reason I dont say Nintendo fans is because they dont really seem to care. Sure they dont have multiplats, or HD graphics, but all Nintendo fans generally seem to care about are well.....Nintendo franchises. They will follow Nintendo to the ends of the earth (nothing wrong with that), so they arent being "duped", they are getting exactly what they wanted and are leaving satisfied.
PS. Cows, I do not care if you think im "trolling" or if my opinion on your plastic god bothers you. Please dont waste your time making sure I know it :roll:
mite b trol
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