It seems the norm today in gaming development is to design characters (mainly lead) with a 'tough-as-nails' persona; without much of a hint of humility and/or modesty. For some games it can work really well (i.e: Ryu in Ninja Gaiden) but in others it has a greater possibility of rubbing gamers the wrong way. In all my years of gaming i've come across a number of these 'cheesy' ego maniacs whose attitude really makes me yearn for a 'skip' button. So here are a few of the characters I believe have big (and damaging) egos. Are there any characters you feel deserve this 'distinction' as well (post pics if you can)?
Kratos (God of War) - You know i've never seen '300'; but after playing God of War II I'm starting to believe Spartans didn't know how to use their 'inside voices.' As cool as the angry spartan is at times his boldness came off as 'whatever' to me. It just seemed that in every situation he always overestimates his own strength.
Balrog a.k.a 'Vega' or 'The b!tc# with the mask' (Street Fighter) - "Only the beautiful can win a battle"; Vega doesn't actually talk in the 2-D fighter games but he clearly sent an "i'm better than you message" whenever you fought him in battle. And he usually had something insulting relating to looks to say at the end of a match. That's why the best part about fighting him in Street Fighter was to see his cracked mask at the end.
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