[QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="HuusAsking"][QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="Zandeus"][QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="mentzer"] Of course NG 2 will be multiplatform.
Only lemmings think it won't be.
Hell NG even branched out to the DS.
It's a MP franchise now. Sorry lemmings. The days of NG exclusive to a MS console are OVER.
Indeed. Anyone with half a brain can see that they put Sigma on the PS3 in order to establish a fanbase on the PS3 for when they release NG2 multiplat. This is also the reason that the 360 did not get Sigma, as Xbox already has the NG fanbase that have already been anticipating NG2.
Team Ninja wanted PS3 owners to get a next gen version of NG in order to insure sales for NG2 when it goes multi-plat....it is as simple as that. Anyone who thinks that NG2 will not be multiplat after the fact that Team Ninja made Sigma EXCLUSIVELY for the PS3 are blind as bats. Not to mention that Team Ninja have been singing praise after praise for the PS3. Of course it will be multiplat, only a fool would think it would not be at this point, lol.
LOL.... EXCLUSIVE???? LOL.... I've been playing this game for YEARS!!!!! on my XBOX.... all you got for your 3-4 year wait was slightly better visuals.... WOWZERS!!!!!!
LOL....first off, I own, and have beaten the original NG, AND NG Black for Xbox, so please spare me the, "I have been playing this for years" braggadocio, ok? I CLEARLY was indicating that SIGMA is exclusive to the PS3....which it is. Also, beyond the enhanced visuals, Sigma will also have a Rachael as a new playable character, there will be new weapons, and combos, and there will also be be new content added to some of the levels.
So, it will have a bit more than just overhauled graphics, my friend. Essentially the same game, yes.....only a BETTER next gen version with new features, THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO THE PS3 UNDER THE NAME SIGMA.....which was my point to begin with. Sorry you could not grasp it, or are offended by it, lol. So, let me repeat it one more time, so you can comprehend it....the NEW and improved on next gen hardware VERSION of NG called Sigma, which will also feature added content, weapons, and a playable Rachael is PS3 exclusive....period.
Have a nice day.
Can you prove it will never come to the XBox or 360 via a DLC update?Can you prove it will? Did not think so. However, there is plenty of supporting evidence that proves it will stay PS3 exclusive. Namely, it was re-built on PS3 hardware FOR the PS3, so there is every indication it will stay that way. This is the first version on a Playstation console. Xbox has had two versions already, I doubt you will get a third, beings NG Black is backwards compatible for the 360, lol. Besides, don't you think that if Sigma was going to come to the 360, you would know it by now?
Sigma was MADE for the PS3, on PS3 hardware....get over it. Just enjoy NG or NG Black until NG2 comes out....most likely as a multi-plat title. Or you can of course just stop being a blind Microsoft loyalist fanboy, get a PS3 as well, and pick up your own copy of Sigma to enjoy, rather than arguing about which system is going to get what. That way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds while the ridiculous, one track minded, wild eyed fanboys tear their hair out, and grind their teeth down to nubs in their insane rants and pointless, baseless bashing of other consoles, lol.
You don't get it. All that is needed to turn Black into essentially Sigma is upgraded textures, a few additional moves, and perhaps the new playable character script. Compared to the rest of the game, that's chump change.
Yes, I do get it. Sigma was MADE for the PS3, not the 360, because Xbox has already got 2 versions of the game, of which NG Black is backward compatible. You actually think they are going to give Xbox fans yet a THIRD version of the same game before NG2 comes out? That is absurd.....get real, my friend, lol.
If they were going to release it on the 360, they would have MADE it on the 360, and then ported it to the PS3, as NG was originally Xbox exclusive and was made on Xbox hardware....but that did not happen, did it? Sigma was remade for the PS3, on PS3 hardware, and will more than likely stay that way....get over it, man. Sigma OBVIOUSLY belongs to the PS3, so you can either go and buy it for yourself, or keep wishing for it to come to the 360 in vain all you like, lol.
If you do not plan on getting Sigma, and/or a PS3, then just enjoy NG Black until NG2 comes out. Hell, even if NG2 does not go multiplat, (even though there is every reason to believe that it will) it makes no difference to me, as I own a 360 AND a PS3. So, I will get to pick it up either way.
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