One area Nintendo is in deep troubleif Nintendo truly and really want the COD crowd is online, they have to woo the current XBL, PC, and PSN fanbase, and currently what we know is underwhelming. Still, it's not out and there is plenty of time to whelm or even overwhelm us, but I wouldn't bet my little pony on it.
They can surprise us, but even if they make something exactly equal to the status quo...that won't exactly pull people off their current rigs, not to mention we can bet the competition will best their current gen efforts as well. It's definitely going to be interesting to see how they handle online, but currently what I've read is to expect 3rd party decisions on that, reminiscentof the PS2 online (which, while good for it's time, isn't up to current standards).
I'm not against the Wii U, and in fact plan on buying it...but I already considered the fact that it's quite probable that Nintendo probably won't be attracting gamers like me with their online efforts, but I remain hopefully optimistic. COD and games like it will be on Wii U, but will I want to play it on Wii U, will I like the feature set of Wii U, and Will I want to play such games with my Wii U buddies instead? That's the question many millions of gamers will be posed with soon enough.
I think it's possible as well that Nintendo isn't that interested in grabbing a significant portion of the COD/GTA crowd, that is a mountain to climb, but just having those games on there will please the Nintendo Wii U owners.
I don't think it's about capability, but a matter of redirecting resources. If they want online, they will get online, period.
Nintendo wants the CoD crowd, they need a DA controller, and they made one.
3DS gives me high hopes aswell, not just online but what they're doing with the whole "apps" thing and DD content. Heck, Iwata has heavily hinted that Mario 3DL will receive DLC in an effort to revive its popularity, i.e. legs.
What we knew about Nintendo up until the 7th gen doesn't apply anymore :P Iwata has gone mad, they are super aggressive.
To be fair we don't know their strategy yet, but I predict that they want to stand alongside PS and Xbox as a hardcore platform and even the multiplat distribution from 60/40 to 33/33/33.
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