As a pc gamer i must point my finger at consoles why ??
As a PC gamer I also place some of the blame on consoles, but for very different reasons than you have. I actually think consoles are too powerful, they are the driving force behind rising development costs each generation.
Hardware on PC advances at a high rate, but software lags behind. It's 2011 and DirectX 10 is still not the minimum graphics API on PC. Developers wait for hardware install bases to establish themselves, which takes years. Steam reports the DX10 ready install base is 60%, so we may see more DX10 native games in the next year or so. In the meantime, developers have plenty of time to test and refine the use of DX10.
Gradual improvement, giving time for the market to digest the introduction of new hardware, until they can finally phase out the old tech.
What's my point? Consoles force the market to absorb new technology on launch. The hardware is thrown out there, and developers have to figure it out, now. This causes development costs to balloon over a very short amount of time, they are even expecting them to double next generation. No gradual absorption, no time to figure out better techniques, brute force introduction.
Development expenses are the primary problem with the games market today. Being the lowest common denominator, consoles set the average costs in a cross platform orientated market. PC hardware surpasses consoles fairly quickly, but it's up to developers whether to utilize it, they could be a Valve or a Crytek. Consoles don't give them that option, as there is only one set of hardware, they must target it.
The long term result is of course going to be the same, regardless of console involvement. Expenses are going to exceed the markets ability to support single platform development. But I see PC's approach of gradual, more easily digestible development as being healthier than consoles "leaps".
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