Who is really holding the industry back?

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#151 N30F3N1X
Member since 2009 • 8923 Posts

Nope. I always go out of my way to stick it to fanboys and trolls, but as I said I rarely if ever see PC gamers criticize their own for snobbish behavior.


Bollocks. You are not omniscient. The more you talk about this the more you expose the hypocrisy of your previous claims.

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#152 savagetwinkie
Member since 2008 • 7981 Posts


You never see me calling console gamers poor since they spent more money in the long run then a pc gamer.

I don't find the term peasants all that harsh to the 360/ps3 owners since all noble men had peasants in the middle ages.

I just liked the days when consoles had their own games and the pc it's own games better. Now they keep butchering our games just to please people who only want to press one button to win a game and ofcourse don't want to use their brain, perfect example of this is Dragon Age 2. A series which could have been great but got butchered because console owners complained combat was to boring and difficult.


I agree with you about console games trying (and failing) to be like PC games. I don't like that the so-called "hd" consoles require constant firmware updates, games that require a lot of patches, features on consoles trying to immitate the PC.

I still think DA2 is a great game despite being simplified. I'm having a blast playing it right now.

those features aren't really what define the PC though, if anythign PC isn't a legit system, its a platform and its made up of many many different types of systems, which technically include consoles, unless your talking about the windows platform specifically for gaming... PC doesn't have any type of higher level of gaming, some people mike like all the options, I find them inconvenient when I have to install tons of things to get the same features that consoles have built into the OS and games
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#153 Bigboi500
Member since 2007 • 35550 Posts



You never see me calling console gamers poor since they spent more money in the long run then a pc gamer.

I don't find the term peasants all that harsh to the 360/ps3 owners since all noble men had peasants in the middle ages.

I just liked the days when consoles had their own games and the pc it's own games better. Now they keep butchering our games just to please people who only want to press one button to win a game and ofcourse don't want to use their brain, perfect example of this is Dragon Age 2. A series which could have been great but got butchered because console owners complained combat was to boring and difficult.


I agree with you about console games trying (and failing) to be like PC games. I don't like that the so-called "hd" consoles require constant firmware updates, games that require a lot of patches, features on consoles trying to immitate the PC.

I still think DA2 is a great game despite being simplified. I'm having a blast playing it right now.

those features aren't really what define the PC though, if anythign PC isn't a legit system, its a platform and its made up of many many different types of systems, which technically include consoles, unless your talking about the windows platform specifically for gaming... PC doesn't have any type of higher level of gaming, some people mike like all the options, I find them inconvenient when I have to install tons of things to get the same features that consoles have built into the OS and games

That's true, they don't define PC gaming, but I don't like console games depending on the internet like they do now. I hate it when I turn on my PS3 to play Disgaea 3 and discover that I need to download a 400+ MB patch. As a console gamer I want things to be ready to go right out of the box.

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#154 lasseeb
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#156 lamprey263
Member since 2006 • 45499 Posts
It's a mixed bag of blame, but I say publishers and retailers are to blame. Publishers only seem interested in series that are blockbusters and if they succeed they milk it to death by trying to put it on the two year conveyor belt. Retailers are becoming less interested in selling new games (I mean new copies of games including older titles), and are becoming more interested in used game retail, which is eating away at publisher revenues which fund future projects. Retailers also fail to carry games that aren't huge hits, except for the few used ones. Developers seem to cling to trends such as tacked on multiplayer, oversaturated genres. When games fail to sell well publishers often canned talented studios. Used game retail makes gaming look more like glorified extended game rental, people are so quick to buy and sell games at the first sign of disappointment that people don't often give games the time they need to appreciate them.
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#158 Bigboi500
Member since 2007 • 35550 Posts


That's true, they don't define PC gaming, but I don't like console games depending on the internet like they do now. I hate it when I turn on my PS3 to play Disgaea 3 and discover that I need to download a 400+ MB patch. As a console gamer I want things to be ready to go right out of the box.


Why not? The reason they didn't before wasn't to be "different" from computers; it was technological limitations and implementation. As for patches? What's wrong with that? They're trying to fix bugs which up to that point could only be addressed by releasing a new version of the game. San Andreas had a terrible glitch in it involving a certain remote controlled plane, for instance.

Because not everyone has access to a blazing fast internet, that's why. It takes me quite a while to download all that stuff. It's not like I'm being cheap either, I'd pay just about any price to have a better internet.

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#159 RyuRanVII
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The massive amount of gamers looking for a cinematic experience.

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#160 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts
Really liking the way the industry is being held back now. Having so much fun with so many games. Hope it stays that way.
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#161 cainetao11
Member since 2006 • 38079 Posts


As a pc gamer i must point my finger at consoles why ??

Consoles are so weak even the ngp is at ps3 level and mobile phones in 2013 will pass consoles in power. Devs want to make money so it is only natural that most games would be multiplat. You want your game to run on consoles 1st cause you know it will run on pc. As a result pc gamers get watered down games ported from console.

Still don't think so look what happened to the mighty crytek when they turned crysis 2 into a console game. Making games on 6 year old hardware and then porting them to pc holds games back. The game engines are there but devs can't use most of the features cause the game would not run on console. Console only gamers may think hey I am just bashing consoles but the hardware is way behind and that is a fact. How can games advance if the hardware is static ??


Why must they advance? From a dev's perspective the industry moving forward does include turning a profit. None of them are doing this pro bono, you know. Now I dont mean games should stay where they are forever, but what is the rush? They look beautiful, are a blast to play, and entertaining as they are now. Soon, believe me change is inevitable, you will get these advancements you seem to crave so badly. At that time will you be content with what you have? I somehow doubt it. Advice: start developing games for you. Stop waiting for others to solve your gripes in life and do something about it if it's so bad.

I truely believe that if the majority of people are fine with games right now tech has absolutely zero reason to progress until the market demands it do so. There is nothing about high end graphics and technology that will make the majority of people more interested in games and people who won't give gaming a chance is literally what is holding the market back from growth. The PC exists and has its own ecosystem that can support tech and such which is fine but those pissed that consoles are holding back PC best understand that if a game as technically underwhelming as Black Ops or even more technically underwhelming a la New Super Mario Bros can sell million upon millions, I don't see what the rush is to want to push more and more technologically stunning games. The vast majority of people DO NOT care. Kirbby, Limbo, donkey Kong, De Blob, Madden, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Layton, Marvel vs Capcom 3, etc etc, games selling millions of untis without bleeding edge tech. I don't believe in tech as the answer to advance games, game design as a whole can grow without the need of the latest technology.

Well said. I agree 100%
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#162 godzillavskong
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[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]About as "ludicrous" as you only noticing insults directed at PC gamers and not at other groups.


I cannot take personal offense to absolutely everything said, no one can.

The insults directed at your own group are the ones that stand out the most, but that doesn't mean I only defend PC.

I don't mean to sound rude or like a complete jerk, but if you don't have that mentality then I didn't insult you, at least not intentionally. I didn't actually insult anybody. I just made a statement that there is a reason why people feel a certain way about PC gamers, and some of the people in the group give legitimacy to the feeling.

Yeah, I don't think all PC gamers are that way, probably a large amount aren't hating on console gamers, its just the few that come up here and post how the consoles are holding back, or hampering the advancement of gaming. Saying how they cause games to look worse on PC, when the console is primarily focused on. It may be true, but a lot of people are pretty happy with the way games look now, even on consoles, and just hate to hear that they are playing on a inferior machine.I'm happy for PC gamers and I wouldn't mind gaming on a PC eventually, it's just that I prefer consoles.
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#163 Raymundo_Manuel
Member since 2010 • 4641 Posts

Nope. I always go out of my way to stick it to fanboys and trolls, but as I said I rarely if ever see PC gamers criticize their own for snobbish behavior.


If only PC gamers were trolling then maybe you'd have a point.

PC gamers are right a lot of the time, however, a lot of console gamers seem to dislike what they say, so of course those PC gamers come off as snobs.

Many times I come across PC gamers having mature debates with others, and yet still get called elitist pricks.

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#164 godzillavskong
Member since 2007 • 7904 Posts

Obama-care! LOL

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#165 biggest_loser
Member since 2007 • 24508 Posts


Nope. I always go out of my way to stick it to fanboys and trolls, but as I said I rarely if ever see PC gamers criticize their own for snobbish behavior.


If only PC gamers were trolling then maybe you'd have a point.

PC gamers are right a lot of the time, however, a lot of console gamers seem to dislike what they say, so of course those PC gamers come off as snobs.

Many times I come across PC gamers having mature debates with others, and yet still get called elitist pricks.

But a lot of them aren't because they have this self-entitlement (boycott attempts etc) and a belief that gaming should remain in stasis. Like complaining that a game from 07 isn't exactly like one from 1999. A lot can't see that gaming has grown and a lot also believe that business equates to greed, which simply isn't true.
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#166 JonnyEarthquake
Member since 2007 • 770 Posts

Devs who abandon their artistic vision to cater tofratboys, COD-kiddies, greedy publishers and fanboys.

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#167 rzepak
Member since 2005 • 5758 Posts

Fanboys in terms of how games and gamers are perceived by others. Publishers are to blame for the quality of the games at launch and the quality or lack thereof of ports.

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#168 TheEroica  Moderator
Member since 2009 • 24579 Posts

Is it consoles? Casuals? Publishers? Devs? Outdated hardware? Gaming sites and zines? Fanbases?


The industry is in fantastic shape durring a very trying economic time... if you want to ask what holds it back FOR ME, well thats different. Id say its a mix of sequalizing over new ip mixed with poor desicions made by what we purchase. Please world stop making games like iron man platnum hits. I dont blame reviwers or magazines nor do i blame advertising. Dont own this hobby so i cant blame them for going after a dollar. I just hope every gamer has my taste in games so i get more of what i like....
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#169 monson21502
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nintendo with the wii and sony with the ps2

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#170 xXDrPainXx
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For me I think its the whole idea on streamlining games and taking those old game mechanics that have worked or creative ideas and just abandoning them to shove another FPS out the door.

I also think including myself and probably others who have been around since the early days of gaming are getting older of course and probably getting bored or burned out on games. Rarely do I get excited about new games anymore or I will just wait until they hit a sale price and pick it up.

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#171 SPYDER0416
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What are you talking about? The Industry is growing and is one of the biggest entertainment industries in the WORLD, if not, the number one. No one is holding it back... The direction, is a different question and you didn't ask that sooo, yea.ShadowDeathX

Definitely a perfect answer. The game industry if anything is moving forward, but fans of older archaic mechanics in games and elitists that play 90's games just won't get with the times. Even if you don't like popular games such as Modern Warfare or GTA, you can't deny the sales and influence these games have compared to a game like Half-Life which was considered amazing and revolutionary, but didn't have nearly the popularity and mainstream appeal modern games do.

So I'd say nothing is holding the industry back apart from stalwarts that refuse change and want to claim that gaming was in its prime when it was a sub culture of fanboys playing Quake and the rest of the world still hadn't grown to love gaming.

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#172 cainetao11
Member since 2006 • 38079 Posts

[QUOTE="ShadowDeathX"]What are you talking about? The Industry is growing and is one of the biggest entertainment industries in the WORLD, if not, the number one. No one is holding it back... The direction, is a different question and you didn't ask that sooo, yea.SPYDER0416

Definitely a perfect answer. The game industry if anything is moving forward, but fans of older archaic mechanics in games and elitists that play 90's games just won't get with the times. Even if you don't like popular games such as Modern Warfare or GTA, you can't deny the sales and influence these games have compared to a game like Half-Life which was considered amazing and revolutionary, but didn't have nearly the popularity and mainstream appeal modern games do.

So I'd say nothing is holding the industry back apart from stalwarts that refuse change and want to claim that gaming was in its prime when it was a sub culture of fanboys playing Quake and the rest of the world still hadn't grown to love gaming.

Equally perfect answer, imo.
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#173 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
The name "video game" doesn't help. Interactive medium is much better for the industry.
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#174 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts

The name "video game" doesn't help. Interactive medium is much better for the industry.LOXO7

Yeah, such a boring (and mostly meaningless) name is sure going to help (not really).

At least interactive entertainment fits, but "medium" is as generic and meaningless they come.

Not that it means anything, though, changing the name wouldn't make anything different.