As a pc gamer i must point my finger at consoles why ??
Consoles are so weak even the ngp is at ps3 level and mobile phones in 2013 will pass consoles in power. Devs want to make money so it is only natural that most games would be multiplat. You want your game to run on consoles 1st cause you know it will run on pc. As a result pc gamers get watered down games ported from console.
Still don't think so look what happened to the mighty crytek when they turned crysis 2 into a console game. Making games on 6 year old hardware and then porting them to pc holds games back. The game engines are there but devs can't use most of the features cause the game would not run on console. Console only gamers may think hey I am just bashing consoles but the hardware is way behind and that is a fact. How can games advance if the hardware is static ??
Why must they advance? From a dev's perspective the industry moving forward does include turning a profit. None of them are doing this pro bono, you know. Now I dont mean games should stay where they are forever, but what is the rush? They look beautiful, are a blast to play, and entertaining as they are now. Soon, believe me change is inevitable, you will get these advancements you seem to crave so badly. At that time will you be content with what you have? I somehow doubt it. Advice: start developing games for you. Stop waiting for others to solve your gripes in life and do something about it if it's so bad.I truely believe that if the majority of people are fine with games right now tech has absolutely zero reason to progress until the market demands it do so. There is nothing about high end graphics and technology that will make the majority of people more interested in games and people who won't give gaming a chance is literally what is holding the market back from growth. The PC exists and has its own ecosystem that can support tech and such which is fine but those pissed that consoles are holding back PC best understand that if a game as technically underwhelming as Black Ops or even more technically underwhelming a la New Super Mario Bros can sell million upon millions, I don't see what the rush is to want to push more and more technologically stunning games. The vast majority of people DO NOT care. Kirbby, Limbo, donkey Kong, De Blob, Madden, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Layton, Marvel vs Capcom 3, etc etc, games selling millions of untis without bleeding edge tech. I don't believe in tech as the answer to advance games, game design as a whole can grow without the need of the latest technology.
Well said. I agree 100%
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